Vox Day has written one of the most important pieces of writing he has ever done here.
I absolutely suggest everyone reads it in full.
It is not just important, it is fundamental to understanding of reality on this planet and how the evil servants of Satan want to invert it.
Even so, Vox continues to make a fundamental error with regard to the one saving Grace that does exist on our fallen world: Christianity.
It is a bit of cognitive dissonance he exhibits that is hard to understand. Especially since it is directly analogous to the very concept of Nationalism he clearly understands so well and in which he refers to the relevant documents relating to the American Constitution.
If paper “Americans” are not actually Americans —and I agree they are not, even if it is somewhat arguable that there is any specific homogenous people that are American, as such, even if you allow for say such a concept as he does, I think there is a good argument to be made that Southrons are different genuine Americans from Yankee, and both are different genuine Americans from Redskins. So at minimum there are at least three different genuine Americans that can be considered such from native (birthright) principles— then there can be no argument that Protestants are in any way Christians; and this is even clearer, since the documentation regarding it is even clearer and untroubled by any genetic complexities, as it is based purely on adherence to the dogmatic principles that are all set down in writing.
Every single shade of Protestantism deviated ferociously from the only Christianity that had ever existed, complete with transubstantiation in the mass, Popes and so on, that is Catholicism.
The one exception people cling to, the so-called Eastern “Orthodox” are clearly schismatics motivated by subterfuge and political power as well as historical duplicitous turncoats that backstabbed the very Catholics that came to save them, repeatedly, even almost half a century after their schisms.
Nor do ANY of their theological claims to “orthodoxy” stand up to scrutiny based in actual Biblical fact.
Just as Novus Orco impostor clergy pretends to be Catholic, the Sarah Hoyts of America pretend to be American. And just as anyone who does not follow and believe the original dogma of the infallible magisterium of the Catholic Church, embodied in the Code of Canon Law of 1917 —which means it’s all available for perusal by anyone who cares to do so— has no claim to Christianity; no one who is not a legitimate progeny of one of the three branches of Americans mentioned above has any claim to America as their nation.
I have an opinion to explain Vox’s apparent rejection of actual Catholicism, which may or may not be correct, but as I have proposed a discussion on this before and it has been most likely politely rejected for at least a decade, I can only go on this so far, and it is thus:
Vox has an issue with any human authority over him. Which I understand and mostly agree with him on it, though I have no ego about it when that authority makes sense in order to achieve greater objectives and the “leader” is competent, or when —as is the case in the Church— that authority is derived by the “leader” (priest or bishop) adhering to divine law and doing their job with regard to imposing whatever such derived authority on me. I think Vox has an issue in both these regards I don’t have.
Secondly, I think he identifies his Christianity far more in that way that Catholicism would qualify as the internal forum than the external forum. That is, God knows our hearts fully and there is SOME scope for that internal state to give some leeway in terms of who may or may not be saved. Again, I have no real issue with this stance, but the point for me (and for logic in genera) is that the external forum, that is that aspect of your practice of religion that you exhibit publicly, absolutely matters because it helps to construct the social fabric that produces a more, or less, pious and believing society.
In short, because most people are NPCs, it is incumbent upon us to do our best to also follow the rules and apply ourselves to presenting ourselves as obedient Catholics (obedient to God first and foremost, and to his LEGITIMATE and VALID representatives on Earth that act and believe legitimately and validly).
To do so helps others see us and those who do so as the correct way to behave and encourages more Catholic behaviour, which historically has demonstrated itself to be the most beneficial overall behaviour that humanity has ever indulged in.
I make this post not as any sort of accusation to Vox, he will most likely not respond to my thoughts here anyway, but rather to make the position with respect to actual Christianity clear.
If you don’t believe paper Americans are actual Americans, you have no legitimate basis for believing anyone other than 1958 Sedevacantists (ie Catholics) are Christians, and everyone else is just a Churchian.
If I understand you correctly, since my ancestors came to America in the 1880’s and 1890’s, (somewhat early for Italians) and have absolutely no relation to Mayflower Yankees, Scots-Irish Southerns, or native Redskins that I have no claim to being American? Must I then repatriate to Naples?
Please excuse the wording, I am not good at expressing tone of voice in writing.
I would assume you may well belong to whatever geographic area you settled in, but other Americans near you may not see it that way
Vox grew up in a evangelical household. I read it online in an interview that he attended an evangelical academy for education.
Besides, he’s not a Christian. He explicitly denies Christ’s divinity. See his post “The False Doctrine of the Trinity.”
In the searchbar on his website type in terms like “Catholicism,” “Monotheism,” “Polytheism,” and the like, and read what he says. He says that Christians are not monotheists, for one; they just worship the one true God.
The guy is utterly whack. He’s part of the problem, because he’s a Protestant. It all starts with Luther. He’ll ultimately fail in his attempt to restore Christian civilzation, because he and his protestant ancestors helped to destroy it.
He’s as much a Churchian as those he criticizes and condemns. There is something, I think, deeply wrong in his spirit. Like a lot of high IQ individuals he’s also incredibly full of himself, and sees things that aren’t there. I think he’s utterly full of himself.
The one true Church is for everyone, not just the smart ones. It’s the intellectuals who often are the biggest fools when it comes to this. I can’t tell you how many conversion stories I’ve read and listened to by ordinary people — the ones Vox likes to dismiss as idiots and retards — who convert because of the simple and obvious contradictions between what they’ve been told and what they discover for themselves.
Either Vox is bereft of historical understanding, and doesn’t know it as well as he thinks he does, or he does know it and chooses to reject it.
Sorry for the long comment, Signor Filotto (American Citizen of Italian descent over here in the States). I’ve been thinking about this for some time, and once I start it’s hard to stop. 🙂
I had to stop supporting him, because Catholics and heretics can’t work together on this fundamental issue. And this spiritual/supernatural perspective is at the heart of the crisis.
Perhaps I could say more in a private email. You have my address if you’d like to send me a message.
God Bless you and keep you. Ciao .