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As a result of a post Vox did on the coming economic collapse, here, I asked a question about his opinion on the when it all might get really quite serious:

His response was along my own lines of thought in general terms but pointed out something important:

And that is, we have already crossed the threshold that for me, circa 1995 was the year 2000 or so. At the time, living in South Africa, and having dabbled in trading a tiny bit, and having seen the “soul” of that industry and the people in it, I had concluded that in 5 years tops, the whole house of cards must come tumbling down. I had not accounted for human greed and stupidity of course, so the crash happened 8 years beyond my outer limit expectation. The 2000/2001 rubicon of disbelief had been crossed in my mind because I could not see how the giant global Ponzi scheme could still function. Perhaps I was wrong about it all being a giant Ponzi scheme? Although I could not see how. And I did not really connect the whole 9/11 false flag perpetrated by Mossad agents who liked dancing at the time, with a further artificial propping up of the US dollar global economy (backed by the US military might, of course). It was a little strange that Trillions of dollars were being shipped to Iraq on literal pallets in cargo planes with no oversight, but you know… American things. I figured somehow they had managed to stave the mathematically unavoidable collapse off… sort of. And then 2008 hit and… they covered it up.

Just took a giant pile of your money and bailed out the criminal fraudsters and con men that people call bankers, and made the whole problem go away. And most people still haven’t got a clue how or why the collapse happened. That is obvious, because if they DID understand it, if Joe average literally knew what the 2008 crash was about and how and who made it happen, every single bank on the planet would be torched to the ground, anyone working in the financial industry would be lyinched, as would everyone that works anywhere near anything related to tax collection. As would, of course, the nominal puppets controlled by the bankers that people think are their “elected” government.

I mean, it’s fine for me. I realised this entire planet was total clown world fake at age 26 when I published The Face on Mars and had satisfied myself entirely with the fact that human history had nothing to do with what we are taught in school, is actually astonishing, and antigravity technology has been a thing since 1928 and definitely a very real thing used in flying craft since the end of WWII. So yeah. If you want to understand why everything is absolutely fake and gay, why I never voted in any election for anything except once a year ago, as just a small test to confirm my already foregone conclusions, then you can read that book.

It’s also why I never waste time trying to read texts about economics or anything related to that other than as a glancing note of what lie they are trying to push, just so I get a sense of things in general terms. Because it’s all lies. It’s all, completely fake. You and I break our backs to make enough money to survive and the people who literally create money out of thin air have billions on demand and can fund whatever they want; which for the most part is gay, transexual, “democracy”, global warming, take-everything-from-you-and-you be-happy-technology, GMO everything, including GMO people now, death-inducing “medicine”, genetically altered death mosquitoes, control, surveillance, taxation, and regulation, to death, of everyone else that is not them.

Vox on the other hand I believe majored in economics, and has even more incredibly, written books on the topics. What can I say, there is no accounting for taste in people’s absurdly insane hobbies that look like the mental equivalent of years of being told “there are five lights” to the rest of us.

Perhaps his deeper study is what made him make a statement that is obvious in retrospect: We have already past the point of what anyone thought was possible. The entire covid scam proved there was in essence infinite fake money if you just played along with the lies. And while the money is fake it is not exactly infinite or free. The doubling cost of food and other things in the last year and a half or so is the mathematical inevitability of what will follow. And at this point, I was asked to expound on the topic.

And I was asked by possibly a Chinese Spy, regarding my ideas of the economic collapse of the (mostly) West. While I do not welcome our Chinese overlords and hope for the eventual freedom of my people to rebuild the ancient and honourable Most Serene Republic of Venice, I also harbour them no ill will. After all, my ancestral countryman Marco was the first to open up the old Silk Road, and I am on official record, on TV too, from China, to say that my and my partner’s firm intended to reopen that route. Whether that will ever be achieved or not, given the current political realities, is arguable, but I for one would not have a problem with it; as long as China stays Chinese, and La Serenissima stays Venetian.

So here is my take on the coming economic meltdown.

Timeline: I would say within 5 years, but Argentina’s sudden capitulation to globohomo over the last few days might stretch that to say… 10 years? depending on who else the (((USA))) manages to force into subservient slaves. That said, some other factor (and there are many, many, many of them, many unknown to you and me) might make it all collapse tomorrow. Or at least do so for where you specifically live. Italy might become the next Greece or 1990 Argentina overnight. Or maybe France. The UK is more steadily sliding into full-blown mandatory homosexuality, so a more “gentle” economic ride there, but perhaps worse than anywhere else mind-wise.

A Hard Crash: A Hard crash would be that your money in the bank turns to absolute vapour could dust overnight, 90% of people can’t afford food, never mind other things and you get… (drum roll please)… VENEZUELA!

Thank you, thank you, you’re welcome. And depending on where you are in the world, your particular Venezuela may in fact include roaming military death squads, looting gangs, wild civil unrest put down brutally by the armed forces, a military coup with large (or apparent/manufactured) popular support, CIA/Israel funded “regime change”, uncontrolled immigration and skyrocketing violent crime of all kinds.

