The complete restructuring of this blog after the severe hacking by what is pretty much confirmed state actors took a while because we implemented a lot of additional defences and changes that don’t necessarily show up on the front end, but do make a big difference security wise.
Let’s just say that another hacker attack now would probably require a magnitude of state interest higher than my blog managed to have before, and while not impossible, it may be a while before I reach that level of attention.
It would surprise the average person a LOT if they were suddenly made aware of the degree to which people who speak unvarnished truth online are kept under observation and routinely shadow-banned, cancelled, psyopped and even have other issues “magically” happen that affect them negatively.
For example, my paying substack subscriptions are currently put on hold in terms of me receiving payments. I did that because stripe is taking something like 95% of the subscriptions and neither Substack nor stripe are apparently able to fix it. Each blaming the other and each saying that this is perfectly normal from their side.
Well, I’m fairly sure no one else on Substack is experiencing what I am. Just one of many other coincidences I am sure.
The fact is that part of the psyops is also to do just enough “difficulty life enhancement” that it looks normal enough to be just about a plausible coincidence, especially to outsiders unfamiliar with this kind of operation, yet also too coincidental and too similar in pattern over time.
Plus, of course, there are the various indications when they tip their hand with various direct messages. Overt offers of money if you will just join this or that group, strange enough emails that once you have had enough of these type of attacks you recognise the playbook, and so on.
I have been on God alone knows how many lists of various intelligence agencies at the very least since 1995 when The Face on Mars was first published. The fact I was under surveillance that included phone tapping was confirmed by what at the time was basically one of the very top people in the South African intelligence services. And his concern was not that I was under surveillance, but that he had checked and it wasn’t by the South African agencies, and he was not clear (or he didn’t want to say) whose agency it was that was doing it.
I never was in any doubt that it was one of the USA alphabet soup ones because their MO was very much American, as were their actions and threats. As I am not an idiot, and realised this was likely to happen, I made my position clear in both The Face on Mars and my much later book on Systema. In the latter going so far as to actually dedicating a one-page chapter titled: A Note for The Men in Black. I like to think maybe some of them have a sense of humour, though all indications are this is a very optimist take on my part.
The psyops was relatively intense in the late 1990s and aside the phone tapping included a burglary (that only took my video camera and the recordings of UFOs I had made in April of 1995, which was an event that had made front page news at the time because the UFOs had been seen all over the country including by entire police stations).
It also included the remote damaging of a hard drive in my main computer, that once examined by the technical guys who I was friends with at the time, was shown to have damage they had never seen before. The reading head had been rammed forcefully enough into various sectors to damage the surface of the hard drive there and consequently corrupt the data, which was an odd enough “error”, but the only data that was affected this way was the one in my UFO folders or antigravity research folders. Even then, only specific files of some importance in each folder were damaged, that is, all the useful ones. You younger people will not understand this but back then it was possible for a human to review a hard drive and be able to pick out all the relevant files in it. We did not have the galaxies of space that exist now in the smallest of computers.
After I did seminar talks in the UK on The Face in Mars and appeared on TV and radio both in UK and the USA as well as on Radio in South Africa, I also had various odd encounters, but mostly from people that wanted to let me know they agreed with my take on things but were also aware that they would endanger themselves or their careers if they supported my views in any public way.
These included a highly placed ESA astronomer who had experiments aboard various space missions, the daughter of a British admiral, and a few other less highly placed people, as well as some who had apparently suffered some more serious encounters with the various agencies that made it clear to them that keeping quiet was best.
But eventually these attentions settled down as it became clear I wasn’t in the retarded camp that thought everyone should have unfettered access to antigravity technology. Because if you really understand what can be done with it, you would agree that some controls on it must exist.
After that, when I wrote Reclaiming the Catholic Church, in 2020 I was approached multiple times in a different way. They attempted to buy me. That is, offer me money and “support” for my ideas as ling as I joined a “very traditional” group of “Catholics”. One that just so happened to be of the Novus Orco variety.
The latest wave of attacks, culminating in the final massive hack of the blog, seems to have started some time after the publication of Nazi Moon.
Which makes sense, because although it is a work of fiction, the impetus for it all, the storyline, and especially all the science in it, as well as many of the historical asides in it dating back to WWII are either factual or at least heavily based in real events that took place.
And there is plenty of edge of knowledge science to choose from that they would not like you at all to know about; from psychotronic healing chambers to antigravity technology and phase conjugate weaponry, to the mechanisms of things your DNA can do and what it means in the greater scheme of things.
