Milo Yiannopoulous: Gatekeeper to the puppet starlets of “Catholicism”? (With Pictures)

A lot of people are getting all excited and clapping their hands, much like trained seals, at the supposed conversion to Catholicism of Britney Spears, the hoped for imminent one of Shiea LaBeouf, who is in the middle of acting in a film about Padre Pio, and of course there is the flamboyant “coming closer to God” of supposedly already Catholic, ex-sodomite Milo Yiannopoulous. Milo has joined forces with Gary “Michael” Voris of Church Militant, another supposed ex-sodomite, and now does quite a bit of writing and promoting of their agenda just by virtue of the fact that with Milo come large numbers of followers. And he’s been positively *glowing* about Britney; and threw a sideways uplift to Shiea. What a revival of Catholicism right? What a magnet for all the young people to join it too! Yay! (Insert trained seal clapping like an evangelist here).

I, however, have good reason to believe Milo is a Freemason and works for the enemy. And the score of pictures and screen-captures at the end of this post and his reaction to the questions on them, tend to be more than just mere circumstantial evidence.

So, I remain supremely skeptical, to put it mildly. If you have to ask why, I assume you’re new here and know nothing of sedeprivationism, in which case I would suggest you either read at least this post first. Or better yet, my short book Believe! For a generic overview of Christianity as a whole. Or Reclaiming the Catholic Church for an in-depth look at actual Catholicism, what’s left of it, where to find it and why yes, it still is the actual Catholic Church and remains indefectible, visible and valid despite there not having been a valid Pope since 9th October 1958 and the Vatican being a hive of pederasts.

If you have taken a crash course in what Sedeprivationism is (aka actual Catholicism) then you may have an inkling of doubt, which I hope to stoke into a veritable auto-da-fe for heretics and impostors.

Here then, is my non-exhaustive list of reasons why I am supremely skeptical of both Brittany and Shiea and even more so of Milo, who I would see as far worse than either one of those two unfortunates if my Catholic spider sense is any good at all.

  • Hollywood and Catholicism simply do NOT mix. One is run by Satanic pedophiles, Jews who hate Catholicism and Jesus with a passion (just ask Mel Gibson who is a Sedeprivationist), or at the very best, super liberal degenerates with the morals of a ferret on cocaine, and the other is a religion that is the exact opposite of all those things. So when the two mix to make a film about Padre Pio, alarm bells go off. These are the same people who killed the relatively harmless Star Wars franchise, and many others, in the name of wokeism after all. And the open secret about the child rape, grooming and other vile practices are by now almost mainstream. 
  • All three of these people have made overt Freemasonic symbolic signs of allegiance. While this seems like high paranoia to those who remain oblivious of the practices behind Hollywood, it is an absolute fact that with very few exceptions, most so-called stars, make overt signals to show their satanic, freemasonic allegiance. If you are unaware of the extent of this, I suggest you look into it on your own. The trans-formation of Bruce Jenner was even encapsulated in a drawing of that messed up family a couple of years before he announced he was now a stunning and brave woman. A few have outright admitted to it too, like Zimmerman (Bob Dylan), but if you have not looked into it and this is news for you, get ready for a rabbit hole that leads to a window into hell when you do.

Here are some images of Brittany and if you need any more proof look at her video for the song “slumber party”.

Note the eye on the legging and the bowtie which doubles as a butterfly in this instance. And the hat is basically covering one eye.

Note the top she is wearing and the writing on it.

Here is Shia.

And here is what in comparison would be the circus ringmaster, (with Shiea and Brittany being more akin to an interval clown and the trapeze act respectively), Milo:

Notice the eye in the above picture

If you are not aware of some of the symbolism such as: the black and white patterned floor (Freemasonic lodges), butterflies (MK Ultra/Freemasonic symbolism related to sex slaves), one eye covered (the all-seeing eye is the one of Satan, who in the Bible is the bad shepherd who has one arm and one eye withered/damaged), the weird half-lifted foot placement of Milo in the desert (Masonic positioning), the whole cow motif (to the Freemasons, who are inspired by Talmudic Judaism, we are blind cattle), etc. these may seem like innocuous to you. And the “OK” hand sign, was also conveniently “taken over” by the idea that it was white supremacist and a codeword for “It’s OK to be white” which only a deeply racist white person would say, obviously.

