On Being Right Way Ahead of Time

Several weeks or maybe a few months ago, I was asked on a one of my livestreams what I thought of Andrew Tate and I said that I don’t rate him, and as far as I was concerned he was a pimp and scum, or words to that effect.

After that I received a few emails privately from young guys very respectfully trying to change my mind or say that Tate still said a lot of “truth” and so on.

I never spent any time watching his stuff before my end of 2022 post and then only to re-confirm my idea about the idiot before making a slightly humorous post.

The fact that so many guys in their 30s and less, but even in their 40s thought and probably still think Andrew Tate is some truth-telling guru is really rather apparent when you look at what happens on Montana Vlog’s livestreams. And this is AFTER Dan already explained his reasoning about why he thinks Tate is guilty and going to spend some years in jail. All pretty logical and normal thought processes. It was absolutely obvious Tate was not gonna skate because he’s so fucking stupid he made videos incriminating himself all over the internet.

I wish I could say I am surprised at how many people think this fuckhead pimp is some kind of male role model. Sadly, I really cannot.

I learnt long ago that most people are just emotion machines. Give them the right emotion and they will follow you like a dog does if you give him treats. It’s tragic. We have been given a brain large enough to overcome our animalistic urges if we just apply it. Use it. Learn new stuff. Learn our own emotions and instincts and thoughts. But everyone is simply too lazy to do so. And as a result they spend their life ignoring or hating on those who actually have something worthwhile to learn from and devoted to the Kardashians and the Tates of this world.

I have some 30 years of experience of telling people “Look, this rhing is X, Y and Z.”

And them telling me I am crazy and wrong and blah, blah, blah, only to find that 20 years later they come back and say to me:

“Oh, you know, this thing is X and Y and Z!”

As if they discovered it themselves today and are now magnanimously sharing it with me.

It’s got to the point I don’t even bother with saying “You fucking moron, I told you that 20 years ago.” I tend to just smile and nod and forget about it. And usually I don’t interact with them much beyond that. Because it’s pointless. I’ve never been a very patient man, and I certainly don’t have the time or inclination to carry on conversations with a 20 year time lag between sentences.

And this explains why I tend to ban the idiots both here and on my Youtube channel, as well as in any other forum, including real life, instantly and without any warning. After half a century observing something (humans) I have got fairly good at figuring out the ones that it’s pointless trying to have a conversation with. Be on your way and let it be a path away from mine.

It’s just how it is.

The last three years of unmitigated bullshit, scams and mass murder by evil AND stupid people, has, however, served one positive point. It has made it a little easier, even for the normies, to spot the false from the truth.

I am, of course, referring to that percentage of the population that is not already completely brainwashed and irredeemable, which I estimate at probably sub 2%; if I am being charitable.

It is somewhat of a comfort to be able to spot the two percenters from a distance now. And I note some similarities:

1. They tend to be believers. I don’t mean that they necessarily profess this or that religion, but they believe in a loving God in the majority of cases. Even though most have not really explored the question of which God and which religion might approximate the truth best.

2. They are not generally boastful or arrogant. They can be very self-assured and certain, but that’s on things they are knowledgeable and have experience on. They very rarely, if at all, boast, other than as a way to make fun of themselves or a situation in general.

3. They are able to actually listen to a point of view different from their own and consider it before responding. In other words, they don’t just talk past each other.

4. If you do get a chance to talk to them one on one without any pretences, the classical sharing a beer around the fire, they soon tell you their worries and fears and they never have themselves as the central issue. They worry for their sons or loved ones. The things they want to do, even when of a personal nature related to their own personal likes and dislikes, at root, still have a positive impact on the people they care most about.

It’s really quite a comfort.

Being right most of the time about most things, 20 years ahead is no fun, I tell you. Especially since it’s not lottery numbers. That could at least pay off! But it’s becoming easier to have conversations with people worth the time spent doing it.

So I suggest you take note of that and do more of it. Do more face to face with people in real life. Drop the phone for a bit. Play with your children. Or with your friends or with your husband or wife. Sit around a table and talk to each other. Trust me, it’s a lot more fun than watching YouTube videos.

Don’t wait 20 years to come and tell me I was right. Just run with it.

4 Responses to “On Being Right Way Ahead of Time”

  1. tater says:

    If Tate is anything shady he is CIA and its all a psyop to allow them to say of anyone who speaks against degeneracy in the future “He’s probably a pimp like Andrew Tate.” His dad was in intelligence according to him.

    • G says:

      He’s a pimp. A stupid, arrogant PIMP. That’s all he is. He didn’t speak against degeneracy. He WAS and is a degenerate. With AIDS apparently. So probably as gay as all the fruits hanging on his every word.

  2. Cooper Chauvin says:

    At this point, anybody that has an obviously inorganic rise among the normie population should be immediatly ignored. It’s not a hard concept to understand that if the medias are pushing an alternative to the dominant narrative it will be controlled opposition. Real alternatives get banned not promoted.

    As a 26 year old male, I have a number of friends that were on the Peterson train. And when it started becoming all too obvious that, at the very least, he was not putting forth much of value, out comes Tate. Many would tell me about how alpha he is and how he is a good male role model. What I found really weird about it is when I asked them why, the generic response was he owns people online and has lots of girls. But when pressed as to what his actual talking points were or if he was a family man I get blank stares. They look up to him as a male role model yet can’t tell me what he is about or defend their prior statement that he is alpha. The irony was lost on them. It was the same thing with Peterson, unable to defend or articulate his position (which is fair enough I guess), yet in admiration of his every word. And all these same friends who believed themselves to be edgy and cool alphas consistently cower aways from any serious criticism I can make of their worldview. “It’s no fun to debate with you, you’re too serious about it”. All this to generally reinforce point #3, they arn’t able to conted with conflicting ideas even if just for arguments sake. What I don’t understand is how Peterson’s/Tate’s worldview gets in their brain in the first place if they are otherwise seemingly incapable of judging differing opinions. I guess it’s a combination of social hype and watching them destroy low hanging fruit.

    • G says:

      They get in their brains by saying sound bytes that resonate in the minds of the weak.
      Prime example:
      “Women are all whores!”
      Said to an incel with the charisma of a pet rock that fell in a sewage pond, and this has been rejected (usually before he even had the nerve to approach the girl of his dreams) in varied and multiple ways while he seethes at his inceldom, sounds like:
      “It’s not you, man! It’s them!”

      And so they feel validated and now believe they are being understood.

      The alternative is a guy like me that tells them they are being a pussy. Learn a skill, wash your smelly body, go talk to 10,000 people and have something to talk about by actually living a live that is more than playing video games and masturbating.
      Become someone interesting enough because you have DONE things in real life and know how to interact with other humans easily. Try en when you see a girl you like ask her out.

      Guess what… young guys who actually do that have no problem finding friends and girlfriends and wives. The Peterson-Tate incels meanwhile keep getting railed online for cash.

      Mousetopia is real.

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