Meanwhile in France…

And keep in mind that mRNA technology has not been successful even ONCE in over 30 years of animal testing.

In fact, it invariably results in a compromised immune system to the point that eventually it results in death of the lab animal. The nice sounding name of this is Antibody Dependant Enhancement, the slightly more honest name is Vaccine Enhanced Disease. The real name it should have is “killing you by messing with your genetics for fun and profit”. And they have known this, and obtained no other results other than this for at least 30 years. Although, a quick search has shown me that pretty much all the scientific papers I had read on this way back in 2019 have now conveniently disappeared. Just another Cohen-cidence I am sure.

Don’t believe me? Try and find any medical papers on mRNA testing on animals for coronavirus like diseases pre 2019.

This stuff has been done since the early 1990s. But apparently all the medical peer reviewed papers on it seem to have all just disappeared.


And now in France you can now presumably be jailed and fined if you DID find one of those papers and simply referred to it.

And they are doing this precisely because the mRNA genetic modification serums they try to rename as “vaccines” are perfectly safe and effective of course, right?

I mean it’s the same with all perfectly safe and effective medicines like say, aspirin.

Criticise aspirin and BAM! 3 years in jail and 45,000 Euro fine! Oh wait… no, we don’t do that at all.

But hey, you keep on believing the “$$$cience” and taking your DNA altering clot-shots, don’t mind me, I’ve only been correct about every supposed “conspiracy theory” for some 30 years now.

On the other hand, those of you with a spine and three functional neurones may be starting to understand why I am blatant in my criticism of everything related to Clown World not just here, but in person. Because it really is time you started doing that too. The reason is that doing so literally changes the final outcome of where we are headed. As I explained in detail before.

So. Stop being an NPC please. Pick up the dice and begin.

2 Responses to “Meanwhile in France…”

  1. Mark Matis says:

    One wonders what the Jews think of this?
    Never mind. Anyone sane already knows!

  2. […] This one is a good bit shorter, also worth the read. […]

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