To one extent or other, we have all been infected by that vicious Boomer malady of thinking children are essentially a net “negative” in life. I know a LOT of GenXers were raised in that nonsense. I sure was. And it took me a while to wake myself out of it. Children were seen as a burden, a ball-and chain in the road of life. An expense that would cripple your life. Something that would limit or remove your hedonistic holidays, your sexcapades of the swinging 60s and 70s and some of the 80s.
Children, in short, were the worst kind of lumbering baggage.
And if THAT didn’t put you off having them, because hey, maybe you think children are cool and great and loving and lovable and funny and your duty to have and protect and teach how to navigate the world? Well then there was the faux-empathy.
Look at the state of the world! Nostradamus predicted we will all die in nuclear war in 1986! Ok, well, maybe it was 1987. No? Yeah well, look, it’s like early 1990s now and the Soviet Union is collapsing now so nuclear war is certain. And Iran. No? Well, Y2K bug will wipe out all the computers and then the alien invasion Nostradamus predicted…
You get the idea.
And climate change. But also, greed, and consumerism (which they absolutely both pushed (still do) and revel in (still do)) and you young people are just lazy and not making enough money in all the industries we have closed off access to, and the feminism we pushed so you need two incomes just to survive, and the globalism we pushed so you no longer even KNOW about your culture, and your job can be done cheaper (if infinitely worse) by a foreigner that will happily get paid half what you do because compared to where he comes from it’s still paradise.
So, yeah. I was more leaning on the side of: “My God this planet is completely filled with stupid people, why would I want to foster that on an innocent soul just to propagate my DNA?”
In a secular world-view, it’s not really too wrong. In fact, I wrote another post on marriage that ties into this one, maybe I should have posted that one first, but it was on my phone. I’ll get to it. Read them together.
I mean it is basically a nihilistic/atheistic view, though I was more Zen-Agnostic with no fear of permanent-death if that was the way it would be. It was only later in life, but long before I became a Catholic, that I figured all the Boomerisms (and there were a lot of them, and they all stacked) were nonsense and lies. I couldn’t necessarily argue every point on secular terms (not because I could not intellectually, but because I didn’t need to, I could sense the error-stack) but I simply knew it was nonsense. So I had one child.
And some of the worst fears materialised pretty fast about her life and what it might become shortly after she was born and parentally abducted by her mother to Brazil.
But that experience also led me to a Road to Damascus Moment without which I would not be a believer. I truly think really hard-headed people get road to Damascus moments because they are too dense to see things any other way. I certainly know plenty of intese and smart young men who became Sedes (proper Catholics) based on pure reasoning their way there. Not me. I had to crash and burn before God must have thought: “Yup. This one is definitely retarded. He ain’t gonna figure it out. Alright son, here I am for a few moments. You get it now?”
At which point, just like Saul/Paul, you feel like the absolute stupid bastard you have been and then you try to pick yourself up and become a little less of a stupid bastard.
After that, I did not think I would even have a long term meaningful relationship anymore, much less marriage and children. I distinctly recall when I figured out by reading Ephasians and suddenly it all clicked, what marriage was supposed to be. And how in one way it was really sort of close to how I used to think about it as a little kid, and how very, very, very far I had strayed, and how many women and how much life I had been through, and how now, because of it all I was light-years away, Galaxies away, from what that marriage might be. It was an impossible thing for me to ever know or see or be part of. I was so far I didn’t even feel too bad about it. The concept of a real marriage was so obviously out of my reach that pining over it would be like crying because you will never see a T-Rex in the flesh.
And yet, four years later I was getting married. In a proper Catholic Church, (i.e. a sedevacantist Church, not a Vatican II Satanic Sect one) as a baptised Catholic.
And three years after that my first daughter came to live with me and has been here for three years. And she has another four siblings now.
Because once I got married as a Catholic, which means, once I had already understood what a real marriage was, and then became an actual person that by choice commits to a life in which that sacrament of marriage is understood as such, and after that actually entered into such a marriage, then, the having children is the obvious, good, great, wonderful, whole absolute major point of marriage. Though it is not the only one, of course, but it is the absolute mainstay of it.
