For the initial book reviews I will tend to not give any spoilers and instead recommend a few titles that cover a whole vast topic in a rather comprehensive way. These will all be non-fiction Books and have the Must Read Books title plus whatever part they refer to with a generic topic too, so they can easily be found using the search me button on the right sidebar. You may wish to bookmark this entry as a reminder.

The Four Witnesses by Rod Bennett – Written by a previously Protestant “Pastor” this book is probably one of the best single volume works that gives anyone objective enough evidence that Christianity is and always was Catholic and ONLY Catholic. The writer converted as a result of his studies. Skeptics can then use his references and the works of the patristic fathers he mentions (and others) prior to the Bible even having been compiled (which was done only about 300 years AFTER Jesus Ascended, and compiled by oral tradition of the Catholic Patristic fathers, complete with Popes and everything else).
Bearing False Witness by Rodney Stark – Written by yet another Protestant, yet an honest Historian, Stark details at least the most egregious lies that Protestantism has laid at the feet of Catholicism. This is by no means an exhaustive work, but is useful to dispel at least a few of the biggest lies that Protestants are taught from birth about Catholicism.
The Crusades, of Iron Men and Saints by Harold Lamb – This is the definitive work on the first crusade and written by a man that went to extraordinary lengths to cover the issue as objectively as possible, having translated documents from the Arab world too. It remains a masterpiece and if after reading this you still do not understand what Catholicism really was (and is, insofar as it continues to exist) then, I think you are probably lost to Churchianity forever. It should also cure you of any misguided ideas about Eastern Orthodoxy being the “true” home of the Church. They are traitorous backstabbers that never spread the gospel beyond their immediate surroundings.
God’s Battalions by Rodney Stark – This small volume is best read before Harold Lamb’s in order to give context to the entire Crusades for those who have not studied it in school (so, everyone).
Believe! – My own short book on Christianity and how from a life-long Zen-Agnostic generally materialistic hedonist I became a hardcore Catholic (i.e. Sedevacantist). This short book has resulted in many people returning to the true Catholic Faith, as it briefly also explains why the current “Catholic Church” headed by Bergoglio is really a Satanic hive of impostors and has been since 1958.
Reclaiming the Catholic Church – My own far more detailed and referenced book on the Catholic Church and how and by whom the infiltration of it that reduced it to a mere fragment of its original size and majesty happened. This book also explains the Sedevacantist position in extreme detail and highlights some of the direct heresy present in each of the Vatican II documents. It explains why the last valid Pope died on the 9th of October 1958 and why the Code of Canon Law of 1917 is the bulwark against the lies of the impostors and remains the impregnable fortress of truth against their lies and false teachings. It covers the infiltration of the Freemasons, and before them the Carbonari and so on. It has enough references you need not take anything I say on faith, you can research it yourself. It also answers every single supposed “criticism” of sedevacantism, and has had no valid refutations to date. Ebook cheaper and direct here.
The above books will essentially give you a crash-course in the reality behind actual Catholicism and point out that the fakery, lies and impostor “Catholic” clergy are all hell-bent on making sure that no one, but especially young men, do not find out the truth about actual Catholicism.
The few young men who do, tend to get married happily, young, and make babies early and often.
And the future belongs to those who show up for it.
Regardless of your opinion of Catholicism, which, like my own and everyone else’s that hasn’t spent time studying it properly is built on lies, the discovery of the historical facts will absolutely make your perception of life on this planet shift quite a bit.
Tags: book reviews
My copy of “The Crusades” cam in the mail yesterday. “The 4 Witnesses” and “Bearing False Witness” should be close behind. Thank you for the recommendations.
(Pelase disregard previous comment awaiting moderation under a different name. The web page autofilled my comment with that name instead of Tarcisius.)
You’re most welcome. Thank you for actually taking the time to read them. If everyone did so, the world would be a far better place
I recently began my readthrough of “Four Witnesses” and I can’t thank you enough for recommending it.
I finished the section on St. Ignatius this morning, and it had me close to tears. It was beautiful. He is more real to me now than he ever was before, and my faith that I share with him is all the stronger for it.
I hope and pray the author finds the truth someday.
You’re most welcome. Thank you for actually taking the time to read them. If everyone did so, the world would be a far better place
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