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Nothing New Presented as News

This “shocking development” is literally nothing new. This possible use of interferometry has been known for decades and been used since astronomy started to use radio and other wavelengths to produce better resolution images and data collection via interferometry.

And I doubt even this use is new at all. At any rate, it’s not as if the fact that privacy is completely dead hasn’t been known by anyone that even remotely paid attention for more than 30 years.

The only difference is the extent, reach and consequences for the odd thorn in the side of the establishment. The counter to that is massive community response. What communities, if any, will begin to push back, and in what ways remains to be seen over the next decade or so.

I am confident that my specific choice of the Sedevacantist remnant is the way to go. The Amish or possibly so group of inter-related rednecks in the Appalachians will have their own ideas, and more power to all of them, but don’t be fooled, it is becoming absolutely clear that standing on the sidelines is not an option for anyone anymore. Whether this is Revelation Times or not is immaterial. What is certain is that as Jesus specifically stated, either you are with Him or you are against him.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, it is a sobering intellectual exercise to consider which side you take if in absolute terms Catholicism (Sedevacantism) is actually true and your options are only get with it or get against it. Try it. After all, it’s just a thought experiment right?

One Response to “Nothing New Presented as News”

  1. Holz says:

    They’re essentially turning every WiFi host into an extremely low-resolution microwave radar. Or madar, if you prefer. But there is no need to fear this, not with the usurers gutting our infrastructure grid. The likelihood of all the other internet services going down is more concerning.

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