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On Crypto, Trump and War

So… on crypto trading and the newly created (slow and long term) memecoins of KURGANBONDS (KBD) I wrote a long and detailed post at the OG blog, and you can go there to read it if you want to take part in this social/financial experiment which is really just a way to teach complete noobs (like me too) to begin trading in crypto in an easy and relatively fun way at a total risk of only about $20 in the worst case. The site is not available for people in the UK though. Anyway, the strategy there is to simply leave my $25 in it and if and when another 1,000 people eventually go there and add their $20 to it, the first guys who did it can probably remove their original $20 and still have $20 in it. And the idea is to always leave at least your original investment in so the coin remains stable. You’re only ever risking $20 and if everyone sticks to the strategy there is no rug pull and everyone benefits a little over time. As I said at the post, it’s a very optimistic social experiment. Let’s see if it will work over the next year or two.

As a generic thing, crypto-trading is really a fast-moving scenario mostly and takes up quite a bit of your mental space if you want to get in it seriously. And there are plenty of opportunities daily —and also huge pitfalls, just as often (or more)— so it’s not really for the faint of heart or those who get emotional. Especially if you decide to play with amounts that are not insignificant for you. You should never of course play that game with amounts of money that can negatively impact you if they are totally and completely lost.

and you should keep things like this in mind:

Now onto Trump and the possibility of “War”, civil unrest, economic crash/meltdown and so on.

Trump has already signed a BUNCH of executive orders. Many of them really quite surprising, like pulling out of the WHO, a bunch of stuff on immigration, reversed a LOT of the Tranny-insanity and Faggot-flag thin cover for child-grooming and so on.

He has pulled out of a global tax deal most people didn’t even know had happened, blockaded the CDC, FDA and so on from doing anything for a bit. Reversed the TikTok ban for at least 75 days, and a lot of other pretty important and frankly unexpected things (I still am not on the Trump is our saviour train, but hey… if he really is, more power to him, but… I don’t think he is). Nevertheless, even if he were truly a Saint come to get rid of the deep state for good, instead of probably just a changing of the ruling Zionist faction in charge, the fact is that there will be vicious opposition to a LOT of this stuff. He has put a moratorium on all foreign aid too. Which means he’s apparently closed the tap on the money-laundromat of both sides of the American government, and especially of Israel and its puppet masters. That’s not going to go unnoticed.

Especially by people like Blinking-Ant:

Keep in mind the entire US government, including pretty much every senator is bought and paid for by Israel via AIPCA, which I remind you stands for:

American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

That is, a lobbying group advocating for pro-Israel policies

So… there WILL be resistance. And while George Soros has finally died and gone to meet his master in Hell, his son Alex, is as committed to the trannification of the planet as his father was, except maybe even more so, because NO ONE is going to convince me Huma doesn’t peg him daily.

Besides, after you serviced Hillary for years, there really isn’t any kind of depravity left that one would not do, even if it makes most demons in Hell gag. And Huma is your… demon in a skinsuit? God and Satan alone know what she/it is.

I imagine if those two creatures ever have some kind of copulation, it would be a Chthulian event that would involve vomit, slime, tentacles, murdered children and absolutely make you lose ALL your sanity points on the spot without so much as a saving throw if you were ever so damned as to witness it.

But the point is that such denizens of the underbelly of the sewers of the ninth circle of Hell, are simply not going to quietly go in the night, or reform and become model citizens.

They will fight. By every underhanded, evil, vile means possible and available to them. They might keep layering various areas of the country from space, like it appears they are doing in California; create other “natural” disasters, produce all sorts of potential false flags, maybe indulge in a few more assassination attempts… honestly, I have no idea. My bingo card for 2025 is a lot less clear to me than the one I had for the last 4 years, what I can absolutely tell you with certainty is this:

You will not be doing yourself a disservice if you can:

  • Move to the country and get as rural and off-grid as possible while still able to maintain your family
  • Stock up on food, clean water, and have available renewable water and some way to produce at least some food and at least some energy
  • Stock up on guns and ammo
  • Build protective things on your property. From something as simple as fencing, to literally building your own bunker. This is low priority compared to the other stuff, but if you can afford it, why not.
  • If you can’t go rural, have an exit plan and at minimum a go-bag or go-vehicle and study local maps to see how you could get out of the city fast even if they blockade the main routes.

Is this all paranoia on my part? Sure. You can think so. I wouldn’t hold it against you, but as I said back when I was 13 when a friend at school told me the way my brain works was paranoid: Just cause I’m paranoid, doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me.

It’s become a meme long ago, but back when I said it it was a genuine original thought I had spontaneously at the time. And while most people see it as a joke, and sure, I can see the funny side of it… but it’s not a joke. It’s just basic logic.

If you can appreciate this point, you may want to agree with me on the above actions you might want to be taking.

And hey, if it all turns out fine and everything is cool and there is no economic collapse to reset the global Ponzi scheme of FIAT Money they had to have a couple of world wars already, and a pandemic, to kick the can down the road a bit more, great. So you learnt how to be more self-sufficient anyway and things are still safe and well. Ok. Lovely, move right back to the city and eat your fake food provided by Billy Gates and his team of mass-murdering “vaccinators” that insert it direct in the food supply and get modified by the “5G” military grade weaponry they are passing off as mobile antennas that absolutely, honestly, trust-us-we-are-the-government do not affect your brain and body and can cause you all sorts of diseases or even kill you or change your mood and emotional reactions on command. Because even though this technology was demonstrated to exist and work in 1992, and at least once broadcast on television, I am SURE no one at all would have developed it further to nefarious government/shadow-government/puppet-master purposes they would keep hidden from us that simply add to the agenda of killing and enslaving us.

Was that a long run-on sentence/paragraph/concept?

Well, step-up buttercup, because if you can’t keep up with the language here, chances are you’re not gonna make it anyway.

The right way to farm if you ask me.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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