To act in the name of good (which means the dogmatic position of the Catholic Church as far as I am concerned. You, dear reader are unlikely to agree unless you too are a 1958 Sedevacantist, but I understand, I too was a heathen for most of my life).
And acting in the name of good, whether you realise it or not, means permanently removing pedophiles, child killers and rapists from society. And of course also removing permanently all those people who aided and abetted them and hid their crimes. It also means getting rid of fraudsters, con-men and usurers, if not permanently at the very least to place them in such a situation where they are not able to practice their deceptive ways, and where their labour is used to provide compensation to the offended parties.
In short, it means dealing justice to all who deserve it, charity to those who deserve it AFTER justice has been served, and ONLY then, not before. Mercy to those who deserve it but also punishment to those who deserve it too.
The death penalty absolutely needs to come back for certain crimes, that too is non-negotiable. And secret societies of Satanists, that is Freemasons, illuminati, carbonari, skull and crossbones and so in should not only be outlawed, but membership of it should be grounds for receiving the death penalty in fact.
Freemasonry is a Satanic, anti-human, evil thing as is all Satanism.
There are many other social rules that it would be good to impose too, but this post is not primarily about that. Each group or society of people will have certain things most agree need to happen. What I wrote above is generally acceptable to most people, and the only real exception might be those too innocent, or too ignorant and lazy to look into freemasonry properly who assume it’s just a friendly social club.
If they bothered to research things a bit, they too would mostly agree that what might seem as a harsh punishment (death penalty for membership) is in fact quite sensible.
So let me now add the part no one wants to talk about:
If you agree with the above in general terms, then you also need to recognise that NONE of the political alternatives being presented to you currently are based in truth. None.
They are only different shades of lies.
Trump is not going to save anyone nor drain the swamp. And the swamp creatures that are almost certainly pedophiles of the worst sort have just had their homes NOT burn down when every house around them has in fact been lasered from the sky into ash. The trees have not however. Isn’t it amazing how Tom Hanks, Oprah, and such people have not had their home burn down?
Weird trees that don’t catch fire eh?
Do you remember Tom Hank’s face/reaction when Ricky Gervais presented the golden globe awards and accused the entire room of being pedos? It was a very worried face. And there is plenty of evidence, circumstantial though it may be. As for Oprah, she’s been feeding young meat into the machine for decades.
My point is this:
No one is going to get justice by voting for any politician. They ALL need to go. And a lot of them need to be punished for horrific crimes, along with their puppet-masters who are mass-murderers of the worst kind.
No one will get justice other than by creating a literal alternative society that is based in truth above all and has a moral foundation that equates child rape to a death sentence. And preferably not a quick death either.
Even if you are a young atheist and still do not understand this yet —think it through and you might realise it— any moral foundation of that sort has to be rooted in belief in a higher power (i.e. God). Absent a higher authority than man, there is no reason at all, for any morality whatsoever. Nor can you defend there being one. If it’s all just one nihilistic black hole of meaninglessness then, whether one rapes and kills children to satisfy their urges or serves in a soup kitchen is neither here nor there. You may prefer one over the other but there is absolutely no logical reason you can claim one is objectively “better” than the other aside your personal preference; and you have zero objective argument why your preference should be superior to anyone else’s.
So… once you realise every actual functioning society humanity has ever had was based on a religion and its morality, and if you agree with my idea that pedophiles deserve death, as do those who help them, hide them and cover for them, guess what, at removes a couple of world religions from the equation right away, because they have child rape as acceptable in their unholy books: Islam and Judaism.
There may be other views that are at least not pro-child rape, like shintoism, at least some buddhism, or generally zen-agnostic type of views like Taoism or Daioism. But in any case, false versions of any of those religions, that is, people who may pay lip service to them but don’t actually follow them, are really not relevant, which of course means most “christians” too are just another species of lukewarm NPCs.
Which means that the only people who might actually have a chance of changing the world for the better are those of us who:
1. Have a religion that is essentially good which means does NOT include child rape as part of it, or in any way acceptable to it.
2. Actually live their religion.
3. Reject the falsity and evil of the world in favour of their religion.
That is the baseline premise of the people who MIGHT actually change things.
The follow-on from that is that they therefore also need to:
1. Create an alternate society that comes into being, sustains itself, and grows that does not rely in any way on the current ones populating our Satanically dominated planet.
2. Is able to defend itself from the inevitable attacks that the Satanic Clown Worlders will eventually launch.
3. Must become able and willing to remove the evil doers and replace them with both people and systems that better guard the good, freedom, and above all justice based on truth for all, the most defenceless first: i.e. children; and rewards based on merit not fictional ideologies.
Ultimately this means to re-conquer all those positions of power that are currently inhabited by corrupt and evil people who are as allergic to truth and goodness as bacteria is to ammonia and sunlight.
The astute reader may also have realised that of all the world religions, only one clearly states that it is not just a decent thing to do, but the dogmatic duty of a man to defend the innocents.
So. Gentle reader. Guess what?
This means if you plan to serve the good, your very first step, needs to be to stop serving the evil of the machinery we are all currently being trapped by to various degrees.
Non Serviam – TMOS 5a
There is only one true way to improve things.
