As someone has decided to start a war with Israel, apparently, we should pay attention to the bigger picture.
In the first place, it is absolutely NOT clear to you and me (regardless of whether you are arrogant enough to think otherwise) who has (and why) started the attack on Israel.
Firstly, the media cannot be believed. I have already seen twitter posts accusing the Iranians and Palestinians of going house to house murdering whole families. One small problem, the images show IDF troops entering Palestinian homes from months back. So, accepting any mass media or even alternative media version of events is obviously a bad move, as should be obvious to anyone that has not been in a coma for the last decade and especially the last four years.
Secondly, the idea that Hezbollah, had 5,000 rockets to shoot across and thousands of troops ready, and paraglider commandos in force, all well-coordinated in absolute secrecy from Israel and their deep informants, is totally absurd.
Third, Iran is a problem for the US (((deep state))) that is closer to hand, and in their mind more easily “solvable” militarily, than China. So any excuse to go total hot war on Iran is good, and if it takes a few thousand Israeli casualties to get there, the pedovores in charge are hardly going to be struck by a sudden bout of conscience.
Fourth, all of this was predicted some 20 years ago by a Russian strategist the name of whom escapes me.
Fifth, the Jewish religion has certain conditions that must be met before their supposed messiah (the antichrist to the rest of us) shows up. Two of these conditions have already been met, the building of the third temple and/or consecrating of it, and the use of some red heifers without any imperfections as sacrifice. The last condition is a massive war in the region. Now, you might think this last item is all nonsense, but that’s not relevant. What’s relevant is that the people in charge believe it.
So… for my money, it’s WAY too early to know if the attack on Israel is legit or a false flag. What is certain is that it certainly takes the attention off Ukraine. Which probably means Zelensky is not long for this world. And I would assume it’s his masters that do the deed more than the Russians. I for one, if I was a Russian strategist, would pray Zelensky stays in power as long as possible. Where else am I going to find a gay cocaine dwarf that is so expertly draining the entire swamp of the West of money, weapons, and energy?
Then we must look at what else is going on.
And here, Putin’s most recent speech is important:
I have said this publicly to both our allies and partners. There was a moment when I simply suggested: perhaps we should also join NATO? But no, NATO does not need a country like ours. No. I want to know, what else do they need? We thought we became part of the crowd, got a foot in the door. What else were we supposed to do? There was no more ideological confrontation. What was the problem? I guess the problem was their geopolitical interests and arrogance towards others. Their self-aggrandisement was and is the problem.
We are compelled to respond to ever-increasing military and political pressure. I have said many times that it was not us who started the so-called “war in Ukraine.” On the contrary, we are trying to end it. It was not us who orchestrated a coup in Kiev in 2014 – a bloody and anti-constitutional coup. When [similar events] happen in other places, we immediately hear all the international media – mainly those subordinate to the Anglo-Saxon world, of course – this is unacceptable, this is impossible, this is anti-democratic. But the coup in Kiev was acceptable. They even cited the amount of money spent on this coup. Anything was suddenly acceptable.
At that time, Russia tried its best to support the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. We did not try to overthrow the government or intimidate the people in Crimea and Sevastopol, threatening them with ethnic cleansing in the Nazi spirit. It was not us who tried to force Donbass to obey by shelling and bombing. We did not threaten to kill anyone who wanted to speak their native language. Look, everyone here is an informed and educated person. It might be possible – excuse my ‘mauvais ton’ – to brainwash millions of people who perceive reality through the media. But you must know what was really going on: they have been bombing the place for nine years, shooting and using tanks. That was a war, a real war unleashed against Donbass. And no one counted the dead children in Donbass. No one cried for the dead in other countries, especially in the West.
This war, the one that the regime sitting in Kiev started with the vigorous and direct support from the West, has been going on for more than nine years, and Russia’s special military operation is aimed at stopping it. And it reminds us that unilateral steps, no matter who takes them, will inevitably prompt retaliation. As we know, every action has an equal opposite reaction. That is what any responsible state, every sovereign, independent and self-respecting country does.
Everyone realises that in an international system where arbitrariness reigns, where all decision-making is up to those who think they are exceptional, sinless and right, any country can be attacked simply because it is disliked by a hegemon, who has lost any sense of proportion – and I would add, any sense of reality.
Unfortunately, we have to admit that our counterparties in the West have lost their sense of reality and have crossed every line. They really should not have done this.
The Ukraine crisis is not a territorial conflict, and I want to make that clear. Russia is the world’s largest country in terms of land area, and we have no interest in conquering additional territory. We still have much to do to properly develop Siberia, Eastern Siberia, and the Russian Far East. This is not a territorial conflict and not an attempt to establish regional geopolitical balance. The issue is much broader and more fundamental and is about the principles underlying the new international order.
Read the whole thing here.
