There is one point that I thought was so obvious it didn’t need mentioning, which also makes the whole “debate” rather absurd, in case that wasn’t clear already.
But as is so often the case, what appears obvious to me seems to be utterly opaque to many, so here it is.
The official canon of the Bible was only put together around 400 A.D.
That is, some 70 plus years after the first Nicean council, and still over 50 years after St. Cyril’s Jerusalem Creed, and still almost 20 years after the second or Nicean-Constantinople Council.
Which, of course, brings up that little issue that Protestants seem utterly incapable of grasping at all: Authority.
You see, if the Bible itself was only put together AFTER all of the above versions of the Creed had been discussed and argued about, and since, especially according to Protestants, we should rely on the Bible alone for the ultimate arbiter of what is or is not authoritative, well, we have a couple of problems. And by “we” of course, I mean retarded Protestants. No one else has a problem.
First of all, the problem that the Bible itself was put together as a result of TRADITION. Yes, that word that represents the ultimate boogeyman for Protestants. Because if tradition, a mixture of oral and written records passed down from Apostle to Bishops trained by them and in turn to Bishop trained in turn and so on, is to be ignored, well… then the Bible itself is to be ignored, since that is how it came about in the first place.
In short then, any normal person of rational mind, will simply accept that both scripture and tradition constitute what must be termed the infallible magisterium of the Church. And what is this infallible magisterium of the Church? It is that doctrine that, the rightful apostolic successors of the apostles, put together in agreement and then promulgated as the official doctrine of the Catholic Church.
And since for over a thousand years there simply was no other Church but the Catholic Church, it also become absolutely crystal clear, that whatever the magisterium of the Church says is the right dogma, is, indeed must be, the right thing. If you doubt this, then you literally doubt that either:
1. Jesus (God) wanted there to be, and established there to be, a church on Earth at all. If there is no way of knowing what is and what isn’t true within it, if there is no infallibility of doctrine that we can rely on, then, it is the same as saying that God could not concern Himself with there being one, since, regardless of your intent to seek, you can never be certain you found anything.
2. God (Jesus) is a liar. Since he told us he would be with us (the Church) until His return, if we cannot see, find, or know, in any meaningful, externally demonstrable way, what His will, in the form of doctrines we are to follow is, then, the only alternative left would be, possibly, some subjective, internal, dialogue of supernatural origin, that each of us might hear only internally. The problem here would be that since there is no such thing that is identical for all of us, we are then left with the Protestant infinite fracturing of personal interpretation and the Bible as a whole becomes completely meaningless anyway since only out internal “voice from God” would matter. Oh, and there is also the problem that aside from a very few and demonstrable saints, this “method” of “communication” (deception) is primarily used and preferred by demons.
So. Given all of the above, it is absolutely clear to anyone of normal intelligence who doesn’t have a chip on their shoulder of one sort or other, and is objective and logical in their thought process, that the only Church that could possibly fulfil the requirement of being there from the start, correctly selecting the texts that would become the Bible, repealing all heresies, and heretics, and gnostics, and impostors, and deceivers, and liars, and ignorant deceived persons, and all other attempts, conscious or unconscious, and against all the well known human fallibilities, flaws, demonic and egoic possessions we are liable to fall under can only be the Catholic Church. And its rules and dogma must be infallible and the true ones. Indeed, we can reasonably infer that the only reason it has withstood the test of time against all odds is precisely because it is supernaturally protected from error by our Lord and Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. Just as He promised us, He is with us still, even in these rather dark times.
Which of course further means that as time passes and deeper thought is applied to scripture and tradition, certain truths, which were always embodied in the spirit and the letter of the will of God, will become more clear or can be expressed in more detail by the relevant doctors of the Church, and where these more detailed descriptions and explanations are accepted by the magisterium of the Church as being valid and true, they will be promulgated, as the Church has, indeed, always done.
Which in turn means that if the magisterium of Catholic Church saw fit to alter the Credo in any way, it was done simply to better expound the divine truth of God’s infallible will. And as such, that credo would be absolutely valid and infallible. And any “corruption” in the interpretation of it would lie with the individual himself, and not the truth of the Catholic Church.
I trust you see now, why the entire dumpster fire about the Trinity is so much nonsensical rubbish, akin to the barking of diseased dogs in the distance.
