Update: as suspected, the clip is from Friday the 3rd February, so not a response to the Earthquakes; which is not to say it was not —-possibly—- partly the cause of them.
And the person speaking is Soylu, minister of the interior.
The reason I didn’t say from where the clip was noted is precisely because there are bad actors producing fake information in order to twist a narrative. Your promulgating their nonsense makes your own future statements seem just as suspect and therefore, mostly get ignored by all going forward.
Integrity matters, so try to ensure, as best you can, that any information you pass on is verifiable. And if that’s not immediately possible, at least put a warning up about the info being suspect, as I did in the earlier version of this post.
On a side note.. i dont ever recall 2 months of continuous rain here in the philippines for the months of december and january. Crops are ruined. The rain only stopped say over a week ago when the enhanced defense cooperation with the u.s. was completed. So much for staying in neutral.
Yes. The weather has been weird here too. Seems designed to wreck crops here too with weird frost/sun/frost combos.