If you’re new/retarded here, that was sarcasm. It really is fine to be white, don’t worry about it.

And the bath of pig’s blood was all deeply necessary for the plight of victims of crime by illegal immigrants don’t you know. No symbolism to see here at all, just move along. The pictures of Milo and “friend” drowning in the blood are just coincidental, he’s just so concerned about immigrant crime, that this was the obvious thing to do. Who wouldn’t want to dip themselves in pig’s blood for a noble cause, don’t you see how it raises the dignity and profile of it all? You don’t, why, you must be some kind of Catholic Bigot!

Now why, oh why would I point at Milo as being some kind of nefarious mastermind enemy of actual Catholicism?

After all, I have spoken complimentarily of him before. 

In fact, after my interview with Professor Rachel Fulton Brown, I wrote to Milo and asked if he would be interested in an interview to discuss Catholicism. I let him know that although my number of followers is less than a tenth of his telegram followers, I am, after Mel Gibson, probably the best known sedeprivationist on Earth. And he did owe me for his heterosexuality after all. You see, he did side-hug me for about a second when I met him in Paris; obviously a couple of my pheromone molecules got in his nostrils and a few short years later he’s straight. Coincidence? You and I know better!

Despite the relatively light-hearted email, Milo did reply quickly and even later made it clear he would have appreciated an autographed copy of my book RTCC though he would buy one, I, of course, duly sent him one anyway and got confirmation it was received.

Since then, despite allowing for a few months of time to read the book it’s been crickets. He’s busy, alright, not like me with four children under age ten, a farm that has been neglected for 3 years, a house that only had one functioning light-bulb on arrival and all the other things I am busy with. I did however follow up, politely, with 3 more emails over the last month or so and still crickets.

At this time I was also doing research for the upcoming digital kurganate and of course, delving deeper into Freemasonry when I was made aware of Milo’s rather unexplainable overt signalling to them.

And shortly thereafter his linking up with the other supposedly ex-sodomite, Gary “Michael” Voris (or Michelle, as I refer to him), of Church Militant SuperGrifter fame.

And that is when serious alarm bells went off. Milo is too intelligent to pretend that he is unaware of the underbelly of the people he gets in bed with (yes that’s a pun). And especially when it’s this public and obvious. Plus, he’s had RTCC since early June.

But…but… Surely I’m just a bitter sedeprivationist who’s upset and jealous, *jealous* you say, of the attention Milo is not giving me! 

Aside from the fact that such a judgement is almost entirely devoid of any of the psychology that actually makes up my personality, the more difficult part of this for my would-be detractors (and yes, there are many and that number will only continue to grow) are the simple facts of the matter, which, succinctly stated are as follows (point number 3’s proof follows below):

  1. The Bergoglian Empire of pedophiles is a fake “Catholic” Church of impostors, pederasts, and actual Satanists/Freemasons.
  2. Anyone that willingly supports it is therefore a collaborator of their Satanic plans. And by this point, while perhaps there are a few retarded laymen that may still believe themselves to be Catholic instead of “Catholic” who follow Bergoglio as “Pope”, we cannot possibly give such a charitable assumption to the likes of Michelle Voris, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall and Milo. Why you say?
  3. Because Church Militant takes money, and lots of it, from the same satanic anti-church that they are a member of, while pretending that they, and it, is the real Catholic Church that “argues” against Bergoglio but without ever formally declaring the fake Popes are fake Popes.