Oh and just to put the Trinity “debate” to rest…
There is one point that I thought was so obvious it didn’t need mentioning, which also makes the whole “debate” rather absurd, in case that wasn’t clear already.
But as is so often the case, what appears obvious to me seems to be utterly opaque to many, so here it is.
The official canon of the Bible was only put together around 400 A.D.
That is, some 70 plus years after the first Nicean council, and still over 50 years after St. Cyril’s Jerusalem Creed, and still almost 20 years after the second or Nicean-Constantinople Council.
Which, of course, brings up that little issue that Protestants seem utterly incapable of grasping at all: Authority.
You see, if the Bible itself was only put together AFTER all of the above versions of the Creed had been discussed and argued about, and since, especially according to Protestants, we should rely on the Bible alone for the ultimate arbiter of what is or is not authoritative, well, we have a couple of problems. And by “we” of course, I mean retarded Protestants. No one else has a problem.
First of all, the problem that the Bible itself was put together as a result of TRADITION. Yes, that word that represents the ultimate boogeyman for Protestants. Because if tradition, a mixture of oral and written records passed down from Apostle to Bishops trained by them and in turn to Bishop trained in turn and so on, is to be ignored, well… then the Bible itself is to be ignored, since that is how it came about in the first place.
In short then, any normal person of rational mind, will simply accept that both scripture and tradition constitute what must be termed the infallible magisterium of the Church. And what is this infallible magisterium of the Church? It is that doctrine that, the rightful apostolic successors of the apostles, put together in agreement and then promulgated as the official doctrine of the Catholic Church.
And since for over a thousand years there simply was no other Church but the Catholic Church, it also become absolutely crystal clear, that whatever the magisterium of the Church says is the right dogma, is, indeed must be, the right thing. If you doubt this, then you literally doubt that either:
1. Jesus (God) wanted there to be, and established there to be, a church on Earth at all. If there is no way of knowing what is and what isn’t true within it, if there is no infallibility of doctrine that we can rely on, then, it is the same as saying that God could not concern Himself with there being one, since, regardless of your intent to seek, you can never be certain you found anything.
2. God (Jesus) is a liar. Since he told us he would be with us (the Church) until His return, if we cannot see, find, or know, in any meaningful, externally demonstrable way, what His will, in the form of doctrines we are to follow is, then, the only alternative left would be, possibly, some subjective, internal, dialogue of supernatural origin, that each of us might hear only internally. The problem here would be that since there is no such thing that is identical for all of us, we are then left with the Protestant infinite fracturing of personal interpretation and the Bible as a whole becomes completely meaningless anyway since only out internal “voice from God” would matter. Oh, and there is also the problem that aside from a very few and demonstrable saints, this “method” of “communication” (deception) is primarily used and preferred by demons.
So. Given all of the above, it is absolutely clear to anyone of normal intelligence who doesn’t have a chip on their shoulder of one sort or other, and is objective and logical in their thought process, that the only Church that could possibly fulfil the requirement of being there from the start, correctly selecting the texts that would become the Bible, repealing all heresies, and heretics, and gnostics, and impostors, and deceivers, and liars, and ignorant deceived persons, and all other attempts, conscious or unconscious, and against all the well known human fallibilities, flaws, demonic and egoic possessions we are liable to fall under can only be the Catholic Church. And its rules and dogma must be infallible and the true ones. Indeed, we can reasonably infer that the only reason it has withstood the test of time against all odds is precisely because it is supernaturally protected from error by our Lord and Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. Just as He promised us, He is with us still, even in these rather dark times.
Which of course further means that as time passes and deeper thought is applied to scripture and tradition, certain truths, which were always embodied in the spirit and the letter of the will of God, will become more clear or can be expressed in more detail by the relevant doctors of the Church, and where these more detailed descriptions and explanations are accepted by the magisterium of the Church as being valid and true, they will be promulgated, as the Church has, indeed, always done.
Which in turn means that if the magisterium of Catholic Church saw fit to alter the Credo in any way, it was done simply to better expound the divine truth of God’s infallible will. And as such, that credo would be absolutely valid and infallible. And any “corruption” in the interpretation of it would lie with the individual himself, and not the truth of the Catholic Church.
I trust you see now, why the entire dumpster fire about the Trinity is so much nonsensical rubbish, akin to the barking of diseased dogs in the distance.
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