The last two Kurganings of Kurtzy-Boi seem to have been well-received, by those capable of reading. That said, I had at least one acquaintance question why I went “so hard” at this flour-puff pastry of a poseur. The reason should be obvious, but since reading for comprehension is basically a lost art practiced by only a few remaining dinosaurs from the golden era when men were men and not able to get pregnant (supposedly). allow me to lay it out in the most basic of syllogisms:
I am, and my blogs are (even more so at the OG blog, see link below the header of this blog) and always have been, primarily aimed at sharing useful, practical, considerations about life, the universe and everything. If you have been a long-time reader, and own some of my books, especially the non-fiction ones, you will have learnt a bunch of demonstrable stuff that is of pretty high importance, very briefly and at a minimum:
- The real history of humanity (The Face on Mars) including of this solar system too (not opinion, but fact-based empirical observations that lead to fairly conclusive hypothesis that have stood true for now 30 years and in fact only been confirmed further during that time).
- At least some of the human potential we are capable of (Systema)
- The real history and truth concerning Christianity and the actual Catholic Church (Believe! and Reclaiming the Catholic Church)
- A bunch of other stuff related to human performance (hypnosis, information gathering via non-verbal and non standard methods), Physics, Astronomy, History, Archeology, and various other interests that can also include the prediction of things like the current dystopia and how it will progress, the inevitable victory of Russia in Ukraine (and elsewhere) as predicted years ago, and so on.
- An interest in finding a way forward that promoted the nuclear family, faith based in reality, and the observable universe,1 that helps young men (and women, for communities that will in time be absolutely able to resist the ever increasing totalitarian evil and dictatorial dystopia we are sleepwalking towards.
As a result, I always call out the impostors and gatekeepers, or the blithering idiots that though earnest, are so stupid that they unknowingly and unwittingly push a completely noxious and false agenda that leads anyone who listens to it down a path to hell, perdition, sadness, and lost opportunity and wasted lives. You don’t have to believe me. Just go to the OG blog here, and type in the names of any of the following imps of the devil in the Search Me function on the right sidebar and you will see what I mean:
- Milo YankmyPolous (Yiannopoulous)
- Gary (or Michelle) Voris of the ex-Church Militant
- Emo Jones
- Tay-Tay Marshall
- Brittany Spears
- Shia LeBouf And of course many others. I have not bothered to mention people like Alex Jones and so on being essentially just the “right-wing” side of the same Freemason coin that prevents people like you and me from having spaceships to go exploring the Galaxy and hop to the existing bases on the Moon and Mars for fun.
Kurtzy-boi has a blog that is “read” by thousands, who apparently are mostly functional illiterates impressed by “smart sounding” but totally content free expressions. Which means he is leading people, especially young men, astray. A recent comment on the previous post on him, highlights very well who Kurtzy-Boi is.
Tarcisius wrote:
His writing reminds me of assignments in school where I had to write an essay with a minimum number of words, 1000 words for example. Since I did not enjoy writing assignments, and because I did not have anything worthwhile to say, and because I suck at writing, I would break out the thesaurus and try to string together 1000 words with only the barest hint of an underlying theme or topic, all the while saying absolutely nothing of substance.
At least I knew I had nothing worthwhile to say. This guy really thinks he has something substantial here, and proceeds to bloviate over several long essays about it. Like you said, it’s just a strawman attack on meritocracy.
What I don’t get is that there are so many others heaping praise on him for this nonsense. It’s just a bunch of mindless NPCs congratulating eachother on what wonderful smart-boys they are.
He mistakes the assigned middle managers of evil for “elites” and builds an entire solopsistic thesis around this error, baffling.
No doubt, people who read this blog as if he were a wise man speaking wise words of manliness, will be loathe to accept they have been fooled by a smoke-merchant too afraid to even use his own name, putting the lie to his entire thesis of “becoming noble” as his sophistic and strawmannirg excuse for a blog is called.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug and people will sooner risk death than admit they are dumb or were fooled like an idiot, and so on. But it happens to the best of us. Including me. The mark of a decent human being is not his ability to pretend he was never wrong, but to simply admit and accept when he was and then move on with the new knowledge now firmly part of his constitution.
I hope therefore, that if you care about your friends and family or even total strangers, you can make them aware of these sort of snakes in the grass. As for Kurtzy-boi, he as an individual is a pointless cartoon character no more relevant than an NPC “of note” in any RPG pen-and paper game, but eat a social (game level) he can influence relatively large numbers of people (mostly the young men who might be real adventurers in the analogy of Roleplaying Games) to take a false path.
And as he has just released yet another smelly turd of a post on his absurd and false concept of “meritocracy”, it’s probably my duty, to take that one down in a blow-by-blow account too. Because… Noblesse really does Oblige . No honourable man can allow such a rat to run around pretending to be a nobleman. It is a rat, and it belongs in the sewer, not in the polite (albeit illiterate) company of human beings.
- For which, actual Catholicism is the best model of reality anyone has EVER come up with and it has more than 2,000 years of proof, despite the fact that today (as prophesied for centuries by the way) only a remnant of actual Christians are left (the only Catholics clergy left are 1958 Sedevacantists and while nominally Novus Ordo lay Catholics ar indeed still considered Catholic, they are in desperate error and in peril of their souls through the sloth of not bothering to find out why the Vatican II “clergy” and “Church” are in fact the very opposite of Catholicism and are in fact at best fooled ignorants but in most cases and in all cases at the top, knowing Satanists).
This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here