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Kurtzy-Boi’s “Solution”

The retardation in this one is strong. Like a disturbance in the force, a million retarded mouths, drooling in stupefied unison…

Nevertheless, we can still learn something from it that is both obvious in one facets, and amusing in the other.

And it is this:

  1. Kurtzy-boi puts most of this one behind a pay wall, which shows his rather Pharaseical attitude: Create a completely non-existent problem, that is, trying to blame something we have not even seen the hint of being in place anywhere in the West for at least a half century or more —Meritocracy— as if it was the cause of the current rule by the most corrupt, idiotic, well-connected, parasitic, child-molesting, blackmailable and devoid of any morals. He mislabels his own “idea” of credentialism as if it was meritocracy, only to shoot it down (typical strawman “argument”) in favour of… (drum roll)… credentialism!
  2. He then provides the supposed “solution” (except he’s already told us that credentialism is a good thing, according to him) but… well you need to PAY for it!

Wait… let me think… do we know of any other ethnicity, tribe, or group of people that create a fear, a problem, a war and then try and sell the “solution” to everyone that believes it or is caught up in it?

Why… yes, yes we do… and they hate above all our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church.

Now, Kurtzy-boi is anonymous, but let’s just say that I would not be surprised if he turned out to be an early lifer. He need not be, his stupidity does seem to be generational at the very least, but let’s just say that wittingly or not, his narrative certainly follows a certain left-handed path any reader here should be familiar with by now.

Let us now turn to the supposed “meat” of his post (the real “meat” of course is the money).

We must recognize that our narrow but totalizing meritocracy , as it stands today, is neither ethical nor sustainable.

He is of course describing credentialism (at best) and nepotism as if they were meritocracy (a truly Satanic inversion of facts and meaning)

Its powerful efficiencies maximize short-term profits but preclude the reproduction of society through crushing effects on fertility . These are not minor flaws – they are existential and must be addressed.

I’m all for the idiots who think credentialism and nepotism are the way forward to not reproduce at all. This is a fix, not a bug.

Correcting this reductive approach must not be reductive in the opposite direction .

Well, that’s a relief! Hey Kurtzy-boi? Because what were you going to do? Force people to breed more under your regime? Truly the stupidity of this man is astonishing.

We should appreciate that the credentialed meritocratic economy is an effective mechanism for ensuring that capable people are matched with demanding jobs.

No it really is NOT. You know what is though? ACTUAL meritocracy. Know why I have never been out of work in my chosen field? Because I make people a shitload of MONEY when they hire me. Do I have a degree in what I do? No. Did I even have any “credentials” in it? No. But guess what, from the very first job I got in the UK I made the people that hired me more money than any other guy in that position they ever had. Ask any company owner if they care more about my credentials or how much money I can make for them, all while being perfectly legal, professional, and keeping the client happy too, since most eded up being repeat clients (and the ones that did not were usually dishonest types best not to deal with in the first place, so that was a win too).

We don’t want to lose the ability to distinguish technical merit.

You don’t have it. And people like you never do. You believe pieces of paper and fake accolades and trophies over results. While people like me care absolutely NOTHING for any of those baubles and look only at results.

It may be, in our family farm example, that the next generation of this particular family are fundamentally unfit in some way to assume responsibility. And that’s okay: our post-meritocracy still concludes that each person should take up the role that they are most suited for – it just asks that we consider expansive factors in our determination of merit.

And who decides on those factors Kurtzy-Boi? You? From some ivory tower the people magically give you for your wisdom? You really need to put the heavy drugs down boy.

How, then, do we intelligently move beyond meritocracy?

You don’t. Meritocracy IS the most intelligent way to have society function. Abandoning it is how we end up with he current dystopia of generic faggotry, inefficiency, stupidity, absurdism, unreality, chaos and accelerating entropy.

