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On Secular (or any) Dating – Part II

Following on from this blog post I did a few days ago, Ronigan, on SG made the following comment:

And since on the dating/relationship/women posts I get the most emails, I think his comment is fair and points out a tendency I have to “leave out” the parts that to me are so obvious that it would be similar to typing out:

“Remember to breathe in and breathe out all day, every day, even when you are asleep.”

Even then, I will tend to get a few emails along the lines of:

“My brother did what you said while he was in the family pool and he drowned! You are evil!”

What can I say, the pain of the IQ gap is real.

Anyway, let me attempt to correct my mistake in not addressing the very basic point of HOW do you even GET to the dating part.

And let me point out a few (also obvious) things first, which I have mentioned many, many, many times before:

First of all – In today’s modern society “dating” means you’re having sex.

Second of all – Proper Catholic morality is absolutely against sex before marriage and for VERY GOOD REASONS, and I am NOT advocating against that. What I am doing is sharing concepts that got me, an unbaptised Heathen to eventually achieve a full-blown, and completely Catholic marriage (therefore Sedevacantist, because we are the only Catholics left). Since MOST people reading this are unbaptised heathens, schismatics, apostates, or various forms of heretic, and since, by Church teaching, the likelihood is you’re going to Hell anyway, for those situations, my sharing my personal concepts that got me to where I am, is not, in general terms, endangering your soul too much more than it already is, and my hope is that it gets you eventually to a place where you begin to really appreciate the Church’s perspective to the point that you decide to become a proper Catholic and reclaim your birthright, your life, your family, and your heritage, if you are of European descent, or make a new path, into it, if you are not.

Third – If you are already a believing Sedevacantist, then, your strategy for achieving marriage is, or at least should be, probably different from anything I propose here. What that might look like I have no idea, because I never walked that path. If you DID indulge in the concepts I mention here, then, your soul, according to dogmatic Church teachings would absolutely be imperilled, since you would be adding fornication before marriage to the list of whatever other sins you may be committing. So, you have been forewarned.

Fourth – The MAIN DANGER of following this advice is that you become successful (for various levels of that word) at entering into a sexual “relationship” with women. That in and of itself is indeed dangerous for many reasons. Firstly because since it may be unlikely that you very first sexual encounter goes so spectacularly well that you both reach the altar hand in hand, confess your sins of fornication and get happily married ever after, you are likely to (in time) enter into sexual congress with more than one woman. The pleasures of the flesh are among the most tempting and difficult to overcome, which is why Satan uses it to such great effect to create more and more degeneracy all around us. The danger then is that like being a junkie, you get addicted to the chase, the thrill, the sexual variety, and so on. You can end up stuck in this cycle for the rest of your life. I have met men that had literally hundreds of sexual partners (heterosexual men, that is, homosexual men are not anything I know about, but they tend to have sexual partner body counts in the thousands) who never got out of that vicious cycle. And I have met men that had only a few or even just one sexual partner, who understood more about being a man and acting as one that had no problem getting into a relationship, and hence another very Catholic marriage after their first wife had passed away. The point here is that if you engage in these concepts just to get laid, you may well be successful, but you will also lily actually end up in Hell far more likely than if you had remained the frustrated incel you may be today.

Fifth – The advice I will give you is extremely simple and direct. You will not like it, and you will likely not do it. And that is YOUR decision and your right. But you then really cannot whine any longer about being an incel. Become a monk, and do good in the world that way instead.

Alright then, here is the advice. First the ones you should already know:

