Poll to See How Men See Pedos

I have a theory concerning “democracy” and this is a small test, the results of which I will provide in a follow up post.

The questions below are exclusively for men (sorry ladies, I will be sure to do a poll just for women afterwards) and ideally you guys will help spread this survey around, because to a certain extent, the people who read here are a self-selecting group, so I hope coldfury.com, Western Rifle Shooters Association, Synlogos and many others will help put this on Facebook, or wherever you have a presence. You can just use the share button at the bottom and say something noncommittal such as: Guys what do you think of this poll?

Please know that: Polls are completely anonymous, I have no way to track them or identify anyone who answers. Your honesty and help in getting as many people to vote here is much appreciated. this is just a social experiment I am doing out of curiosity and to test my own theories.

Thanks for your help. If you take the poll, please answer all 3 questions below.

Do you have children?

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Assume a man is unquestionably guilty of violating a child of say age 9 or less, amongst the option below, which would you pick to become a global law?

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Would the punishment you would prescribe for someone else's child be the same as the one you would prescribe if your own child was the victim?

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10 Responses to “Poll to See How Men See Pedos”

  1. weredragon says:

    Even the last option doesn’t go quite far enough. Burning at the stake with Mandatory viewing by all. Adults, and at parents discretion any children that are victims of sexual abuse, so they KNOW how society punished their assailants.

  2. Dude says:

    My reason for choosing a quick death is that the death penalty is often needed and just, but death by torture or slow methods is as corrupting of the judge as the one judged. In other words, when killing is necessary, by all means kill, but make it swift and clean.

  3. Donald Wheeler says:

    Note – I would prescribe the same penalty for woman violating or killing children as well

  4. Teleros says:

    Public burning, with viewers getting to bid to light the fire. Money raised can go to any surviving victims.

    You’d raise a lot.

  5. […] early days as it was only up yesterday, but the initial replies certainly seem to back up my theory, which is simply this: Most normal men […]

  6. DougK says:

    My actual preference for method of execution would be public castration (with a serrated knife). Then iff he doesn’t bleed out in one hour, slit his throat with the same knife as a coup de grace.

  7. Tarcisius says:

    Public burning at the stake, with mandatory viewing by all adults. Parents, including the parents of the victims, to determine whether any of their children should also view the event.

    The public “torture”, while indeed being a just and fair and charitable punishment for the offender, would also serve as a major deterrent for those who are similarly tempted. In that case, it is additionally charitable for keeping woud-be offenders from falling into the same sin and victimizing other innocent children.

    I don’t agree that this arrangement would potentially corrupt the judge. It ought to be the prescribed punishment in all such cases.

  8. […] I guess I know which way he would have voted in the poll. […]

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