It has been the umpteenth verification of Professor Cipolla’s First Law of human stupidity, to see the reaction to the Trump “victory”.
Even supposedly erudite and intelligent Americans have been high-fiving electronically all over the internet and backslapping themselves on how great things will be. Even when they say they know it’s all huffing Hopium, they still do it.
Because they are brainwashed.
Look, I’m sorry to tell you, but this is how things stand:
- Pedovores and the Rothschilds and their kind (Soros, Gates, Bourla, etc) run things.
- Trump isn’t going to change that.
- America is a Freemason Country run from diaspora and actual Israelis.
- America is the greatest exporter of spiritual degeneracy and filth the planet has ever seen.
- Extremely evil and twisted people are at the top of things, particularly anyone originating from the World Economic Forum, which covers most of the Western politicians, and… quite a few of the Eastern ones too.
- Freemasons always play both sides of the coin to ensure their victory.
Or let me put it to you in picture format you may appreciate more.

and also:

There are literal little children being blow to bits and starved to death as well as dying of thirst by Israel and no one says anything about it at all.
In Italy a beekeper who has a honey stand at a local market had a sign that only said:
Stop Bombing Gaza. Stop War.
Someone complained and the Carabinieri asked him to remove the sign. He refused. they wrote him up for a 430 Euro fine. It was voided later, but you get the point.
Trump has been vociferously supportive of the mass-murderer and convicted criminal, by the International Criminal Court, Benji Netanyahu.
No one cares.
You can excuse it to yourself however you want, but the reality is it’s just like those adverts about starving Africans in the 1980s. You just switch the advert off and move on. And after all, what can you do about it beside vote for the lesser evil as it appears to you?
Well, you could build up a community of like-minded people. You could begin trying to become totally independent of FIAT money somehow. You could teach your children about the kind of hypocritical pond scum that floats to the top of most of politics. The lies you were told about almost all the history you have been taught in school.
Or you could continue sitting on your ever-expanding posterior and do nothing besides binge-watch TV and eat some plastic, flavoured as almost food. Sure. it’s your prerogative. You know what I find even dumber than that last option though?
Cheering on thinking Trump will save America.
He will not. But he may have given it another four years of breathing space.
If I were you I’d get busy on that “craaaaazzzyy” Idea only conspiracy theorists that have been right 30 years in a row have, of getting out of the city, building a community, stock up on ways to fend for yourself in terms of water, food, fuel and energy, and don’t forget the ammo for the weapons to ensure you can hold on to what’s yours or help one of those community guys you are friends with keep his.
I know, I know, my ideas are so far out there. Like telling people thirty years ago that every single phonically and email they sent was recorded. Or twenty years ago that their TV station was doing it too now. Or that antigravity technology has existed since WWII (built by Germans first), and also a lot longer before that. Or that there used to be an ocean on Mars, which there was, which means it couldn’t have had a 7 millibar atmosphere, which means it had to have a temperature that was higher than freezing, and that its geology tells us it had oxygen, and that giant face and nearby buildings, not to mention the now thousands of “strange” images that are also “touched up” before release, still also get through with anomalies, or the stuff on the Moon that has been going on since before 1969… oh but why bother. it’s just my crazy ideas right?
So go on and cheer Trump, or Kameltoe Harris, I mean, I know she failed at becoming president of the USA, but Bergoglio is getting on, maybe she can replace him as “Pope” of the “Catholic Church”.
I just have one question: If it’s all bullshit. If it’s all a pack of lies and we really are being run by pedovores and banisters (but I repeat myself). If things like the Bank of International Settlement really is some monstrous thing created by monstrous creatures, if the scam Werner von Braun told us about in the 1970s that has so far played out perfectly really is the playbook (asteroids next then fake alien invasion, though they seem to be skipping the asteroid threat right now) if I happen to be right about most of it… Then, my question is:
What are YOU going to do about it?
Are you depressed? Are you in denial?
Are you too scared and unused to thinking for yourself you have no idea WHAT to do?
Are you just going to carry on as normal, hoping everyone else will too, just like they do on Wall Street even though they all know it’s a giant Ponzi scheme and will crash eventually?
I’m just curious, stranger. Whatcha gonna do?
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here