Neither my wife nor I ever had any religious upbringing. So when we first met, some ten years and a bit before we actually seriously got together, if we had remained together then, as she put it once, there is a good chance one of us would have murdered the other. Sometimes of course, that may still be the case, but that’s acceptable. After all, as Catholics we certainly can’t divorce. And it is to the death… so…
But in reality, whatever ups and downs all marriages have, and if like me and her you find your One, that somehow you just know in your soul is it, either from the first time you lay eyes on them, or because you just can’t quit them, even when you really think you want to, and are brave or foolish enough to marry them, and they you, and you are both as intense as each other, well… I have written on this before… a lot of those marriages may end up in homicide, or worse, a thousand ships from Greece, and ten years of many men killing each other. But if they do not, they tend to be the ones songs and stories are written about that last millennia. And sometimes, of course even the bad ones get written about, like those Achaeans and Myrmidons and Trojans.
But… if and when you get past your fires and flares, and find the right balance, the one thing you cannot deny to each other, is that your children are a gift. They are the most awesome thing ever, and all the boomer lies and the destruction they did, the wasteland of lies they left before us, dissolves like the bad dream and time-thief it was.
If Catholicism had remained uncorrupted by the freemasons, if England had remained Catholic instead of deviate from it by the theological hit-man and nun-fornicator Luther and the serial-wife-killer Henry, and yet she and I had met at the ages we originally did, I wonder how many more children we might have.
It is pointless to speculate and neither of us is melancholic by nature, but even so, if you think about it, how many souls have the boomers delayed or denied?
Vox Day recently wrote an article about how at least this reduced the numbers of those who bought into the boomer lies, and that is a good thing. I understand his sentiment, but by and large, the people reproducing at high rates, other than those who like my wife and I do so with clear intentionality, which generally stems from a deep understanding or at least belief in your religion, do not tend to be exactly the people who might be able to maintain, never mind create a civilised society.
The Boomer death-knell of babies was rung primarily in the West. The supposedly uncivilised third worlders were never fed it to the same extent, and if they were, they were too “uncivilised” and too “ignorant” to pay it any heed. And good for them; but all that said, it does not make their offspring and their progeny any more capable of maintaining the complex civilisations built by the West for a people of a different background, culture and mentality.
I don’t disagree that if you talk about INTENTIONALITY, then those who chose to ignore the Boomers are certainly more fit to have around, but I think precious few people intentionally rejected the Boomer-Doomer attitudes. At least that is what I saw in the general population of the West that was secularised.
And yes, it’s true that the Boomer lies are all starting to finally crumble, young people are becoming Sedevacantist Catholics in droves. My friends tell me it’s happening all over too, not just locally. Our Churches keep filling up with young people with a bunch of children. Which means all the other lies, about religion, Catholicism in particular, as well as about having children and so on, are indeed failing. The News, the only altar at which Boomers believed religiously is dead too. One hopes “entertainment” also dies and has a rebirth in more sane avenues. And a lot of the “technology” and “efficiency” is also starting to show cracks.
Maybe, just maybe, those of us that have seen that wasteland of lies begin to crack, may yet produce enough offspring to create City States of people that are just advanced enough to defend themselves from the vampires that now run things, while being also just “uncivilised” enough to keep having a lot of children. And starting young to do so.
In just three families of Catholics we know perfectly we have… I lost count. It was 15 children a while back, but I think maybe two or three more are either on the way or here already. And none of these are especially young couples. mostly they are Genders like me. The Zoomer couples I know though… all three of them have a baby within a year of marriage. And I don’t think any of them will stop. Give it 20 years, and if we move near each other there will be hundreds of us.
And I promise you, whatever “burden” a child may be in practical terms, it is nothing compared to the joy and love they bring. That’s true even when things go spectacularly wrong, but do try to do things in the right order, unlike people like me:
Get Catholic. Get Baptised. Get Confirmed. THEN Get married (to a Catholic too!) and THEN have a bunch of children.
And make sure you’re a proper Catholic, not one of those poor, fooled Vatican II laypeople who neve bothered to learn what Catholicism is and what Vatican II is.
Obligatory plug for my books on what Catholicism is: Go here and read Believe! or Reclaiming the Catholic Church. If you want it in paper format the link for Amazon is there in the description of each too.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here