So Ann Barnhardt writes about the cognitive dissonance of people so brainwashed they still think Bergoglio is the Pope even after he does the textbook apostasy of saying other religions lead to God, all while she herself ignores her own cognitive dissonance on the very same topic, which is espoused in the heretical documents of Vatican II which essentially say the same thing.
She is basically saying:
“Look at these fools pretending Bergoglio is the Pope when he is clearly doing a Satanic dance all over the altar!” All while she pretends Ratzi the Nazi was not doing the exact same Satanic dance all over the same altar.
It truly is a remarkable study in the ability of human beings’ astonishing ability to convince themselves of the most obvious and absurd nonsense in order to simply protect their own ego.
Barnhardt would have to admit she was just simply flat out wrong about actual Catholics (1958 Sedevacantists), and her position as a result being in deep error too. And I think her ego (pride) will simply not allow that. Despite her intelligence, and —I am sure— deep devotion, Ann may appear to be a very stubborn woman, and that in itself is fine, stubborn people can be wrong or not, but in her case, stubbornness is not the issue.
Pride is.
I have always given her the benefit of the doubt for years, putting it down to an over-zeal of loyalty to people who don’t deserve it because of the mistaken idea that they somehow serve or are connected to our Lord. I said as much in my book Reclaiming the Catholic Church back in 2020 and I think before that on this blog.
But in reading her posts, it has gradually become clear that her issue is pride. Personal pride at that. Oh I am sure Ann is perfectly contrite to her imagination of what and who our Lord is. I am sure of that. But… when it comes to admitting her error to anyone else on Earth, and I mean a real error, an error that matters to her, I think she is almost wholly incapable of doing so, out of sheer pride. She is a woman alone and been so all her life, pretty much against the world, and I think having to face the reality of having been wrong about the nature of the only, and absolutely most important, relationship she has ever had, would probably be utterly devastating to her.
It would be the equivalent of a spiritual divorce on a person of deep faith. So, her ego prevents her from seeing it, even if the truth is that God would in no way abandon her, He never does. We abandon Him, not the other way round. But her shame, hurt pride, and having to admit a crevasse-like flaw in her thinking to the entire world, including all the uncharitable people who have attacked her over the years, is too much for her to deal with. I can’t say I condone it, but I do understand it, and in all honesty, feel sorry for her. I do hope she can find the strength to see the truth and proclaim it widely though. I have just prayed for her, and I hope God sees fit to give her the Grace she so clearly needs. Godspeed Ann.
UPDATE: As it apparently was not clear to someone new here, the ONLY Catholics left are 1958 Sedevacantist. You can find out more by typing “Ann Barnhardt” in the Search Me function on the right hand sidebar.
Mr. Filotto,
I re-read your post twice, and must admit that I am still unclear on exactly what it is that you are saying Ann is wrong about.
Is it that she needs to admit that being a 1958 Sedevacantist is the way to go? (The more logical and intellectually honest path?)
Or is it something else?
Could you clarify? It appears as though the blog post is missing a simple topic sentence.
But I could have missed it, or am just not understanding the writing enough.
With thanks,
Yes. She is a 2023 Sedevacantists, who says Ratziwas a valid Pope, which is absolute nonsense because Canon 188.4 of the Code of 1917. If you want to learn more just click on the Search Me on the right hand side and type in “Ann Barnhardt” or “Canon 188 part 4” or 188.4 and read the posts that I have written in the past. I’ll check the post as I have had “glitches” on some posts recently.