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Puppets Change, Puppetteers don’t

My post on the Trump Victory was met on Social Galactic and a few mails I got, by the usual band of retarded binary thinkers, that somehow read that I said Trump was part of the Deep State Swamp.

So, allow me to explain this using short words, short sentences and videos for the illiterate and comprehension impaired. Let’s start with a video

Are you getting it yet?

And to be clear, I did not say Trump is part of the swamp. Not that I am saying he definitely is not part of it either. The point is that Trump is NOT the God-Emperor everyone hoped he was.

Was Trump good in 2016? Yes, he definitely was better than any other President the USA had that I am aware of, and certainly in living memory, but he does not have the constitution to do what needs to be done. the 2020 election was stolen, ayone that can do math and isn’t a zombie knows this. And if you are president and you can definitely see you were robbed by the Deep state after 4 years of being in power two things, at a minimum can be said:

  1. You certainly did not drain the swamp in those 4 years (and we know this since some of his closest advisors were clearly enemies of Trump and of the American people and the world in general).
  2. You don’t have the required killer instinct to do what needs doing.

And the puppet masters who actually RULE and RUN the Swamp and therefore the entire West, have not changed or been disenfranchised in any meaningful way. Are you unaware that highly placed members of the Italian government have testified in court that the Dominion machines perpetrated the fraud for 2020 but also that generally there are some 55 countries around the world whose elections are being manipulated by the same swamp creatures that installed complete puppets like Shit-water in Canada (Turd-eau, from the French)?

Are you STILL unaware of the Bank of International Settlement is, who owns and runs it and what it actually does, can do, and does?

Are you still so absolutely brainwashed that you think you are going to vote your way out of this?

Voting matter precisely because of what I said in the Trump Wins post a couple of days ago: If the lesser evil wins, (or the in any case non Inquisition like candidate) it gives you more time to prepare and set things up. In the case of America, Trump is good for Americans, it kicks the inevitable collapse of that country down the road a bit, maybe even 4 years. But it’s bad for the rest of the World, because America is the originator of the most concentrated Satanic rubbish of anywhere on the planet, and the longer it lasts, the longer the Satanic grip on the West lasts. Not a surprise since it was a Freemason (Satanist) created country to begin with, and has been run by Freemasons on Freemason rules pretty much since the war of independence that was funded by Freemasons in France that ruined the French monarchy doing it laying the blame for the bankruptcy of the country at Louis and Antoniette’s necks. Literally.

So… I hope you get it.

Do I hope Trump cleans house this time around, driven by an Elon Musk that has also turned on his masters because of his Trannified son? Sure. Do I hope Trump learnt his lesson and gets rid of the pedovores running things and the Banksters at the Fed, the Fed itself and even the illegal income taxes? Sure. Will it happen?

Short of a literal miracle and multiple road to Damascus events happening to some key people in his administration, as well as Trump himself… Not a chance in hell.

And that’s all I’m saying.

Keep building your communities, keep preparing, and keep understanding that th baseline of everything is spiritual. You can’t build a long-lasting community if it is not founded on real spiritual realities. And only one of those has stood the test of time: Catholicism and today that is found only in Sedevacantist Catholicism, because the Novus Ordo version is just another iteration of Freemasonic Satanrty.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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