Marburg bioweapon release may have begun.

I don’t think I blogged about it, but early in 2021 I recall various “conspiracy theories” (i.e. facts the mass media wants to hide) about the deadly Marburg virus, which is virulent hemorrhagic fever that causes bleeding from the eyes and ears before you die; so, suitably zombie-apocalypse horrific to induce the required fear factors.

These “theories” were that millions of “vaccines” (genetic serums version 2.0) had already been manufactured (you know, like the covid ones had been since 2017) and were ready for deployment for a disease that in 30 years or so had a total death toll of less than 500 people.

Here is the narrative start in April of 2021.

Here is a paper discussing the “vaccine” in monkeys.

And here is the latest WHO warning about the sudden death of 9 people in Equatorial Guinea from it.

Most interesting, of course, is the very central role Billy the Goat Gates of Hell is playing in this, with his recent “Catastrophic Contagionpandemic preparedness tabletop wargame exercise modelling the next planned pandemic, which is being assumed engineered to affect children specifically.

You can see all the pieces of the equation. What could be more horrific than a virus that is extremely contagious, kills you by making you bleed to death from every orifice in your body as it mushes your insides and has a fatality rate that kills from 20% to 90% of victims?

The panic induced would be enormous and most people sheeple, would inject radioactive transhumanist control chips and more to avoid it for themselves and even more so for their children.

The Catastrophic Contagion is assumed to take place planned to happen in 2025, so you might have time to prepare accordingly. Or maybe not. The globohomos have played their hand pretty heavily lately, so they may shelve this plan until then with only small test runs to push the emerging narrative over time, while they wait for further deaths from “suddenly”, “coincidence” and “climate change” or the catastrophic eating of deadly eggs, to reduce general infrastructure further before they spring this new Marburg virus on an increasingly depressed, harassed and impoverished global populace.

Or they may just do something else entirely, but given their general tendencies to obvious evil and not particularly intelligent reactions, I thought it best to at least keep you all informed.

As to how to prepare, well, if you’re a normal citizen I suppose live out in the country, become self-sufficient, limit contact with others if this new zombie-death does happen, basically all the stuff I wrote about in my four part series starting here, with added serious isolation from any potential infection vectors (but still important to have developed a community before then).

If, on the other hand, you’re a highly placed general that can make a successful coup, control deadly drones and so on… well… far be it from me to suggest such things, but if a rogue drone finds itself bombing the shit out of wherever Bill Gates, Soros, Schwab and a few other hundred of the leading globohomos happen to find themselves, humanity might just erect statues to you out of gratitude.

3 Responses to “Marburg bioweapon release may have begun.”

  1. […] It’s not as if he’d role played the whole thing out in something called event 201 before Covid 19 appeared. Or as if he’s in any way involved in the latest roleplay of a new pandemic that will kill kids mostly named Catastrophic Contagion. […]

  2. […] manufactured scamdemic. If it isn’t going to be the thing that kills children by having them bleed from their eyes, ears and other orifices, they will blame the sneezing of chickens for the next bioweapon attack on […]

  3. […] first blogged about this in February of 2023 and I suggest you read that post in full. This has been in the works since at least […]

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