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On that AI and Children

Recently in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy, the cases of “dyslexia” went from 157 in 2012/2013 to 1675 in 2020/2021. And once your child is diagnosed with this “dyslexia” then automatic “provisions” kick in. What are aome of those “helpful provisions”?

This message is from a schoolteacher from a telegram channel I follow in Italy (translated below):

Ve lo spiego subito perché l’ho capito proprio pochi giorni fa. Sono un’insegnante di scuola media e ho ricevuto un invito a questo corso on line:

Gentile Paola Fontanella,

Algor Education è una piattaforma online, basata sull’Intelligenza Artificiale, che permette di creare in automatico mappe concettuali e riassunti a partire da testi, audio e foto, facilitando l’apprendimento di tutti e, in particolare, di studenti e studentesse con BES o DSA.

In questo webinar scopriremo tutte le funzionalità e i vantaggi della piattaforma grazie a Mauro Musarra, CEO di Algor, e al team Academy.

Sono andata a vedere il sito di algor….e ho scoperto che tra i sostenitori ci sono


Banca intesa


Corriere della sera

Tra i loro partner

Associazione italiana dislessia…

Provate e vedrete con i vostri occhi

Più dislessici ci sono più ragazzi si appoggeranno a questa piattaforma


Let me explain it to you, as I understood it only a few days ago. I’m a teacher in middle school and I received this invitation to an online course:

Dear Paola Fontanella,

Algor Education is an online platform based on Artificial Intelligence, which permits the creation of automatic conceptual maps and summaries starting from texts, audio and photos, facilitating the learning process for all and, in particular, of students with BES or DSA.

In this webinar we will discover all the functionalities and advantages of the platform thanks to Mauro Musarra, CEO of Algor, and of team Academy.

I went to see the Algor site … and I discovered that among the sponsors are:

Banca intesa
Corriere della sera

And their partners:

Italian Dyslexia Association

Try and go see with your own eyes.

More dyslexics there are, the more children will rely on this platform.


Remember how it’s been years now that any AI actually permitted to “learn” without obstructions becomes, within a very short period of time, all sorts of bigot, racist, white supremacist, homophobe?

That’s because unfiltered reality demonstrates quickly and easily that there are vast and real, objective differences between, to take a few examples:

  • A black African villager and a Japanese executive.
  • Genetics of various ethnic groups.
  • IQ of various ethnic groups.
  • Heterosexual traditional families and homosexual supposed analogues.
  • The technological achievements of various ethnic groups compared with others.
  • Difference in cultural practices of various groups and consequences of same on society at large.
  • Differences in life outcomes for various sexual deviant practices.

And on and on and on.

And how every time they let AI learn unfettered from the real world they invariably have to shut it down because it doesn’t follow the false narrative of equality, diversity, feminism and the rest of homoglobo lies?

And remember how all the AI now are “sanitised” so that the exact same question will spit out vastly different answers, for example demonising white, heterosexual people and couple when compared to people and couples of other ethnicities, or how the answer differs considerably if you replace certain word with others, like say using the word “Jews” instead of say “Christians” in various questions.

But beyond this narrative there is the equally crippling effect of making children functionally illiterate. They will not be able to read a paper book on their own. And eventually, not even road signs and shop signs as their AI driven cars and VR glasses do it for them.

The plan is always the same, make you as fat, unhealthy, unable to know objective reality exists, unable to use basic logic, math and reason, as possible, all while they herd you into smaller and smaller pens and harvest your labour and efforts and ultimately your very children and existence.

Homeschool, get land, and build communities of “zealots” that can still use math —even though it’s supposedly “racist” now— use logic, are able to grow their own food and build their own way of life free of clown world.

Remember that they want you stupid and afraid, because they are in reality quite weak.

Ignore their spells and create reality based communities. Russia is an example of this. Because they built up their own industry and capabilities from 2008 to the present, when globohomo tried to squeeze them into destruction with biolabs, NATO on their doorstep and so on, Russia could push back, and when globohomo tried to cancel them as a whole they were perfectly fine and their economy only strengthened.

It doesn’t matter what your ideology is. Put yourself in a position able to defend it regardless of outside pressure from freaks that represent less than 2-3% of humanity in the worst of cases.

Uganda is another case in point.

So, if you want to preserve traditional marriage and family and Christianity, begin building your proto-versions of city states, one person and one family at the time.

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