Because genuine, Unprocessed, and Unblended Extra Virgin Olive Oil turns out to be the healthiest thing ever. Literally nothing else compares to it. See the bottom of this post for the details.
For those of you who want the hard facts first:
There are now 7 tins, of 5 litres each of the extra virgin olive oil from my trees, now available in the USA. Once they are gone, they are gone, it’s a first come, first served situation and works as follows:
- The cost is $65 per litre and due to the limited quantity available we intend to ship it out ONLY as a 5 litre tin. Inclusive of shipping and postage to anywhere in the USA, the price per 5 litre tin therefore, will be $350.
If you want to purchase one of the 7 tins available you will need to send me an email at [email protected] that includes:
- Your full name and address in the USA
- Upon my response with the requisite bank details, payment in full for the tin/s you wish to receive
- Expect most places will take a week or so for the delivery to arrive, but some places (e.g. Alaska) may take longer.
For those of you who want the full story:
My American partner has decided to attempt to register for importation of my olive oil to the USA and done an amazing piece of work in that respect. He decided to take a working holiday to see a bit of Italy and then come and visit me on the farm for 10 days, where I have to say, he worked harder than anyone that has come over to lend a hand. 1
On his return home he took some olive oil back (all perfectly in regulation) and that is why he has some available for shipping before we have finalised all the other requirements for larger shipments later (which may cost more depending on a variety of factors related to shipping we are still trying to resolve).
The first question most people will have is probably related to the price: “$65 a litre? are you crazy?”
Actually no. I could probably charge a lot more. Why? Let me list the reasons:
- Most olive oil you buy in ANY shop is simply NOT pure olive oil. It tends to be a blend of oils or a somewhat inferior version of what it says on the tin. Our olive oil is absolutely PURE, really extra virgin, and UNFILTERED. This means you get ALL the benefits of the oil that are essentially dissipated or even almost entirely lost in the ones you buy in a shop.
- The price is not unreasonable at all when you consider shipping costs and the regulatory costs added. The same stuff sells here for about 40-45 Euro, so we’re certainly not in any way overpriced.
The Real Reason for Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Health
Brian Johnson , who spends some 2 million USD a year on trying to find the best ways on Earth to live longer, after all his testing on multiple medications as well as far more extreme things, like blood transfusions using his son’s blood (and his own to his father) has discovered that literally nothing on Earth removes inflammation like real, extra virgin olive oil.
- He sells his olive oil at €42 per 750 ml (which works out to about the same as my oil per litre once you convert it to USD) (you can see this on his site at the link provided)
- But his oil is NOT the best one in the world. Our literally is. The oil from this region cold pressed and unfiltered has won the world’s best olive oil in the world expo at Dubai in 2021 and Monte Carlo in 2022. The region did not produce in 2023 so the oil mills here did not compete, and the oil of 2024 is yet to compete as it has just been collected in November/December 2024, but is of excellent quality as the chemical analysis we do on all our oil for each batch have proven.
- I have personally tested the truth of this issue. I had semi-chronic inflammation of my elbow joints due to over-working on the farm, and even taking a couple of weeks of rest from the physical work did not help the situation. as soon as I went back to my duties on the farm my arms would ache. I started to take at least 15ml of olive oil pure every day, and usually more like 30-40 ml, so a few tablespoons just on their own through my day and within about two to three days my joint-pain was either completely gone or much reduced. For a bout a year I experimented with this and as soon as I stopped taking the oil, within a couple of days the pain would return, and would go away after a couple of days that I started to take it again.
- I had also had Covid in 2022 and then pneumonia twice. By early 2023 I was functioning at a much reduced breathing capacity and was not completely healed. I was suffering from “long Covid” essentially. But I was determined to recover. It’s taken a while, mostly because I am inconsistent with my diet, but since the last few months of 2024 I decided to be disciplined about what I eat and my regular intake of our olive oil and it has made a huge difference. While I struggled to go up and down the stair through 2023 and part of 2024, I now work outside at the same rate I was doing when I first arrived in 2021. I have no doubt in my mind that the olive oil is the biggest factor in this and the research I have done on covid/spike protein etc backs up what I have experienced on my own body as Olive oil and olive leaf extracts seem to be among the best cure of these sort of ailments because… again… they are all inflammation related issues.
I have written to Mr. Johnson a while back to see if he was interested in using the oil from our region as I have now built up a network of producers that would allow for large shipments, but I have not heard back, so I have decided to create my own distribution channel, which hopefully will be active in the USA shortly. In the meantime, this is the quickest and easiest option you can have to get your hands on some.
Please Note
- It’s first come first served. Whoever emails me first has the slot first and whoever pays first secures it first.
- We are not going to re-bottle the oil into fancy tins or smaller quantities. The oil was transported in 5 litre tins that are sealed and remain so. Rebottling etc would require the additional paperwork that wee are putting in place, so unfortunately you either buy the whole thing at $350 per tin or nothing.
- The tins were flown as personal luggage by air so may be cosmetically a bit dented or whatever, but the olive oil therein is pure, and our direct from our trees. We do not use glass because any sunlight can lower the quality of the product and even dark glass bottles let some light through.
- Shipping to the USA in due course should become available but due to Italian bureaucracy no one can say when this will happen and it may be many months yet (I hope not, but it’s out of my hands). Shipping to the USA is a considerable expense and the recent addition of potential tariffs will make it definitely more so. This is genuinely a price that may well not be repeatable in the future.
This is not a criticism of anyone else, I have had extremely dedicated and now lifelong friends come and lend a serious helping hand, but this young man is in another league. He used to get up before the sun, rearing to go at first light, would work non-stop in the field and for reasons best known to himself he would take showers in the middle of our winter without bothering to use hot water. He did also say he could not live here where I am because it was too warm. Considering I do not wear less than 4 layers and a jacket to go outside in this time, I suspect he may be the result of supposed Nazi genetic experiments in Antarctica to create super-soldiers that were immune to the cold.
Aside his work ethic, which borders on the obsessive, he also has a quality of honest character that is rare to find anywhere. And he is 6’4” and has the looks of a model. Honestly, I am not making this up, because one of the people who DID work on the farm and lived with us for a year is a very similar looking guy and he actually was/is a male model. And that guy is only 6’2”. Both do have one flaw though… they are gingers, so, according to some, do not possess souls!
Anyway, if any young women out there want a husband worth having, you should write in. The 6’2” model is now married and has his first child, this 6’4” 2.0 version that is immune to the cold will not stay on the shelf long. I have decided I will refer to him as the Ice Spartan in future posts.
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here