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Pornography as Political Brainwashing

My understanding of the human mind and how it works, without any false modesty, is far beyond what even supposed experts in the field are aware of.

This is because of a fortuitous and rather unique blend of skills has come together in three aspects that all shed an incredible amount of insight into the human psyche individually, but when combined reach a level of synergistic understanding that is superior to any I have yet encountered in pretty much anyone else from doctors to hypnotists or therapists.

The blend is due to:

Martial arts – which reshapes your psyche through forcing your body to undergo various actions, and also allows your body to perform certain feats you may have thought impossible by adjusting your mental perspective.

Hypnosis Skill – in order to be a good hypnotist you really need to grasp mastery of various things, among which the use of language, empathy, observation, and various other perceptual modes of both receiving as well as transmitting information.

Research – having been a voracious reader since early childhood, I have consumed a lot of material in spheres of knowledge that while initially might seem unrelated, are in fact connective and synergistically linked to the understanding of the human mind. These topics include physics (and astronomy within it), neurology, (some emphasis on Asperger’s and autism), elements of genetics and more specifically the work of McCraty, Garajev and Aspden but also Burkhardt Heim and Kozyrev. Incidentally, on that basis, it’s why I don’t rate Chris Langan’s CTMU theory at all. It really says nothing new and couches it in neologisms for the purpose of obscurantism to look more “mysterious” or “difficult to understand because I’m so smart”.

Blending those three skills together has given me insights into how human minds work at both the individual as well as the general or group level that no one I am aware of has published yet. Though some have alluded to pieces of it here and there, in neurology works mostly, it seems none have combined all the parts I have as of yet. You can get a taste of it in this article on the mind I wrote a while back, but today I want to explain a phenomenon that is rather pervasive and to which honestly, no one has found a real answer, and it is this:

How pornography gets used to push various political agendas and what to do about it.

Explaining the first part is easy enough and most people should be able to follow the concepts I will mention here below, but no one has yet found an effective method to counter this sort of brainwashing. I may, however, have done so, which is what I will explain at the end, though it is first necessary to understand the issue of how pornography is being used to brainwash you properly, for the solution to it to work.

How it Works: Part I – The Neurology

In essence, any habit is the result of repetition and the formation of an imprint in your brainmap to one extent or other. The habit of using a fork in your left hand for example is a subtle one that will form over the years so that as an adult, if you’re right handed, you will generally use a fork with your left hand. And a certain level of brainmap will be formed to be predisposed to a certain degree to use the fork in your left when using both fork and knife. This type of behaviour forms gently over time and mostly as a result of almost entirely unconscious mechanisms rooted almost entirely on repetition.

Other habits however, can and do form with a different mechanism: fetishes.

A strong or very strong emotional event can result in the formation of a type of trauma that the mind the unconsciously seeks out for mostly one of two reasons:

An unconscious desire to repeat the trauma in such a way that it becomes “accepted” or “healed” in a way that is deemed “safe” by the unconscious, or, a semi-conscious desire to repeat the pleasure experienced by the emotionally significant event.

In the first instance is broadly speaking the reason as to why people who suffered a certain type of trauma as children from one or both of their primary caretakers or parents can go through life ending up in relationships with people that repeat that same traumatic pattern of behaviour to some degree or other.

In the second instance, you have the root of addiction and fetishising behaviour.

Every human being of normal neurology is wired this way, so your conscious dismissal of any of the above as not being applicable to you is only self-deception.

The best anyone can achieve is a conscious awareness of their brainmap patterns of their most habitual behaviours and a conscious adjusting of them towards behaviours that are generally positive or at least not destructive to self-or others.

Incidentally, this way in which the mind works is why sexual abuse of children is such a horrific trauma, that usually has some effects that last decades or even a whole lifetime. Sex and sexual urges, sexual emotions and their related intensity are so strong that usually the first sexual experiences immediately form what is known as a SEE: Significant Emotional Event.

The traumatic experience of a rape at a young age, prior to any normalised sexual experience, perhaps compounded by something like incest, causes a massive SEE in the victim, tied to extremely powerful aspects of the human condition, since sex is literally linked to our survival as a species, and as such is wired in well below any conscious aspects of our psyche.

This is why homosexual rape of children often leads to homosexual behaviour in the victim later in life, as well as an increased propensity for sexually molesting children, as statistics on this matter have consistently demonstrated around the world for many decades.