Our family farm example is, of course, quite small and neat. But there are principles which emerge out of it which are applicable to the wider economy. I suggest that our strategy will be built upon the following pillars:

  1. Solve for pattern;
  2. Connections over nodes;
  3. Work in time;
  4. Passion is agency;
  5. Externalize capital;
  6. Value values.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the hilarious part. Kurtzy-Boi here is going to lay out a six-parter with fancy-sounding word salads, to try and tell you why his German engineered style “solution” is the best thing since the Germans placed spark plugs in the VW cars in such a way that changing them means you have to dismantle half the engine instead of reach in with one tool to remove them easily in 10 seconds like you can do in any Japanese Toyota.

WHo, I say, is this verbal diarrhoea of nonsense supposed to be addressed to? The teeming and unwashed masses are going to read this paid for post and then suddenly synergise what Value Values , Passion is Agency and Work in Time all mean? And then synergise it further with Connections over nodes ? Seriously?

There are lost African tribes in the Congo that can see this is nonsense. And I bet money that his Connections over nodes is a purely theoretical attempt to model the very algorithms of substack into a supposed real life model. Except real life doesn’t work like that. Not without REALITY being part of the equation.

No one, literally NO ONE is EVER in the entire history of humanity from here forward (and in the past even less so) going to use whatever absurd theory this moron has vomited together to make a better world.

No one. Not even him.

Because no woman has ever decided to have six kids because of anyone telling her all about Value Values, or Solving for Pattern . In fact, only the kind of retards that fancy themselves smartbois (TM) but who are probably radioactive to most women, would even indulge this idiocy for longer than the two minutes it takes to read it. And if Kurtzy-Boi was ever teleported to Sparta he would instantly become the gay footstool of whatever sodomite with a sword might have happened to be about that day.

NOTHING of what he writes about and says is based in reality at all. It’s all just one fever-dream of solipsistic narcissism fuelled by an ego that has never had the benefit of a father smacking him in the head when he behaved like the whiny, envious, self-obsessed little bitch he undoubtedly is.

There is only ONE WAY that human beings will overcome the current nonsensical clown world, which absolutely includes morons like Kurtzy-Boi here, and it is this:

  1. Reliance on being guided in our efforts by a faith larger than ourselves that addresses reality as we find it better than in any other model. Having ignored it for decades and then being slammed in the face with he reality of it, this system, as far as I am concerned is Catholicism as it was done before Vatican II, meaning I am a 1958 Sedevacantist Catholic. Because that is when the first of the current unbroken line of antipopes started and when Vatican II was first implemented.
  2. Results. I.e. Meritocracy. Just like no employer worth having cares about credentials if you make them millions, no woman worth having cares about theories if her man is able to make her feel taken care of, loved and sexually excited and fulfilled, while she makes a bunch of children for him and they raise them to become a united front against the “Brave New Worlders” of ClownCities (TM).

And Kurtzy-Boi has neither of these things. he is a fake, a shell, a soft-handed software engineer type who is too scared of the status quo to even use his own name online. You want to take your queen from a guy like him? Please… go right ahead, because one of the mottos of the Kurganate is: Leave all the retards behind.


Oh, well. because the Kurganate is a…? Can you guess? Say it with me: Meritocracy. With elements of (mostly benign) dictatorship.

Which is why a total stranger from the other side of the planet would come and fly over to meet me in person and work like and Ice Spartan for nothing and in fact would help me activate an olive export business. Or why a man from another country bought himself a home nearby with an eventual view to living here. Or why I have loyal Catholic friends that found good women that followed them into catholicism despite not having been of that religion prior and getting married and making babies before being 30. Or why I have friends that will go out of their way for a couple or three years in a row to help me set things up here to the benefit of yes my family, but also all those who will come to be here in due course.

Fancy words and theories don’t create civilisations. Men willing to do physical things in the world with a belief rooted in reality and God above do. And have. And will again.

Kurtzy-Boi and his entire kin and kind never have and never will. They are the collateral beneficiaries of men better than themselves. And you can tell by the absolute nonsensical rubbish he spouts as wisdom to the inexperienced.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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