Putin is not saying anything particularly new in the extract above. Anyone who was not in the same ten year coma also knows that the Maidan of 2014 was specifically orchestrated by the (((same US deep state))) and indeed, (((Victoria Nuland))) that fat, evil cow, proudly announced that they had spent 5 billion dollars on NGOs to affect it. Not to mention her leaked phone call to the US Ambassador stating that (literally) she couldn’t give a fuck what the EU wanted, the next puppet president of Ukraine was already selected. And later, in fact put in place.
What is interesting is that Putin is finally explaining it directly in a language so clear that one hopes even the very brainwashed idiots he refers to, can maybe start to wake up.
In essence:
The way other states run their lives is none of our business. However, we see how the ruling elite in many of them are forcing societies to accept norms and rules that the people – or at least a significant number of people and even the majority in some countries – are unwilling to embrace. But they are still urged to do so, with the authorities continually inventing justifications for their actions, attributing growing internal problems to external causes, and fabricating or exaggerating non-existent threats.
And is Putin the aggressor he’s painted to be? Again, anyone not in a coma for the last decade has been impressed by the man’s restraint. He has warned and warned and politically, diplomatically, asked to please, please, please, stop your bullshit for almost 20 years. Certainly at least 15. And not only was he ignored, he was aggrieved and demonised.
And this is still his response.
To attain these goals, they try to replace international law with a “rules-based order,” whatever that means. It is not clear what rules these are and who invented them. It is just rubbish, but they are trying to plant this idea in the minds of millions of people. “You must live according to the rules.” What rules?
And actually, if I may, our Western “colleagues,” especially those from the United States, don’t just arbitrarily set these rules, they teach others how to follow them, and how others should behave overall. All of this is done and expressed in a blatantly ill-mannered and pushy way. This is another manifestation of colonial mentality. All the time we hear, “you must,” “you are obligated,” “we are seriously warning you.”
Who are you to do that? What right do you have to warn others? This is just amazing. Maybe those who say all this should get rid of their arrogance and stop behaving in such a way towards the global community that perfectly knows its objectives and interests, and should drop this colonial-era thinking? I want to tell them sometimes: wake up, this era has long gone and will never return.
I will say more: for centuries, such behavior led to the replication of one thing – big wars, with various ideological and quasi-moral justifications invented to justify these wars. Today this is especially dangerous. As you know, humankind has the means to easily destroy the whole planet, and ongoing mind manipulation, unbelievable in terms of scale, leads to losing a sense of reality. Clearly, a way out should be sought from this vicious circle. As I understand it, friends and colleagues, this is why you come here to address these vital issues at the Valdai Club venue.
In his place I would have lost patience long ago. After all he has demonstrated he has the nuclear submarines that can, and have, “appeared” quietly and politely within range of Washington DC and every major American city.
If he nuked Washington, New York and LA and then just said “quit now, or I’ll do the rest too” are we sure the death toll would not end there? And thus ultimately be less bloody? No one can say, but if you were a Russian who may have lost sons in the current (((deep state))) game of Ukraine, you might decide to take the chance.
Putin has kept a much cooler head and still is.
(Emphasis added by me)
I am confident that humanity is not moving towards fragmentation into rivaling segments, a new confrontation of blocs, whatever their motives, or a soulless universalism of a new globalisation. On the contrary, the world is on its way to a synergy of civilisation-states, large spaces, communities identifying as such.
At the same time, civilisation is not a universal construct, one for all – there is no such thing. Each civilisation is different, each is culturally self-sufficient, drawing on its own history and traditions for ideological principles and values. Respecting oneself naturally comes from respecting others, but it also implies respect from others. That is why a civilisation does not impose anything on anyone, but does not allow anything to be imposed on itself either. If everyone lives by this rule, we can live in harmonious coexistence and in creative interaction between everyone in international relations.
Putin’s Russia is the physical embodiment of something I and my family have lived for generations. It is the epitome of leave me alone and mind your own business and we’ll get along just fine no matter who you are. Try and fuck with me and mine and you better pray to your Gods.
No rational human being can possibly have a problem with this philosophy, which is why, throughout my life, I have had and made good friends with everything from Orthodox Jews and observant Muslims, to liberal Atheists and heretics like Jehova’s Witnesses.
And no, I am not some civnat boomer saying I don’t see colour or religion or nationality. I absolutely see it. And as long as you leave me alone and/or treat me with respect, I will always extend the same courtesy to you. And that includes not just my family, but also my town and my nation. Being as I too am a displaced person, being Venetian and the Most Serene Republic having been unjustly and illegally annexed by the forcibly united abomination that is Italy, by the two evil Freemasons of Garibaldi and Mazzini I understand very well, the plight of not just my people, but of other displaced persons. Which is why I have always understood the position of the Crimean and Donetsk and Luhansk Russians.
