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Play the Boomer Game

Vox Posted his wife’s response to this article about the 17 things Boomers consider positive things they have given the world. I think we should all copy the list and make our own observations! It’s a fun game that highlights just how deluded they are. Unlike Spacebunny, my answers are likely to be longer. Because beating the ghosts of dead horses is what I do here. Also, you might think I am joking in some of my replies. I am not. the replies might be funny, but this does not mean they are not my honest opinion.

The baby boomer generation—the 76.4 million of us born between 1946 and 1964—don’t always get the respect we deserve.

Because mostly, you don’t deserve any.

We made driving safer.

Though seat belts were invented all the way back in 1885, most baby boomers remember youths in which nobody wore them. 

As the baroque wallpaper of my very own blog that you are on right now indicates, as well as my thoughts on the matter in general, the late 1800s was actually probably the pinnacle of actual scientific investigation. It was a time when Catholics were still Catholics, where science was still relatively honest, and where people like Tesla, even if robbed and cheated at every turn, still managed to change the world. So. You think even though they invented them, the fact they did not make them mandatory to have nor wear is an error? An oversight? No, you miserable cretin. It was precisely what it was intended to do: A way for the more daring to try and ensure survival for their sin of chasing the adrenaline rush, or to feel safer against those who thought they could chase it but were not as competent as they thought, or… or not. And for the rest, it was Darwinian selection. The too slow, the too foolish, and the occasional unlucky, would not get to reproduce. It was natural selection at its finest.

We immortalized road trips and travel in general.

nothing makes us more nostalgic than the memory of dad studying a Rand McNally atlas—to road trip poets like Jack Kerouac, we were the first generation to prove that it really was the journey, not the destination.

Uh… your own post makes it clear you did not. your father’s generation did. You did not. The Silent and WWII generation did that. The “road trips” of that gay, hedonistic, drug-addled kind that hung out with Jack Kerouac, (who wasn’t a boomer either) and that were “written about” was the hallucinations of the melted brains of the generation before yours. And then you took it on as though it was yours. And produced only more incoherent wandering by drug addled brains that mostly complained that wherever you went, they didn’t do things like you had them back home. The real beauty of travel and adventure was done —you guessed it— in the late 1800s and early 1900s when dirigibles flew the air and then in the WW years, before you were born in 1946. When a trip in a plane was an adventure, as was one in a boat. Where Shanghai was exotic as was the Amazon, and when men carried rifles and handguns pretty much all the time when making such trips. Later, in the 90s, Gen X took to discovering the world just for the sake of it far more than the Boomers ever did. And without using it as a point-score-keeping mechanism with the neighbours either.

We pioneered rock ‘n’ roll.

Rock pioneers like Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry weren’t technically boomers,

That’s right they were not. So you did not. Neither was Jerry Lee Lewis. What you brought the world was the fucking Beatles, for God’s sake. And goddamned Hotel California. And for that you deserve a lower pit of Hell.

We invented the internet.

No. You did not. Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet. Vinton was born in 143 and Bob in 1938. What you did (and do) very well though is try to take credit for anything even remotely or potentially good, and pretend the bad you did just sort of “happened”.

We created personal computers.

We ushered in the era of screen time.
You think millennials are addicted to their phones? Ha, boomers invented screen addiction! During our youth, we were hypnotized by everything that popped up on the small screen, making us feel more connected with the outside world. According to Newsweek, it’s estimated that boomers watched an average of  12,000 hours of TV before they turned 16 years old.

The fact you think this is an accomplishment shows just how utterly detached from reality you are. There was a reason that every night you morons had to have an advert come on TV to tell you that it’s ten o’clock, do you even know where your children are? And it’s because you were abysmal parents in the main. I agree that Millennials are almost as vapid as you were, though.

We launched Saturday Night Live.
When Saturday Night Live premiered in 1975—starring comedy legends (and boomers) like John BelushiBill Murray, and Gilda Radner—it was the hippest thing on TV.

I’m just leaving this here for those Zoomers who can’t believe you’re so self-involved, egomaniacal and out of touch that you would actually write this. Yes, little Zyklon friends, they really are. And they always were.

We turned movies into cultural events.

And it wasn’t just a fun weekend diversion, either; movies like Jaws and Star Wars became true cultural events.

Look up the word culture. Now explain to me what cultural progress was made as a result of jaws or Star Wars. Go on. I’ll wait.

We took volunteering to new heights.
When President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps in 1961, creating opportunities for everyday U.S. citizens to go overseas and help “break the bonds of mass misery,” thousands of letters “poured into Washington from young Americans hoping to volunteer,” 

You’re clearly too stupid to understand that was the geopolitical move to infect the rest of the planet with your toxic version of Americanism, and had nothing to do with helping the poor masses, but rather with influencing and corrupting everyone from the governments of those countries to the young people in them and make them all become twisted copies of yourselves, with outsized greed for material wealth and even more deludedly: fame.

We stood up for LGBTQIA+ rights.
For this alone they deserve the pillow that’s coming.

I can only second Spacebunny’s statement above. You are the beasts for which we now have tranny story hour and an absolute pedophile fest infesting everything from the top government officials to the now freemasons Vatican. And yes, there absolutely IS a link between sexual deviance and sexual child abuse, in both directions. Because math is not an opinion.

We fought for gender equality.
See above – world changing in the worst way.

Again, seconded. Especially true about it being world-changing in the worst way, given the end results of feminism are essentially misery for women even more than for men, as some of the women that have +1SD IQs are figuring out ahead of their slower sisters.

We protested war.
“Legally avoiding the draft was a rational, morally defensible rebuke to the government’s hypocritical way of making war.”

As per your own comment, you actually did NOTHING. In fact you participated and took part in the war. Legally avoiding the draft is certainly not the mark of a revolutionary. Or one that has affected any actual change whatsoever. You just made a bunch of noise as an excuse to slack off and smoke more dope and share your wives and have divorces and on, and on, and on.

We kickstarted environmental activism.
People like to criticize boomers for not doing enough, and it’s true, we could’ve taken bigger strides to save the planet.

Well, you could have gassed yourselves in large numbers I suppose, but that was not likely given the narcissism. And no, it would not have made much difference to the Ten X numbers, you aborted us at record numbers anyway.

But we absolutely cared. We were the first generation to come out in full force, demanding we stop polluting the world. And there’s science to prove it: A 2012 study out of San Diego State University found that boomers in their youth were considerably more committed to environmental activism than Gen Xers or millennials.

Zoomers, please note. Studies show they “made more noise”. Not actually changed anything at all. In fact, they have been the most consistent users of things like strip-mining, deforestation and unsustainable methods of fishing, hunting and farming that has ever been seen on this entire planet.

We made waves in forensic analysis.
Boomers lived in a world where serial killers like Ted BundyRichard Ramirez, and John Wayne Gacy were a horrifying reality.

Translation: Boomers produced the first generation of large scale serial killers ever. So they also tried to find a way to figure out who the serial killers among them were.

We ended the Cold War.
Absolute lie. Boomers perpetrated and kept that shit going long past due. And anyway, the “collapse” of the “Cold War” was pre-ordained, as Werner Von Braun, (also not a boomer and head of the Apollo programme) explained in some detail and as was explained in even more detail by the lady he worked with and explained it to, when she testified before congress (Carol Rosin).

We reduced the stigma around divorce.
For this alone they deserve the pillow that’s coming. World changing in the worst way.

Again, Spacebunny said it all.

We increased life expectancy.
Life expectancy is actually falling, but Boomers don’t care about facts.

And again.

So yeah… one out of 17. About par for the course for Boomers.

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