Above all: to deal in truth.
To act in the name of good (which means the dogmatic position of the Catholic Church as far as I am concerned. You, dear reader are unlikely to agree unless you too are a 1958 Sedevacantist, but I understand, I too was a heathen for most of my life).
And acting in the name of good, whether you realise it or not, means permanently removing pedophiles, child killers and rapists from society. And of course also removing permanently all those people who aided and abetted them and hid their crimes. It also means getting rid of fraudsters, con-men and usurers, if not permanently at the very least to place them in such a situation where they are not able to practice their deceptive ways, and where their labour is used to provide compensation to the offended parties.
In short, it means dealing justice to all who deserve it, charity to those who deserve it AFTER justice has been served, and ONLY then, not before. Mercy to those who deserve it but also punishment to those who deserve it too.
The death penalty absolutely needs to come back for certain crimes, that too is non-negotiable. And secret societies of Satanists, that is Freemasons, illuminati, carbonari, skull and crossbones and so in should not only be outlawed, but membership of it should be grounds for receiving the death penalty in fact.
Freemasonry is a Satanic, anti-human, evil thing as is all Satanism.
There are many other social rules that it would be good to impose too, but this post is not primarily about that. Each group or society of people will have certain things most agree need to happen. What I wrote above is generally acceptable to most people, and the only real exception might be those too innocent, or too ignorant and lazy to look into freemasonry properly who assume it’s just a friendly social club.
If they bothered to research things a bit, they too would mostly agree that what might seem as a harsh punishment (death penalty for membership) is in fact quite sensible.
So let me now add the part no one wants to talk about:
If you agree with the above in general terms, then you also need to recognise that NONE of the political alternatives being presented to you currently are based in truth. None.
They are only different shades of lies.
Trump is not going to save anyone nor drain the swamp. And the swamp creatures that are almost certainly pedophiles of the worst sort have just had their homes NOT burn down when every house around them has in fact been lasered from the sky into ash. The trees have not however. Isn’t it amazing how Tom Hanks, Oprah, and such people have not had their home burn down?
Weird trees that don’t catch fire eh?
Do you remember Tom Hank’s face/reaction when Ricky Gervais presented the golden globe awards and accused the entire room of being pedos? It was a very worried face. And there is plenty of evidence, circumstantial though it may be. As for Oprah, she’s been feeding young meat into the machine for decades.
My point is this:
No one is going to get justice by voting for any politician. They ALL need to go. And a lot of them need to be punished for horrific crimes, along with their puppet-masters who are mass-murderers of the worst kind.
No one will get justice other than by creating a literal alternative society that is based in truth above all and has a moral foundation that equates child rape to a death sentence. And preferably not a quick death either.
Even if you are a young atheist and still do not understand this yet —think it through and you might realise it— any moral foundation of that sort has to be rooted in belief in a higher power (i.e. God). Absent a higher authority than man, there is no reason at all, for any morality whatsoever. Nor can you defend there being one. If it’s all just one nihilistic black hole of meaninglessness then, whether one rapes and kills children to satisfy their urges or serves in a soup kitchen is neither here nor there. You may prefer one over the other but there is absolutely no logical reason you can claim one is objectively “better” than the other aside your personal preference; and you have zero objective argument why your preference should be superior to anyone else’s.
So… once you realise every actual functioning society humanity has ever had was based on a religion and its morality, and if you agree with my idea that pedophiles deserve death, as do those who help them, hide them and cover for them, guess what, at removes a couple of world religions from the equation right away, because they have child rape as acceptable in their unholy books: Islam and Judaism.
There may be other views that are at least not pro-child rape, like shintoism, at least some buddhism, or generally zen-agnostic type of views like Taoism or Daioism. But in any case, false versions of any of those religions, that is, people who may pay lip service to them but don’t actually follow them, are really not relevant, which of course means most “christians” too are just another species of lukewarm NPCs.
Which means that the only people who might actually have a chance of changing the world for the better are those of us who:
1. Have a religion that is essentially good which means does NOT include child rape as part of it, or in any way acceptable to it.
2. Actually live their religion.
3. Reject the falsity and evil of the world in favour of their religion.
That is the baseline premise of the people who MIGHT actually change things.
The follow-on from that is that they therefore also need to:
1. Create an alternate society that comes into being, sustains itself, and grows that does not rely in any way on the current ones populating our Satanically dominated planet.
2. Is able to defend itself from the inevitable attacks that the Satanic Clown Worlders will eventually launch.
3. Must become able and willing to remove the evil doers and replace them with both people and systems that better guard the good, freedom, and above all justice based on truth for all, the most defenceless first: i.e. children; and rewards based on merit not fictional ideologies.
Ultimately this means to re-conquer all those positions of power that are currently inhabited by corrupt and evil people who are as allergic to truth and goodness as bacteria is to ammonia and sunlight.
The astute reader may also have realised that of all the world religions, only one clearly states that it is not just a decent thing to do, but the dogmatic duty of a man to defend the innocents.
So. Gentle reader. Guess what?
This means if you plan to serve the good, your very first step, needs to be to stop serving the evil of the machinery we are all currently being trapped by to various degrees.
Hence… we stop serving it.
Non Serviam.
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