Furthermore, if some misunderstanding or disagreement occurs, I am always first ready to discuss it and find mutually acceptable solutions. However, if you cross certain lines, or don’t respect the agreements in place… well… then is when you find out that my polite and respectful approach was never there as a result of weakness, or to protect me.
It was there to protect you.
Because now you are in a war with someone that really grasps the concept in ways you don’t even imagine. It’s the classic: I’m not trapped in here with you. You are trapped in here with me.
And the (((US deep state))) is slowly finding out just what it means to be trapped in here with Russia.
New Developments
I expect that China would now be looking at Taiwan, but not aggressively. The Chinese are nothing if not patient. And the weaker and more stretched out the pedovores get, the more bloodless and civil the reunification of Taiwan will be. I expect it to be mostly bloodless, perhaps similar to the reunification of Hong Kong.
Iran may be dragged into a hot war imminently, regardless of whether they had anything to do with the attack on Israel or not. But if you’re gonna be blamed for a crime regardless of whether you did it or not, well, all bets are off then. This could become seriously bad very fast. Because tactically, if this is the case, nuking Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, gets rid of the problem in the immediate, but the ramifications would probably be global.
The Jewish diaspora in charge of the US (and most of the West) would pull out all the stops and it’s quite likely nukes would fly with abandon in quite a bit more than just the Middle East. So it’s definitely one to watch.
Turkey is in a unique position, with a Westernised and somewhat secular population that nevertheless is rooted in Islam and understands the injustices perpetrated on the Islamic world, both by the US directly, as well as by those using their people to produce Islamic invasions of Europe, which are all funded by (((Soros and colleagues))). Their direct rejection of the US is ideologically preferred by them but there are real and terrible consequences to that choice, as the recent HAARP induced Earthquake there has clearly shown. So, to me, they are a kind of canary in the coal-mine. The Turkish people are pretty brave and I am fairly sure they would choose separation from the US, but what their leaders will decide is less clear to me.
It seems that hot war in Europe is certainly a more distinct possibility. If Russia was smart about it (they are not as far as I can see) they would be providing some hints of supports and recognition, even if only diplomatic, to regions wanting independence for decades such as the Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Sicily and Sardinia in Italy. The Basque and the various Spanish Islands of Spain, the Irish in the UK, The French colonies around the world (though they have helped themselves quite brilliantly already) and so on.
And help these people even if only morally and from afar, to make a push for the reduction and eventual total removal of foreign influence.
Italy has some 150 US military bases. Why? Italian interests of the man in the street have absolutely fuck all to do with the interests of the pedophile assholes running shits-his-pants Biden. And never have.
Like it or not, the global mood is starting to sound a lot like:
Yankee, go home.
And in fairness to the honest citizens of that hive of freemasonry and foreign pedophiles, I think the average American too would be very happy with all of their military and interests coming home and leaving the rest of the world to do what they will.
So. It appears the vast majority of us is on the same side. Which begs the question, really…
Revolution when?
But… I fear much darker times still must come, before the man in the street is ready to grab a pitchfork and a torch, and burn out the parasites from the various government offices and buildings.
Some scattered thoughts and a tinfoil hat.
Hamas was birthed from The Muslim brotherhood, an organization funded and founded by the CIA/Mossad.
Are the CIA/Mossad actually separate orgs?
Gaza is near the mouth of the Suez canal.
Biden’s handlers are sending a carrier to the region.
The Abraham accords present a “normalisation” of diplomatic relations between Israel and the house of Saud.
House of Saud is allying(?) with China/Russia.
Jewish Elites want/need a safe haven during/after fall of American empire.
Casus belli for Lebensraum?
Tin foil hat: If rockets ever fall on Jerusalem, specifically on The Mosque of El-Aqsa, I’d take that as a sign for third temple ground work.
I need to make a point to follow you. You have popped up twice on Western Rifle Shooters and you work is very insightful. Thank you!
I’ve popped up more than a couple of times on there. But thanks.
This American would be very happy to end our military adventures and bases abroad and bring our people home to pursue their own interests. We should be taking our Forefathers advice and staying out of other peoples’ business while extending the hand of friendship. From what I see everyday and my conversations with people, we are very close to rising up and exterminating the globalist/WEF/pedo threat. To Klaus Schwab and Friends: YOU will own nothing and WE will be happy.
From your fingers to God’s will, my friend!
Very insightful, I see my own thoughts in this telling. I too have severe mistrust of EVERYTHING media produced and can believe that Israel would concoct a massive 9/11 style false flag to bring about the genocide of the Palestinians while inciting the Syrians and Iranians to engage at their most severe misfortune.
Truly the patience and stalwartness of Putin is incredible and I suspect Ukraine may have been a movement of pawns, a distraction to occupy his nation whilst the world crumbles into the hands of THE JEWS while a realignment of strategic global hegemony is created, The World (Jewry) vs. Russia?
Only time will tell… and even then maybe it will be hard to really know the truth. See also WWII.