But the final big hit on the blog, I have no doubt, was brought on by my ever sharper and more direct exposure of the Jewish religion, its actual practices, the practices of various members of the tribe that professes it as their religion, and the incontrovertible evidence of their unmitigated evil.
Combined with my zeal for the real Catholicism today only found in Sedevacantism, and the fact that Catholics have always known the situation concerning the Pharisees and who they are and what and whom they really serve, proved too much for mere generic sabotage that had been going on largely unnoticed for months.
The hacker/s had been quietly deleting selected posts shortly after they were published, and detaching links to anything connected to Catholicism. Quite the tell really.
So, in one fell swoop they decided to try and permanently cripple the blog. My IT gurus think it was sone on purpose and they may be right, but I am familiar enough with government work to believe it is at least just as likely, if not more so, that Dean (my name for the spook in charge of my psyops) just screwed up late on Friday afternoon, and his rush to get to his date with the local transgender furry, left his console open and unattended; which incidentally gave full access to my blog to any random stranger that wandered on it.
It is a testament to my readers that all that happened was that I got several emails warning me of the issue.
At any rate, the effect was that my readership has now taken a huge hit, it’s true, and that also has resulted in the number of books, kurgan TV subscriptions, donations to the valley of the saints trees (which I must update in the next 24 hours or so), or donations to The Kurganate , have all pretty much dried up.
And as people no longer had the blog to see, also the Hypnosis work has reduced. All in all, it’s definitely caused a serious dent in the finances and at a time when I needed to get the oil harvest in too, as well, of course, as being Christmas time with all the usual additional expenses that brings.
So the enemies of mankind and humanity at large did achieve a certain level of “suck-cess”, but unfortunately for them, they really don’t understand the dynamics of how these things work. Despite the real hit in the pocket, the net result has been one of my resolve only getting stronger and more tempered.
It’s been hard in other ways too, as two relatives passed away this month, which one could easily see as some nefarious omen, but I am not that way inclined, having had a pretty sober view of death since a young age, and that being that it is both inevitable and ultimately neutral in meaning mostly.
The resulting spiritual growth has been quite astonishing and while I can’t adequately quantify it for you in terms that one can easily compute, I can tell you with certainty that overall, this attack, intended to do evil and harm me and mine, has resulted in yes, some practical setbacks, of note, but ultimately, I would consider it a net positive.
So, going forward:
I have an advanced systema techniques book finished, which with any luck I’ll get out just before Christmas, so please buy it if you are in any way interested in martial arts and especially the mindset Systema produces (which incidentally is very much what has made me navigate the last couple of months as well as I have).
I also managed to harvest the olives after all, thanks to a lot of help from three different friends, and just in time before the last oil mill closed even if they are not the mill I had made the agreements with for export. And whether these guys will do the same remains to be seen. I still need to get the analyses done to prove the oil quality, but that’s from one of various labs I can do in due course.
If the paperwork I need for export gets done by the mill too, I will be able to complete orders in the USA finally. And that with the very best olive oil on the planet, because this region has won first prize for the last few years in a row. And my olives have zero chemicals or artificial fertilisers of any kind. They are literally just the olives as they grow on the trees without any aid from man at all.
So… even though it’s been a very hard year and even harder last couple of months and it may be lean for a while to come, overall, I and mine are happy. I hope you all are too, and hopefully without any of the trials we underwent.
Lastly… We are having our sixth child in 2025 and it will be another boy, which the little Viking is thrilled by, since he was outnumbered 4 to 1 by his sisters.
I truly am a blessed man, and thank God for his Kindness, Love and Grace, and wish you all the same from Him.
Glad to see you are back just ordering reclaiming the Catholic church. I’ve just started Nazi Moon, having read the Face on Mars a while back and left a positive review on Amazon.Not being much of a warrior (more the fat Merchant type), I wonder does Systemsa hold any interest to a wider readrship? Thanks for your work you are always interesting and thought provoking. Best wishes.
Yes, Systema applies to literally every facet of life, and my book especially deals with this side of things too. I literally can’t think of anyone who would not benefit from applying some of the principles of Systema to their life.
As for being a fat merchant type, it’s never too late to learn how to take care of your body. If you are in the USA especially, eating actual food is quite difficult, as most of it is genetically engineered rubbish so you have my sympathies!
And thank you for your support, it’s much appreciated.
Many congratulations for the new baby boy, Giuseppe. I hope you and your family have a very blessed Christmas and Christmas season, and a new year filled with God’s grace.
It is good to see the blog up and running again.
Thank you, and the same back to you and yours.