  • Get physically as fit and good looking as you can get. Go to gym, learn basic hygiene, laser your hirsute back (or not, some girls like teddy bears), learn to dress decently, don’t get any face tattoos, eat properly, your diet, more than anything else determines your general lard-assess, and so on.
  • Get economically viable. Improve your job. Hustle, work harder, climb that corporate ladder even if you start out as a shelf-packer at Tesco. Money helps pretty much everything to go smoother.
  • Place yourself in social contexts that give you opportunity to meet desirable women. Attend your Church (yes, Sedvacantism is the ONLY real Catholicism and hence the ONLY real Christianity left, but if you attend heretic Churches, as a heretic yourself, well, one can only hope you save some unfortunate damsel from Hell when you eventually realise Catholicism is the only Christianity that ever existed), or join a book club, a tango class, a yoga class, whatever. You can’t meet women in real life if you are not physically present where they are. And yes online dating works for some of us, but the techniques to make that happen are pretty brutal, too advanced for an incel to even begin to attempt them, and not helpful at all when you are starting out. And even if you do everything right, at least 80% (and it’s becoming more like 90% and more) of men will get ZERO traction on dating apps today, and that’s not even counting the scam ones that are all fake profiles and geared to just get a bunch of lonely guys paying fees in the hope of getting a message from some “hottie”. How do I know? Because I dated a very pretty Russian girl that did that as her job. She literally was hired by this dating online firm to pretend to be interested in random guys on the app so they would keep sending fees. She was not closed off to the possibility of meeting one of these guys, but only if he ticked off all the boxes she cared about. I never paid any fees, though I did meet her on a dating app, probably because I engaged her mentally enough to respond to my message and then just went to voice call and once I got talking she got interested enough. I probably ticked off enough of her pre-conceived ideas that we did have a relationship, and she was shortly very invested in it. I liked her a lot, but did not have that mystic click I need to become fully invested, though she was undoubtedly one of the better women I got to know. My point here is that it is easier and more likely for you to get into a relationship when you are interacting face to face, so get into those situations.
  • Last of the obvious advices before the “secret silver bullet” is that if you live in a big city, this is a mid-point between face to face and online dating. You are far more likely to have SOMEONE that wants to engage with you sexually than in a remote village, but they are also far less likely to stick with it, because the choice is just as varied for them as it is for you. A remote village may make you an incel by geography, a large city may make you into a rootless degenerate. Pick your poison.

And now for the final reveal, the all-solution issue to getting into sexual congress with a woman. Are you ready? Sitting down? remember, I told you that you will not like it and are unlikely to do it, which are both true, but I promise you the advice is very, very real, and absolutely solid, and above all, it works.

What you need to do is…

Approach, talk to, make propositions to (from having coffee to wild sex, depending on the woman, the situation, your ability, etc etc) women all the time, while observing, and noting their responses, the types of women that respond in certain general ways and wha those various ways are, their demeanour, your own, and essentially every aspect of the interaction, but do so organically, not autistically, just TRY to get a general sense of your emotions and theirs AS you interact with them and try and experiment with different modalities of your own internal mechanism. Even if you feel fear, or shame, or anxiety, act against that, or perhaps act as if afraid when you are not. Test YOUR OWN emotional limits and push beyond them, so as to EXPAND your own emotional range of responses. Eventually what used to terrify you may make you laugh. And what used to make you laugh might be a behaviour you will not tolerate in your life and would simply walk away from. In essence, interact, observe, experiment and then correct for errors you make. That’s it. Repeat a thousand time a month and you will absolutely improve your ability with women, but also with people in general.

I can strike up a conversation with a beautiful woman on the subway that is used to rejecting hundreds of proposals a day, generally as effortlessly as I might start up a conversation with an old lady that is sitting lonely, alone in a coffee shop, and desperate for some form of human interaction. It’s like anything else, a skill. And you can only learn by DOING IT, not reading about it.

That’s it. That is all it takes.

But in the end, get thee baptised, get thee married, and make a family. And why PROPER Catholic?

Think about it:

  • In Catholicism the purpose of marriage is to have children and creating a family.
  • Divorce is dogmatically not allowed (which means you select your partner FAR more soberly if you accept this premise truly, and also it means once in it, the option of bailing does not exist, so you are forced to resolve issues together, as you would if you were castaways on an island).
  • Contraception is not allowed and abortion is murder. You are very likely to have a large family and while everyone on Earth will tell you what a terrible life decision that is, I can tell you that I wish my wife and I got together when we first met, as we would now have about 8 or 9 children. or maybe 8 or 9 more children. And yes we might have to live in a van down by the river, but I have never, and will never regret having children, and the more the merrier. Yes, it’s a pain that they need feeding daily and also require clothes and toys, and so on, and your time is ALL for them, but you know what? It’s awesome. Utterly awesome.

So there you have it.

And Orion, if you ever read this, feel free to get in touch, I’d sure appreciate getting a few thousand )or tens of thousand) of your subscribers become regulars on my blog or Youtube channel too. And of course, I’m offering to increase the value your subscribers may get out of life by considering my perspective.

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