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Oh who could it be nooow 🎵🎶

The Terrorist attack near Moscow sure is a mystery… wait, the US seemed to know it was going to happen on March 8th.

But… no… they had no idea…

Because… it must be ISIS! Yeah! That’s it! ISIS!

You know that organisation that was created by the CIA and Mossad and had literal Mossad agents leading it pretending to be Muslim? Yeah that organisation! You know, the bad guys!


Which was defeated and disappeared months ago.

But they’re back! Because that’s what nad guys do.

And don’t you DARE think it could be anything else, you hear? Don’t be an antisemite!

You know how tough it is to bomb unarmed civilian women and children and genocide them when the whole world is like being antisemitic at you for it?

It was ISIS ok? Ok? C’mon man! Just stop saying it was the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 m’hkay? C’mon! You wanna make Macaroon cry cause he wasn’t in on it? C’mon man!

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