And for those of you with shoe-sized IQ going “Well, you’re just jealous of their wealth too, and the donations good Catholics give to these brave defenders of the faith!” I say…

Step into the light, my retarded friend, and behold the truth regarding these impostors.

Because most people have no idea of just how patient and how subtle and underhanded Freemasons are, it is necessary to give you, my normie-ish readers, a bit of an education on them. Keep in mind the Freemasons have been quietly infiltrating the Church for a couple hundred years before their takeover of the papacy in 1958. They are sneaky and they always play both sides of the coin. And the edge too. Often supposedly pitting one side against the other as if there were an actual disagreement between the left and the right hand, and often there is, even down to violence and murder, but that’s as nothing to the fact that both hands are around *your* metaphorical neck, to strangle you. And regardless of which path you take, both lead to Hell.  

While you are distracted by the “fight” between the “traditionalists” like SSPX who want to keep the “Latin mass” and “bad Pope” Bergy the Oleous, you miss the fact that: 

  1. The SSPX Latin Mass is just as invalid as the Novus Orco one because it refers to a Satanist (the fake “Pope”) in it, joining such scum to the sacrifice of our Lord; an utter blasphemy. And they also recognise this same Satanist as “Pope”, yet “resist” him (a nonsensical position, impossible to reconcile with Catholicism proper).
  2. Bergy the Oleous remains the Satanist he always was.
  3. You remain unsaved and outside of the real Catholic Church because you remain either unaware of Sedeprivationism and its validity, or fooled by the same “two sides” above that BOTH tell you how Sedes are just CRAAAAZY “schismatics”, so never, ever, even LOOK at their arguments. 

Freemasons are indeed sneaky and it is difficult to see the game they play, at least while you are unaware of their existence and the way they work. They thrive on secrecy of course. Once you become aware of them and their ways, however, their ploys and agents become relatively obvious and predictable.

So back to Michelle Voris and “Church Militant”. Who and what is this man and this organisation?

Well, both Gary (who prefers to go by Michael, you see) Voris and his organisation started and are funded by Opus Dei. And who are they? The nexus of Freemasonry at the heart of the anti-Church nominally headed by Bergy The Oleous, Vicar of Pedophiles on Earth.

Here is a snippet from a longer article you can find here:

A word of warning, while the writer of that article may be well-intentioned, the article itself is a supposed “defence” of the SSPX so, just more of the same “No, no, the LEFT hand of Satan is where salvation is found!” And the counter: “Nay, sinner, it is the RIGHT hand of the Prince of lies that saves, and that alone!”

Nevertheless, the factual information concerning Church Militant is valid:

So let’s look at the beginning of CM as St. Michael’s Media and Real Catholic TV.

The saga begins in 2006 when Michael Voris formed his company, St. Michael’s Media. In 2008 Real Catholic TV premiered in Ferndale, MI, a city known for its homosexual presence. 

But the domain name wasn’t registered by Voris. Rather it belonged to Marc Brammer who hired Voris to do the programming and put $250,000 into the startup of Real Catholic TV. 

So who is Marc Brammer and what kind of programming did he want Voris and company to produce?

Marc Brammer is a wealthy and successful businessman from South Bend, IN. He is also a member of Opus Dei as researcher Randy Engel confirmed from a 2011 email responding to a query to Mike Voris. Not just an ordinary member, however. Brammer wrote to Engel that he is a “supernumerary” of Opus Dei and involved in several media enterprises. What is the connection of those enterprises to OD? Another area of investigation.

In another contact with Engel, Brammer linked Opus Dei with Voris saying, “Come on Randy…be a Catholic warrior with us…with me…with [E. Michael] Jones…with Voris…we are not OD thugs.” Hmm… Brammer clearly connects Voris here with OD.  So exactly what level of involvement does Voris have with OD? Member? Cooperator? Friendly ally in their work? Something to investigate.