There is a reason that in Catholic dogma, regardless of your appreciation of the Christian religion or not, it is stated that the devil snares the most souls through “the sins of the flesh”.

The sexual impulse is literally driven by the most fundamental part of our brain, right down to whatever primeval, protozoic level of regression of humanity, or even life in general you assume might be at our origin. Every living organism has this instinct for procreation.

It is therefore a virtual certainty that if you can link certain types of behaviour to the sexual impulse, regardless of how twisted, there is a good chance that it becomes a compulsive activity on the part of the target.

How it Works: Part II – The Political element of it

It is unfortunately necessary to delve into some graphic explanations of how the fact that your neurology is hard-wired to the sexual impulse affects behaviour. A few examples can be used as a general way to explain the concept, but the list is essentially endless. We will be focusing on the political element of these subversive behaviours, so that the connection is easy to see.

Example 1: It has been demonstrated, even if not widely discussed that being subjected to sexual abuse consistently over time, can rewire your sexual preference. I have read personal stories as well as some clinical reports on the effects of rape on males within the prison system. particularly of repeated rape on a subject over the time of his incarceration. These men, usually due to being physically weaker, get used as sexual release by other inmates, usually forcibly and often with injuries. over time, since the rapes will happen regardless, these men acquiesce to reduce the physical damage they suffer. after months or years of this behaviour, even when they are released from prison, they often cannot have normal heterosexual relations anymore and they can only become aroused physically by being penetrated, sometimes exclusively by other men, all while still being in internal anguish about it.

Example 2: As various types of pornography get consumed, just as with all addictions, the necessary stimulus to get the relevant release of brain chemicals that make the addiction initially pleasant need to be increased as the body adapts to the original stimulus and requires higher doses of transgression to achieve the same chemical release of hormones that produce the pleasing effect. Over time, this will tend to lead people to increasingly extreme versions of pornography. Eventually, straightforward heterosexual coupling between a man and woman will not suffice and increasingly perverse mutations of the sex act will be indulged into. Eventually, even the heterosexual barrier may begin to be breached, until finally the target can only receive the same “high” only from increasingly disordered aspects of sex. While example 1 above is easier to understand given the very physical and “in the flesh” effects that are forced on someone, in a sense, the same is true of just viewing pornography too, as a person becomes increasingly desensitised and reaches for more intense transgressions. In order to stimulate the same effect of pleasure, their own imagination, out of control in the chase for ever stronger emotions, in order to provide the dopamine, serotonin and whatever other chemical in the brain causes the sought for pleasure sensation, effectively “brutalises” their own nervous system to the point that their imaginations will even begin to implant thoughts that normally or “in reality” or “in the flesh” such people would not normally have thought of ever doing. over time, however, this dependency can and often will, eventually lead down the path of beginning to “experiment” in reality to chase the imagined taboo that gives them the chemical hit their brain is addicted to.

Example 3: While the above examples are pretty direct and obvious, it is the subtler versions of the degeneration of sensitivity to pornographic imagery that is most pervasive. Just like using the fork with your left hand is something almost no one ever thinks about consciously as a formed habit, the constant exposure to half-naked and scantily clad women, all chasing the idealised supermodel look, will tend to reduce both men and women to normalising the look, and subsequently the behaviours that go along with the constantly propagandised issue of how “hot” people behave with each other at every opportunity they get. The normalisation of homosexual sex scenes in almost every film and series on Netflix for example means that when some of those intrusive thoughts from pornography over-use start to show up, they are already to some extent normalised in wider society. A walk on any beach in Italy in summer today, would have resulted in almost the entire female population of the beach to be arrested a mere 70 years ago. Many bathing costumes today leave really nothing to the imagination, and in so doing, degrade the “thrill” one might have got from simply kissing, or beginning to undress with a prospective romantic partner. The idea of a lifelong companion with which to raise children has already been replaced with the idea of a “hot” person that fulfils our sexual and financial and social desires, mostly also in terms of external validation rather than internal validation. In fact, the very concept of being an internally validated and motivated person is so taboo to the powers that wants to control humanity, that they are literally banning the very concept of it. This is why such terms as “toxic masculinity” were invented, and other words, like “Sigma” are currently being “banned” in schools. Since Sigma is the very definition of a man that ignores the pervasive social order in favour of his own ideas, ideals and aims. In other words, the epitome of a self-validated and motivated person, instead of one moulded by social expectations and social validation, which are external and far less under his ability to control.

