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Perseverance Pays

As the joke goes, unless it’s parachuting.

The point here is that you should always keep three things in mind when finding “your next guru”:

  • Every man errs. Everyone. So not everything they say will necessarily be correct or apply to you specifically. That said, this is also the excuse of every lazy person for not taking and following sound advice.
  • Check the level of honesty. Historical and present. Misunderstanding and erroneous interpretations are also a thing, so check with due care.
  • Someone who has truly succeeded at something, rarely achieves it without multiple failures. The advice of a wealthy daddy’s boy who never had to struggle to worry about where his next meal came from, is not going to be as relevant as the guy born in poverty who struggled through things to get to where he is, is likely more relevant. But keep in mind that no billionaire is clean or a good guy. None. Low millionaire? Maybe. Possible. Ultra-rich, especially if not from multi-generational wealth, but rather “self-made”, no chance.

Of course, common sense should always reign.

Would I take financial advice from the wolf of wall-street guy? No.

Would I take advice from a theoretical Nikola Tesla on technology? Yes.

A Ranulph Fiennes on organising an exploration trip? Definitely.

A random doctor about anything? Not on your life.

And so it goes.

In short, that guy who failed a few times then got it right and has achieved things that are definitely out of the ordinary? Listen to him. Then always make up your own mind, so the error is, and remains, yours.

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