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Kurgan’s Peace Plan for the World.

It’s a simple but genial plan (even if I say so myself).

Every nation should adopt this policy.

The leader of a nation and his closest advisers, alongside the most highly placed CEOs of financial institutions, both private and state controlled, and their children aged 18+, both male and female, automatically get drafted as front-line troops in ANY war that is declared between their nation and any another.

While they are away fighting, from a random pool of volunteers that have to have the right attributes (minimum IQ, general sanity etc) replacements are selected at random by an open lottery done with analogue means with independent oversight from randomly selected commoners (like jury duty). If they continue to perpetuate the war for more than 3 months, they get to become the new troops and a new bunch is randomly selected to replace them.

Anyone trying to dodge the draft by any invalid means (fleeing the country, etc) is sentenced to death by firing squad.

Potentially we can also extend this to anyone with a a net worth of 1 billion dollars plus. I mean you need more troops out there, it’s WAR after all.

And let’s dress them all in primary colours so each side can easily see who the enemy is. Besides, it makes it more fun and colourful for everyone.

If the every nation on Earth did that, how many actual wars do you think we’d have on Earth?

Go ahead and spread the word, just be good and give attribution eh? I want that Nobel peace prize money!

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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