So… I have been saying for some time now that while the Trump Admin is a great improvement on anything Kameltoe Harridan would have done, it is my considered option that the whole thing is just a switch from left-liberal Jews running things to right-orthodox Jews running things.
In other words, if you are a gentile, the enslavening and impoverishment, will continue. Slowed down perhaps or at least muted for some and accelerated for others (the lefties this time).
It’s the old switcher they have been playing for 5,000 years that everyone except the Roman first and the Catholics after have kept falling for, for the entire period.
I have been explaining this ad nauseam to anyone that will listen that there is no right and left. There is only Freemasons and Jews and both lead to the same thing, because:
And the edge of it too, to be safe.
Now… does this make me a blackpilled nihilist and merchant of despair? No. Not at all. Trump certainly gives American a bit more wiggle room and even us Europeans, though we still need to see where woplandia will fall on. As usual my nominal countrymen are masters of indecision and will no doubt pick the “winning” side, which is why I am hopeful that they might well go along with Trump, especially on stopping immigration to the country. HOWEVER, even more important for me would be the getting rid of ALL US military bases on Italian soil. Every single one. And if they kiss Trump’s ass that will not happen.
Leave Italy to sink or swim and there may be a chance that the next corrupt, lying, conniving, SOB that comes to power MIGHT, just return us to some modicum of sovereignty simply because otherwise they will not be able to collect a large enough paycheque and under the counter envelopes and favours. But that is wishful thinking. As long as Italy remains in the EU we’ll have problems.
But back to the USA.
Here is one guy who so far I have seen criticised a lot… but… never seen him actually back down yet. I don’t know him personally and I have not followed him all that much aside from on Gab which I hardly use anymore for the last year or two. Yet… he seems to be the only one saying the quiet parts out loud. Watch his little Video. it’s quite telling, and here is the post it is attached to.

More interesting perhaps is the New Media. Which is exactly the same as the old Media, in case you hadn’t noticed.

So, what we have, is the White House using the “alternative media” to “spread the word” about the “Most Transparent Administration in History”. You know, just one of those little non-scripted phrases everyone that is on the payroll will suddenly start using spontaneously along with all the other bullet-points they have to hit.

I have never even registered Libsof TikTok on my radar, but I did unwittingly meet Chernovich briefly in Paris for a gamerGate meet up and to say I was immediately underwhelmed is to put it mildly. As it turns out, on his blog he also had a post about him blowing a Tranny in Thailand or Malaysia or wherever he was. When it came to light he then suddenly said it was a guest post (though nothing had ever indicated this before) and he apparently gets his money from Alimony he got in a divorce settlement from his far more successful ex-wife. None of that is necessarily really relevant of course. I mean, it’s definitely not my cup of tea, nor a guy I would care to associate with or spend any time with, and judging by his reaction to me in Paris, I think he would rather be anywhere else other than anywhere near me too. I was at the bar ordering a drink and he came up, buzzed and told me something along the lines of “Oh, so you came to hear my speech huh?” To which, my genuine response, without any inflection was to merely turn to look at him and say “I’m sorry but I have absolutely no idea who you are.”
At that he mumbled something and scuttled off in a hurry. I found it odd and a little funny.
Again, none of this is really relevant, what I did find relevant is that Lispy Chernovich tried to take credit for “having the Epstein Files released.” Alongside Alan Dershowitz. Now, in case you didn’t know, Dershowitz was the same jewish lawyer who defended (and got off) OJ Simpson, in what was pretty clearly a murder trial in which OJ managed to NOT get convicted, but he usual miracles of the US Justice system. He was also the lawyer for Epstein and is implicated in at least one if not several of Epstein victims naming him as a perpetrator of rape/molestation. That is, it is alleged he partook in the same crimes as his client. And of course he was on the Lolita Express too. So what was Dershowitz trying to do? He was trying to STOP the Epstein client list from getting out. And Chernovich was helping him do that. When this did not quite work out, Chernovich tried his usual stunt of jumping in front of whatever bandwagon is going and tried to take credit for “releasing the files” when he had been involved in doing precisely the opposite. That, from memory, is what the legal documents that were publicly available at the time showed to the best of my recollection anyway. And I was far from the only one that knew this.
Just like Milo is a fake Catholic, works with he Fed and is a Freemason, so Chernovich is a manufactured “influencer” that has now been given the task to “influence” accordingly.
But let’s not forget that as Mister Stew Peters said, the murder of JFK, the ENTIRE Epstein pedophile situation and ring, and financing, and blackmail circus was and is and remains a total Mossad op. The “ex” head of Mossad visited Epstein regularly in the USA. This is not exactly rocket science. And each one of those “influencers” in a pro-Israel zionist.
But in any case we don’t have to wonder about this at all. Trump recently re-welcomed Net-a-Yahoo, the mass-murdering, false-flag approving leader of Israel, and praised him for the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians and the total eradication of Gaza by making sure the Israelis now have even bigger bombs, supplied courtesy of Uncle Sam to make the rubble bounce even higher.
And the point here is not whether I am a fan of Hamas or even Palestinians in general. The point is I am not in favour of bombing indiscriminately a bunch of women, children, hospitals and schools and killing completely innocent kids. Genocide is genocide is genocide. I really don’t like the Jews and their ways either, but if they were being actually genocided like the Palestinians are now, I would not be for it either.
There is a very simple way to know if a person has:
A) realised how the world works and who runs it, and
B) is going to be honest about it.
If they know who owns, caused, or runs the following:
- The Bank of International Settlement
- The IMF (see 1.)
- The Central Banks of countries around the world (see 1.)
- The Federal Reserve (see 1)
- The Bilderberger Group
- The World Economic Forum
- 9/11
- The Oklahoma City Bombing
- The Franklin Scandal
- The Assassination of the Kennedys
- The Clinton Foundation and the pile of bodies racked up by the Clintons
- The Child Trafficking links, networks and connections to the Vatican, Ukraine and the Clintons
- The attack on the USS Liberty
- The October 7th Green Flag and the Israeli forces shooting of their own people
And they don’t say who actually caused, runs or owns the above things, well… then they are not honest are they?
You see, there are really only two types of people on this planet. Those who LOVE the Truth above pretty much everything else, and those who do not.
And there really cannot be any kind of truce or compromise between them, can there?
So… while I urge you to absolutely take this opportunity to prepare further, deeper and harder, my advice remains the same:
Get out of cities, go rural, and build communities of like minded people, with the aim to become self-sufficient to the point that you can make do WITHOUT even FIAT money. It is the way they enslaved the world. you will live or die if you have enough or not enough money, but the entire thing is a fiction created out of thin air.
If you produce your own food, clean water, energy and have the means to defend it, you can then rebuild a world in which nepotism, injustice, lies and deception, are punished, instead of rewarded as they are now.
If you need some pointers , practical or foundational , that’s what I am here for.
And I’m not even charging a fee. So please either subscribe to the Substack, buy some of my books , or otherwise spread the word of this and the original blog too to family and friends. And thanks if you do.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here