If you have not seen this before, do yourself a favour, read it.
Increasingly, the stupidity of the average person is becoming so vast, so widespread, so glaringly obvious, that it is beginning to disturb the equilibrium I had found.
By about age 26 I had become absolutely aware that humanity was mostly composed of utter idiots. I learnt to more or less make my peace with that over time.
I was never able to do small talk even as a teenager, and that didn’t improve over time, but I had managed to try to find something that would allow me to speak with others for a few minutes in peace. Their origins, their views on some neutral topics, though even this was hard work at times since they often lacked the imagination to even reply to hypotheticals.
After the Covid nonsense though, it seems like all the idiots took stupidity steroids.
The large number of flat Earthers for example, or gravity and space deniers.
I am not talking about the faked Moon landings, because objectively, it is now pretty obvious that those passed as the official version were faked, and most people haven’t got a clue about antigravity machines and so on, so the fact that we were probably on the moon before 1969, is certainly not obvious to anyone that hasn’t gone down the rabbit holes I have. (See the Face on Mars for the non-fiction technology and my Overlords of Mars for the fictional scenario that uses real technology though).
The sheer stupidity of people who believe in the flat Earth is astonishing. Or that the official story of 9/11 is true. Or that Lee Harvey Oswald was the actual lone gunman. It’s just so astonishingly stupid. So obviously nonsense. Or that covid was a natural thing instead of a bio-engineered thing, and the related mutagenic serums with graphene in it are for your health and benefit, which they certainly are NOT.
It’s getting to the point where I am trying to explain what are really very basic and fundamental concepts of both relationship, family, community, objective reality, factual, verifiable, spiritual realities, and it feels a bit like trying to explain space travel to chimpanzees.
It is my hope that as the Kurganate grows, so does the number of sensible people on this blog.
If others have these sensations, then we should probably band together.
“Don’t worry about what other people think, they don’t”
Indeed. Although the not caring is of two different varieties.
`If others have these sensations, then we should probably band together.`
I felt that disturbance in the dirac sea too. Looks like the Italian Peninsula, perhaps Vatican City, shall be the site of The Gathering.
Vatican City would need cleansing of the incumbent pedophiles, exorcisms and resacralising every stone in it, given what the Novus Orco impostors have been up to in there.
“Increasingly, the stupidity of the average person is becoming so vast, so widespread, so glaringly obvious, that it is beginning to disturb the equilibrium I had found.”
100% on point. I wouldn’t have thought it possible but covid lowered the floor.
What floor? It’s all in a free-fall of nihilism, idiocy, repetitiveness, depression, lies and cope. It’s not like we reached a stable bottom yet.