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OK, Gonna Try to create a Crypto

So… as I am a total newb at Crypto, and to learn more about it I have decided to try to launch a crypto-coin that people who read here who are also not Crypto capable can learn together with me, and as I suggest everyone only put in $5 at a time, the most you can lose is about $20 total if you follow the advice I give here. And there is in fact a possibility you make a few bucks, like maybe $10 or $20 in say a week or two.

As I said, I am learning too, so this is an experiment for all us noobs.

So the first thing you need to do is register with a crypto supplier. I use coinbase , but there are many others. Basically this is a place where you register yourself and link a debit or credit card to it so you can use cash to buy various crypto coins.

I think in the USa you’re fine, but if you ar ein UK or Europe, first check online if your bank is ok with you using crypto. Some banks don’t like it and don’t allow it and some banks are ok with it but will not let you use credit cards for it, only debit cards. Anyway we will be dealing with tiny amounts so it should not be an issue, but just take the 5 minutes or less it takes to find out by doing a few google searches like “Can I use crypto with [name of your bank]”.

Once you have registered with a crypto supplier you need to buy some SOL (Solana) cryptocurrency, because that is what will be needed to play this game.

1 SOL is around $200 or so but you don’t need to buy a whole one. You can buy a fraction of a SOL, I think some places have a minimum but I think 0.1 SOL is ok for most places, which is about 20 bucks.

You may need to provide some ID in order to link your bank card to register on a place like coinbase. Expect to take a grand total of about ten minutes to do this. After which in some countries you may have a cooling off period, (up to 24 hours) but I was able to trade immediately.

The next step is you need to register with

This site looks like a bit of zoomer hell, but do not get intimidated. The screen below is what it looks like. Click on the how it works in the top left and read the popups and you can register yourself fairly intuitively.

You will then be able to create a profile which will be just a nickname you pick basically. This will give you a privy wallet so if you click on view profile (top right) you will see this:

That long code that in my case starts with 5bAsL… is your wallet address, and you need to copy that and put it somewhere safe, you can use cut and paste and save it on a file somewhere or even write it down (case matters) on a book somewhere.

What you will need to do after this is go back to your coinbase site or whatever you used instead to buy SOL and you need to send some of that SOL to your wallet in

again the send crypto button should be somewhere easy to see on your coinbase equivalent and when you do, you will need to copy your wallet address from and tell coinbase (or whatever you used) to send X amount of sol to that address.

You should get an alert that the transaction has happened.

Going back to and back to your profile, see where it says view on solscan.

You click on that and you will be taken to a page that looks like this that shows what crypto and SOL you have.

You will see the SOL in my case is tiny and it has been used to buy 123$ of the token called LOTTLE and $26 of my own token called KURGANBOND.

Now, if you click on your profile name (in my case it says kurgan99 in the top right you will get another screen that has an option to connect your wallet, (see directly above) which you should do, so you can buy various tokens. As my wallet is already connected the options are to disconnect it, or to take crypto out of the wallet or export the whole thing (which I have not done yet so not sure about that feature)

At this point, by going back to the Home Screen (click on the green and white pill in the top left) you can type KURGANBOND in the search bar and you will see this:

Click on the image and text next to the gold helm and you will see something like this:

Which is basically a chart that shows you buys (in green) and sales (in red) and the total value of the token due to people buying it, which currently is $6,600, which is not bad considering when I started writing this post it was 0$.

Anyway, at this point you can click the buy green button and buy 0.1 SOL (about $20) if that is the minimum, or less if it lets you buy less. I never tried to buy less than 0.1 SOL so I am not sure. The idea is to tell your friends and have them do this too so we all bought about $20 of it. Then we wait a day or a half day, depending on how much it moves and the next day we either let it ride, or if it has gone up enough we sell half of it, so we get some money back into SOL. By doing this slowly and publicising the coin as the people join you can take out little bits of your initial input until you have the original you invested back out and still also have some KURGANBOND in the game. At this point you can let it ride, and take out little bits as it goes up from time to time. When you ave 150% of your initial investment out of the game you could consider it a win, or, you could put a bit more money back in.

So for example say you start out by putting $20 in, And after a day the value has gone to $30 (you will need to check on solscan to see the $value of each token). You can now take $10 out and leave it as SOL, or, if you want, sent it back to coinbase to then exchange it back into cash into your account. Then you wait a bit more and when you can you draw out another $10 when the price goes up as more people join. Your selling will plateau the graph, because it counters the buy-ins, but if there is enough interest, this can go up for everyone initially. And as the early adopters get more back than they put in, they will tend to re-invest, giving a chance to the late-comers to also equalise the situation.

I hope that is clear enough for everyone.

The point of the KURGANBOND token/crypto-coin is that because I am not exactly anyone with millions of followers, the people who will do this are probably people I know or who read this blog, and I want to see if there is a way that by us all doing this as described above, we can all get a small profit margin. Since we are not large enough to really attract much attention, it may be possible to grow organically but also in a way that is more fair for all, since none of us ar intent on rapaciously taking all the value out in one fell swoop.

Eventually some gate-grasher will make it less ethical and it will collapse, but as I said I thinking losses will be tiny and hence acceptable, and in the process you may have learnt some things about how to trade in such stuff.

Anyway, I hope you do go and buy some KURGANBOND, and more importantly, you help your friends to get some and spread the word.

Finally, at the moment, $20 will buy you a LOT of KURGANBONDS, because they have a value that is very tiny. Bt if enough people buy them, the value of each KURGANBOND will be worth more and your couple of hundred thousand KURGANBONDS could become worth fractions of a cent that would make you several thousands of dollars.

There are also many features that show you who or what is doing what. So in fact, the $6,000 of value, I just saw from the image below (bottom right hand corner of where the graph is, shows you who owns what percentage of it, and you will see that 99% of it is by the bonding curve, so that no one creator (i.e. me) can buy up a huge amount of it then wait for people to raise the value and then sell it all and jump ship. This way, the creator, (i.e. me) has to buy it just like anyone else.

I expect this to be a very slow moving token and that if it goes over the bonding curve allotment of $6k in the next few weeks I will be pleasantly surprised!

Anyway, this is just so we can all learn from this.

I know I definitely need to.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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