These questions need answers because they would go a long way to explaining why Church Militant is trying to destroy not only the SSPX, but LifeSiteNews, The Remnant, Catholic Family News, and any other media outlet favorable to the Holy Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Note how that other grifter, Emo Jones is in there as well. And yes, do look into the investigation into Emo Jones by Randy Engel.

Assuming you would not rather just skip to the conclusion which is in a video I did over a year ago now; here.

So you see, Milo has now teamed up with a fake “traditionalist” and “Catholic” (Freemasonic) organisation, funded by a supernumerary of Opus Dei (the nest of vipers at the heart of the paedophilic Bergoglian Empire).

And that’s AFTER he got my book.

On sedeprivationism.

All circumstantial you say? 

Think about it. 

Milo is very influential, he particularly has the ear of the younger generations. Yes the Millennials, but they are mostly inconsequential, because like slow zombies their only strength is their huge numbers, intellectually they are brain-dead. 

More importantly Milo has the ear of the Zyklons, many of which are a resonance of Gen Xers like myself, who never gave a flying fuck about the lies the Boomers tried to force feed us all our lives. And as a result of this resonance with a rejection of and rebellion against lies, they may have a shot at remaining relatively free spiritually, intellectually and emotionally from the endless sea of falsity that surrounds us.

Milo plays well the part of carefree rebel against all the sacred cows of boomerisms. What better pied piper than him, to lead astray young souls that are attracted by his superficially rebellious stance against the lies, while edifying the poor, poor, victims like Brittany (who freely chose to take the Freemason ticket) who are now, like poor, poor, lost sheep Shiea, (ditto) finally coming home to the heaving bosom of Milo’s own rebellious but kind, loving, true, Church of…

Sodomite Satan and all his minions.

And by the time you wake up, it’s too late and that warm feeling you sense is getting hotter.

All paranoia you say?

Try asking Milo about his Freemasonic associations in his telegram chat and see if you last more than 1 minute before you get yeeted.

Take screenshots. And let me know how it goes. So far, no one made it past about 5 minutes, although one guy seemingly only got banned from posting pictures, as you will see. But the ones asking real questions with a bit of spice…not only get booted, but their comments deleted so no one can see them later, and all very quickly. There are admins on that telegram chat around the clock booting people for this. As the zoomers say: That’s very sus.

That was me, above, getting banned from the chat so I can no longer comment.

This guy got banned by Milo himself, as you can see from the screen cap by another of our own sede infiltrators. And for the uninitiated, the leg and hip positions in this image are definitely Freemasonic signals.

But note how he then tries to pass off the “ok” symbol (which is the one eye blind of the freemasons as seen in the first image I posted and got banned for above) as a pro-Trump/”White supremacy” thing.

And zoomed in for legibility

Once again, note that Milo himself is pushing the “it’s just an OK sign” lie.

Except that well… a certain cowboy was having none of it, see below.

That’s Italian for “We’re sorry but this chat is no longer available” (because banned) And note that in the screen capture below, (by one of our sodalitium-like spies) the cowboy’s comments have disappeared, because they have been deleted from the chat altogether.

There are several more examples of this, that I have been sent, but I think this suffices to show that Milo is more than a little touchy about being asked of his association with Freemasonry, his association with an Opus Dei funded organisation like Church Militant, and his friend supposedly ex-gay Gary Voris, and above all, the fact that Freemasons ALWAYS play both sides of the coin.

You see, if you sense there is something deeply wrong with the Bergy of Oleous anti-church and his pal, Ratzi the Nazi, and the other Freemasons before them all the way to Roncalli, and yet also recognise that the Catholic Church is indeed the true Church, you might be inclined, if you are a bit lazy, to say that you’re an SSPX, or a Church Militant guy, or a score of other “traditionalists” who comfort themselves that they are “real” Catholics, while NOT actually taking on any of the issues of the infiltration, the need to turf these impostors out of the Vatican on their ass and directly into jails for their crimes against humanity, especially children, and so on.

