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This is total speculation, and not to be taken as any sort of real prediction, just a possibility. But a well educated one.

Niger gets interfered with in some way by (((Americans))), or rather, their proxies, and Burkina Faso and Mali stand fast against whatever form this takes, probably through their puppets in Ecowas (Economic Community of West African States).

[Ecowas] is a regional trading bloc of 15 countries, including Nigeria, Senegal, Togo and Ghana, which had issued an ultimatum demanding generals relinquish power by midnight Sunday.

Following a crisis meeting on Friday, Ecowas commissioner for political affairs, peace and security Abdel-Fatau Musah said plans for an intervention had been “worked out,” which included “the how and when we are going to deploy the force.”

The reality however, is that whatever puppet states of the GAES (Global American Empire of Sodomites) may act against Niger, if they are African, I can predict with almost 100% certainty that the attacks will fail.

Oh there may be widespread death and mayhem, but France isn’t going to get its Uranium mines back.

Because that’s what this is mostly about. Over 90% of the uranium mined in Niger goes to France, which is one of the countries that depends on nuclear power for energy more than most in the world.

There are also other precious metals these three African countries have that could, potentially, create very wealthy countries and better the quality of life of the locals drastically.

Not without a bunch of white engineers, going there to make it happen, but mutually beneficial arrangements between Africans with vast natural resources and industrious European types with the IQ and know-how have been forged many times beforeZ usually only to the benefit of a few African leaders and a lot of Euro-white types that mostly will never even visit Africa. But… that may be about to change.

If those industrious whiteys happen to be Russian or Belarussian and if they are smart (they are) also demand that in addition to making themselves very wealthy the African warlords that run those three states also ensure the average Nigerian, Burkinese, or Malese gets to have electricity and indoor plumbing, they will be hailed as benevolent dictators for life.

The toothless Eurofag puppets of the (((American))) deepstate diaspora agency will not dare to intervene directly if and when Russia, Belorussia, Iran and Syria all say “hey… we are happy to help our black brothers get wealthier and have a better quality of life”.

Especially since Ukraine is now almost done with and China is the next pivot they will fail at. But if the “hello fellow white people” running the deepstate USA think that they will achieve success in Africa, they are 100% mistaken.

For a very simple reason.

EVERYTHING fails in Africa that has a “Western” origin.

In fact everything fails in Africa anyway. Because it’s Africa. And like it or not, Africans are gonna African. Which, while it may be “unthinkable”, horrible, tragic, as well as at times hilarious, is not always a bad thing.

You know the giant clusterfuck that was Somalia for the Americans? Everyone I knew at the time that was going on predicted it.

The difference with the Russians and the Chinese is that they understand that “progress” in Africa is of a different nature to what most Europeans or Americans would call progress.

Within the context of stabilising the region as a chess piece of some real importance that can be counted on the multi-polar world side, Africa is a big deal. Especially in the context of large chunks of the continent acting together. And they will. Now take a look at the below chart of Uranium supplied to France over the years.

Note the provenience.

Not exactly countries currently in a great relationship with the West.

Russia is more than self-sufficient with raw materials and has a good relationship with pretty much all of Asia and Africa and large sections of South America.

America has vast resources too, but Europe does not.

So the Russian, if they are smart (they are) and the Iranians and the Syrians (who are pissed at the (((USA))) AND their “greatest ally” since forever) are simply going to extend the strategy they have used in Ukraine to the global economy.

They bled Ukraine dry of weapons, ammunition and ability to trade in pretty much anything except be a giant funnel for money laundering.

Now they will take the longer game of starving Europe of raw materials for all that high end tech we love.

Food prices here in Italy have literally at LEAST doubled over the last 2 years. And the picture is not too different in UK and other European countries. A coffee from transgender pushing Costa Coffee is now £5.

That’s about 6 euros and lets you run your car for about 40km or so, which is more useful than the battery acid they sell as “coffee”.

The average man will keep tightening the belt until they can’t anymore. Then you will begin to see the (gentle at first) balkanisation of Europe. The EU will be de facto dead as various entities within it will stop following any of the supposed rules. Eventually governments will collapse and some other grifter will replace them, but in the cracks some independent movements will also arise.

For example, the Veneto region has been looking for independence and the return of The Most Serene Republic of Venice for some 20 years. They also gave official recognition to the Donbas region long before it was fashionable.

Golden Dawn in Greece and other “right wing” or supposedly “fascist” parties in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and so on are on the verge of being “outlawed” but will in essence become rallying points for what in effect will be simply Nationalist parties.

Greece for Greeks and so on.

How bloody it will get depends on how bad and quick the collapse of the USA will happen.

If civil war USA 2.0 broke out tomorrow, there would definitely be a push for people in Europe to shove the Americans and all their hundreds if military bases, including biolabs and nuclear bases, out of Europe.

But that’s not likely to happen very fast.

So, legitimate organisations, like the Venetians, the Basques, and so on, should keep legitimately applying for pressure and official recognition by making smart moves and even temporary but reversible compromises when required.

If it kicks off a bit in Africa, and China pushes back hard, and Kazakhstan and others decide to make importing of raw materials “difficult”, Europe is going to disintegrate pretty fast at a very practical level.

What is currently lacking are even remotely viable political alternatives. And any good ones are likely to suffer “accidents” as five or six African presidents did over a couple of years ago.

So… personally I hope real grassroots movement of real people begin and start everywhere around the world at all levels.

From a few families in a rural area to eventual veritable political alternatives based on sound national principles, because as I predicted back in 2013-2014, nationalism, city states and (actual) Christianity are going to be the foundation of anything good that possibly can arise from the ashes of the “great reset”.

Let the great reset be a total overhaul and riddance of the parasitic classes of “humans” that have always been the predators of humanity since time immemorial. They are enemies of all of the following, distinctly and individually, and also collectively:

  • Catholicism (Sedevacntism is the only valid Christianity)
  • The nuclear family composed of husband, wife and children
  • Beauty
  • Love
  • Truth
  • Justice
  • Honour
  • Fairness
  • Meritocracy
  • Charity

And they are for and promote:

  • Sexual degeneracy
  • Sexual deviance
  • Mental illness
  • Relativism (everyone has their own truth)
  • Wokeism
  • Victim-consciousness
  • Destruction of tradition
  • Destruction of history
  • Destruction of objective reality and truth
  • Lies of all kinds
  • Opinion as valid “reality”
  • Innumeracy
  • Illiteracy
  • Incompetence
  • Political ideology over practical reality
  • Communism
  • Hatred between different ethnic groups, races and religions
  • Diversity (since diversity + proximity = conflict)
  • War
  • Chaos
  • Financial collapse for the masses

So. Chose your moves carefully.

And create local communities.

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