Given the above examples and understanding of the related neurology, it now becomes easier to see how pornography in general is designed to reduce the ability of human beings to form nuclear families.

The primary instinct to procreate is perverted into a purely hedonistic and selfish act, discarding the original nature-driven imperative fo the continuation of the species to pair-bond for life and raise multiple children. In that regard then, we can even identify specific “branches” of this agenda, in everything from “normal” TV shows and adverts, all the way to the type of pornography that is being produced and provided for free around the world. A short bullet-point list should suffice.

  • Increasing Homosexuality – Reducing resistance to unnatural sexual activity
  • Increasing group sex pornography – Reducing modesty at all levels. Allowing sex to become an almost public activity.
  • Increasing interracial sex pornography – Activating a certain element of the taboo that is exciting on the one hand, because at an instinctual level our biology responds to this from the evolutionary perspective of “an other” being interacted with in a way that biologically has been “forbidden” for most of the tribal existence of human beings, while being normalised on the other hand in everyday social aspect, since any kind of racism or perception of it is considered unacceptable today. The net effect is also of creating a “blended” people that have no real solid connection to any ancestral history, and who absent this are also more easily driven to accept current social narratives.
  • Increasing pornography in general – Reduces resistance to sexual immorality in general
  • Increasing pornography of multiple men with one woman and/or the storyline of adulterous women copulating with men outside of their marriage or primary relationship – Reduces the general resistance by women to behave in such ways, and in men against accepting such behaviour from women. Leading to swinging, cuckoldry and so on, which of course, reduce the viability of nuclear families.

The Effects

In a concise format, the effect tis ultimately one of reducing the very bedrock of functional societies: The traditional nuclear family where the man and woman stay together for their entire lives and work through whatever marital difficulties, regardless of their nature.

The fact is that even if a person might be peripherally aware of these issues, if they are addicted to these various forms of pornography, it is likely that they will affect their actual trajectory in life. Making them that much less likely to form functional and stable nuclear families.

The Solution

There are various ways in which people, young men in particular, have or are trying to overcome these issues. I have probably been contacted for help in this area by young men, usually through a combination of hypnosis and conversation more than any other issue. Which should speak volumes since in general, more or less normally heterosexual men are extremely resistant to wanting to discus the topic of masturbation with other men. And yet, enough of them feel this is an issue that is important —even if they are not necessarily aware of all the details I may have identified in this post— that they overcome this sense of shame and guilt, enough to get in touch and try reach a healthier state of mind.

Hypnosis and discussing the issue and the triggers of it can be helpful of course. Other methods like forced aversion therapy and so on, tend to often not be as useful and in fact can lead to other issues, some making the situation worse than the original problem.

In my opinion, the solution ultimately comes from the usual source: a very deep sense of self-knowledge, rooted in what we really are, and also what we really are committed to becoming. That alone, however, relies primarily on the conscious willpower of an individual, and this aspect of life has been one of the main targets for destruction by the people of the Lie for millennia, but at a pace that is like achieving faster than light travel in the last 70 years or so.

What I have found helps most of all is a full realisation that your specific addiction, is not exclusively your own doing. Of course, you certainly made the decisions and took the misguided actions that led you to whatever level of addiction, disordered sexuality or damaged ability to pair-bond for life you are at, but… it was a trap laid out for you.

It is an intentional and conscious plan to affect you that way. To make you the slave of whatever sexual gratification and consequential ability to be a proper father (or mother, as the case may be) and husband (or wife) for life.

The specific traps laid out for men in this regard (generally more visual and direct) differ from the ones laid out for women (generally subtler and not directly obviously linked to sex), but make no mistake that the objective is the total destruction of the nuclear family and the stable society composed of nuclear families achieves.

And specifically, the thing that is aimed at being destroyed most of all is the European style nuclear family that was made the primary constituent of society by the Catholic Church.

You may not like it, but it remains a fact that only the Catholic Church made it clear that marriage was for life, divorce never an option, and the purpose of it was the creation of children, and therefore the very concept of contraception was an abomination, to say nothing of the mass murder that we have today as a result of abortion.

Hopefully, as a result of this post you may now be not just somewhat aware of the fact that these traps are created for you on purpose, but you might finally have begun to become laser-focused on the reality of this agenda.

As to WHY there is such an agenda, and by WHOM it is put in place, that is a topic we will need to address in a future post in a generic sense, and in several subsequent posts in the more detailed version.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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