You don’t have to deal with the hardship of being a Sedeprivationist or Sedevacantist and have to struggle to get the sacraments because you may have to travel far to see a real priest or Bishop. But luckily for you there is Milo, pretending to be a rebellious traditionalist alongside his also ex-gay pal Gary, giving you the red carpet treatment of the “Trad Cat”.


Just remember that the crusaders often only had mass once a year. But they held the Outremer (the land beyond the sea i.e. Jerusalem and the other cities like Antioch, etc) while assaulted from all sides including the supposed “Orthodox brothers” they came to help. And they held it for 200 years and in simultaneously protected Europe from the invaders and the fakers, the gnostics and the Churchians.

Join us. For there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, and Milo, and Gary, and Emo Jones and Tay-Tay Marshall, and even Ann Barnhardt, are not Catholics, they are just pretending to be. Ann at least is in error, but her narcissism has got the better of her and she will not correct herself. But these other guys? they KNOW what they are doing. Especially Milo. He’s too well-read, too intelligent, to not know.

Wonder what that “OK” Sign really stands for? Every Freemason knows this.


So dust yourself off if you are disappointed, and realise what it means to be part of the remnant. To be part of the narrow and hard path and not the broad and well-lit way to Hell. At least, do so, if you plan to be Catholic and thus on the side of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

For we march against these deceivers without hope and without fear, for we need neither of those emotions; we are Catholics, and as such, we, are the real Church Militant, not these impostors and frauds.

Nec Spe, Nec Metu, et Deus Vult.

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11 Responses to “Milo Yiannopoulous: Gatekeeper to the puppet starlets of “Catholicism”? (With Pictures)”

  1. Shadohand says:

    Never thought of the okay hand sign as Satanic symbol. I use it while surveying lines across long distances if I don’t have a radio. Ill stop using it. I wonder what other hand symbols have Satanic underpinnings now.

    I read some of your books too. It confirmed my sanity. Thank you for all your hard work.

  2. mr.turkone says:

    hi posted this article on his telegram LOL.

    • G says:

      You’ll probably be banned for your troubles as was I for merely asking about his Freemasonic associations. Seems he’s spiralling about a phone call and email presently. perhaps his handlers are upset.

  3. irony says:

    i noticed he kept doing this ok sign during his slot at the truenews. i wondered then whose tune he was playing with all these 6s and one eye society.

    • G says:

      And now you know. Just another grifter/impostor/fake Catholic. And he has also confirmed he’s a Bergolgian after all. Pedo supporter and all.

  4. James Jameson says:

    Milo has spoken about Freemasons infiltrating the church before. Would a Freemason be permitted to say such things? For the purpose of “playing the other side of the coin,” I suppose they would.
    Thought it might be interesting nonetheless:

    https://youtu.be/NZoz3DkW8X4 — 1:20 mark

  5. Just some guy says:

    It gets pretty crazy. Milo has connections all over the Alt-right, which has been incredibly suspicious for a long time. But even in Gamergate, he gave off bad vibes.

    He definitely is a pedophile and likely a freemason/Jesuit.

    There was disturbing rumors that he helped groom the underage YouTube star that later worked with him and McInnes, but she looks to have been involved in Satanism since her preteen years, so he just probably taught her how to pretend to be catholic like him.

    Then there’s his trip to Hawaii after “going straight”. He was spotted with young men (unclear if underage) and allegedly met with one of Gavin’s other ways to corrupt the youth, LotusYoshida.

    This guy is bad news.

  6. […] so as to lead any potentially actual Christians on the road to hell, here is a little background: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, but really, just use the Search me button on the right sidebar and type in Milo […]

  7. […] again, I have detailed some of these grifting liars, Emo Jones, Tay-Tay Marshall, Michelle Voris, Milo Yankmypoleus and their kind. And one hopes it is now relatively easy to spot them. And we have a generic witch […]

  8. […] In case you forgot, here it was. […]

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