What most people don’t understand is that IQ tests have been done for a very long time, on huge numbers of people, and adjusted and regulated for all sorts of variables, like socio-economic groups, and so on. Like it or not, the g factor measured by IQ tests is undeniably real.
Regardless of what people with a chip on their shoulder like Taleb would like to pretend.
I expect analogous tables to be present between East Asians like the Japanese and Europeans
The interesting thing is not even the above undeniable facts.
The interesting thing is that no one is discussing what kind of social policies are best, and fairest for the largest number of people, to put in place.
If you think about the issue for a while, you should, in short order, come to the logical conclusion that homogenous ethnic nations are really the best option for all. In each nation the majority being of one type of ethnicity and race, the laws and rules will be made as those people best seem fit. And guests and visitors had best take heed.
The alternative, some globally imposed system of rules, would inevitably favour certain groups over others. If laws are to be followed by sensible, logical, Roman Law type principles, the outcome is certainly going to be fairer for more people than if Anglo-Saxon (common law) or worse, American Law is used, but there will still be a huge disparity between various groups.
Some of the problems are inevitable. I am personally all for individual exceptionalism, I see no reason why the outlier African that is better than most caucasians at something shouldn’t be allowed to perform certain tasks, but, since the law of averages states most people that look like him might not be best suited for that task, a natural prejudice will exist against him.
When I was in Japan, I certainly encountered “racism” against me for my being a dirty, stupid, lawless, round-eyed barbarian. Not because I behaved like one, but because all the dirty, stupid, lawless, round-eyed barbarians that looked similar to me did.
I reacted individually to it, but I never took it personally. I understood the poor Japanese guy in his shop.
I get it. I’m a nigger. But unluky for you, I’m not like the other niggers. So your extremely subtle prejudice against me will be replied to in kind.
Which probably only made the difference that I went from nigger to uppity-nigger. But that’s ok. Like a typical nigger, I was black, and I was proud.
The point is, life is not fair. This world is not fair. And if we reduce everything to secular “values” then your IQ and other intangibles of far less importance, become your value as a human being. A horrific mechanisation of humanity that is Hellish in nature and Satanic in operation.
On the other hand, a proper Catholic approach, would allow for the differences in a reasonable manner, taking each case individually, but with a commensurate response to protect the largest number of people. You do a violent crime, particularly against the physically weaker, you take a very severe punishment, including forced labour and the death penalty for certain crimes.
You don’t pass objective criteria to hold certain jobs, then it’s tough titties. And if that means we end up with all the best physicists and astronomers being lilly-white and the best 100m sprinters all coal-black, so be it.
But before we can have such a meritocracy, founded not in the negative aspects of pre-judging large groups, but rather, in seeking to give each man his dues in proportion to his talents and abilities, without loss of dignity in any case, we will likely require the second coming to have taken place.
Race and IQ
A lot of people are not going to like this, although it has been demonstrated by IQ tests for several decades, and I blogged about it some 13 years ago already.
What most people don’t understand is that IQ tests have been done for a very long time, on huge numbers of people, and adjusted and regulated for all sorts of variables, like socio-economic groups, and so on. Like it or not, the g factor measured by IQ tests is undeniably real.
Regardless of what people with a chip on their shoulder like Taleb would like to pretend.
The interesting thing is not even the above undeniable facts.
The interesting thing is that no one is discussing what kind of social policies are best, and fairest for the largest number of people, to put in place.
If you think about the issue for a while, you should, in short order, come to the logical conclusion that homogenous ethnic nations are really the best option for all. In each nation the majority being of one type of ethnicity and race, the laws and rules will be made as those people best seem fit. And guests and visitors had best take heed.
The alternative, some globally imposed system of rules, would inevitably favour certain groups over others. If laws are to be followed by sensible, logical, Roman Law type principles, the outcome is certainly going to be fairer for more people than if Anglo-Saxon (common law) or worse, American Law is used, but there will still be a huge disparity between various groups.
Some of the problems are inevitable. I am personally all for individual exceptionalism, I see no reason why the outlier African that is better than most caucasians at something shouldn’t be allowed to perform certain tasks, but, since the law of averages states most people that look like him might not be best suited for that task, a natural prejudice will exist against him.
When I was in Japan, I certainly encountered “racism” against me for my being a dirty, stupid, lawless, round-eyed barbarian. Not because I behaved like one, but because all the dirty, stupid, lawless, round-eyed barbarians that looked similar to me did.
I reacted individually to it, but I never took it personally. I understood the poor Japanese guy in his shop.
I get it. I’m a nigger. But unluky for you, I’m not like the other niggers. So your extremely subtle prejudice against me will be replied to in kind.
Which probably only made the difference that I went from nigger to uppity-nigger. But that’s ok. Like a typical nigger, I was black, and I was proud.
The point is, life is not fair. This world is not fair. And if we reduce everything to secular “values” then your IQ and other intangibles of far less importance, become your value as a human being. A horrific mechanisation of humanity that is Hellish in nature and Satanic in operation.
On the other hand, a proper Catholic approach, would allow for the differences in a reasonable manner, taking each case individually, but with a commensurate response to protect the largest number of people. You do a violent crime, particularly against the physically weaker, you take a very severe punishment, including forced labour and the death penalty for certain crimes.
You don’t pass objective criteria to hold certain jobs, then it’s tough titties. And if that means we end up with all the best physicists and astronomers being lilly-white and the best 100m sprinters all coal-black, so be it.
But before we can have such a meritocracy, founded not in the negative aspects of pre-judging large groups, but rather, in seeking to give each man his dues in proportion to his talents and abilities, without loss of dignity in any case, we will likely require the second coming to have taken place.
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