This kind of crash tends to be limited more or less to certain specific countries or regions and would probably still be a relatively “soft” hard crash compared to one in say Africa, or even South America. Think of tens or even hundreds of thousands of people having their arms cut off by machetes like in Rwanda. Not as likely to happen in say Rome. Well, ok, maybe Milan, which is a bit further North and so not quite as African. Ok, fine, some mountain villages in the Veneto. But you get what I mean.

Paradoxically, I think the UK with their unarmed police, and ban on guns and so on, are going to have a far more violent rude awakening than most continental European countries when such a potential fast/hard crash happens. Most of continental Europe outside of the large cities still has a sort of rural, grow my tomatoes in the garden mentality. And while it is nowhere near enough to stave off famine and so on, they are, overall, statistically, better placed to survive actual famines. Plus, in places like Italy, you have about 2 million registered and legal and law-abiding armed citizens, but about 8 million guns that are known to be around and unregistered and illegal. So, kicking doors in gestapo style of random citizens, in not quite as law-abiding places as the UK, is going to result in more dead jackboot wearers, meaning overall their operations would probably be more brutal but in less areas and in more concentrated and specific instances. The cowed Brits on the other hand, will walk to their metaphorical (or actual) cattle wagons in silent acquiescence. And their trains run on time, too.

In some ways, a hard crash can be preferable. The puppets of government change rapidly sometimes in such cases, and there might even be the occasion of some partially principled military guy taking over by force and running things in a way that makes the earlier graft, theft, robbery and murder, look like a simple and mostly bloodless gas station stick-up.

Remember kids, a benign dictatorship remains the best form of government. and Democracy is not the worst form of government only because a malign dictatorship beats it.

The “soft” crash: This is what I think will actually happen for most of Europe, or at least, that is the “plan”. It can always go off the rails. I also think it applies to various parts of the US but I am not knowledgeable enough to be precise on where, but in essence democrat run large cities and those states that are governed by such creatures. So California as a visual certainty, but perhaps also places like Florida and Texas along with New York for most people. And possibly Washington D.C. unless you are one of the political class, but even then you’d be living behind barbed wire fences probably.

So the soft crash is just an escalation of what’s already happening now. Higher cost of everything, no increase in wages or buying power. The average person is hardly making ends meet in terms of paying rent and feeding themselves and their families, while getting more and more forced into basically accepting all sorts of restrictions in order to not incur even further hardship. The ultimate end of it being your subservience to a Universal Basic Income, tied to your digital cash, with all that implies:

  • Total control of your finances
  • Total regulation of what you may or may not buy
  • The eventual reclamation of anything you own by the “state” meaning the bankers that run it
  • Inability to work in what has been the traditional manner until now (you can’t get the BUI if you do, or you are limited in what you MUST do to receive the BUI and so on)
  • Regulation and limitation of everything from travel, to what food you can purchase, to how often, to how many clothes you can buy, to whom you can or must or cannot or must not associate with in order to keep your UBI and so on.

As people get more and more uncomfortable, the occasional flare-up here or there will happen and be BRUTALLY repressed.

There is a way out and around all of this but historically it has not often happened. Perhaps, one hopes, it MIGHT, this time.

I will post below a link to an archived post that proves categorically how this has ALREADY happened, but you don’t know it, of all places, in CANADA. Yes, I know, I know, but bear with me, and read the story at the link. And for those of you literally too lazy to click on the link and read it (please do, honestly it explains so much) the answer is to make friends in real life, use social media only to meet and organise those things you can’t to face to face and building community in your immediate, walking distance vicinity, then link up to other similar communities as you can, and establish networks of people that think like you.

Here is the link about why something you are not aware of is presented as a LOSS while in reality it was a MASSIVE WIN.

Short of people doing that, you will be squeezed, impoverished, regulated, fined, isolated and ultimately conquered. And worse, so will your children. the brainwashing will proceed full force with penalties for those who don’t comply. Anyone succeeding in creating alternate realities will be cancelled, silenced, not talked about and those who try to resist in any appreciable manner will be made a spectacle of and plastered all over the news.

But what you must realise is that IT’S ALL FAKE.

No government can force a million or two of their own people who are organised, willing to stand together and stand their ground. to do what the government without the use of overwhelming force. And by overwhelming force I don’t mean police charges with batons. That will eventually only get police stations burnt to the ground and cops killed. I mean flying fighter-bomber jets over them and carpet-bombing them. And even then, if that million or two is willing to fight, they will, in due course, win.

You don’t believe me? here are a few examples just from recent years:

Ukraine: Donetsk and Lugansk – Bombarded with artillery and fired upon by active military for 8 years until Russia intervened.

Afghanistan: Kicked the ass of the entire US military with sheepherders willing to do whatever required to never stop fighting back.

Vietnam: Ditto, but they were rice farmers and had some support from commies, weapon wise.

In various other ways, Ethiopia / Sudan are hellholes, but are certainly NOT controlled by the US military that has played in those areas.

If the stance is mostly peaceful as with the Truckers in Canada, or the Netherlands, the bloodied will be minimal, but as with all human problems, if push comes to shove, violence will eventually be the final arbiter of which side comes out on top. Because anyone who thinks that “elections” are in any way related to who controls your government, clearly also still believes in the tooth fairy leaving money under their pillow for teeth and Santa Claus coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve.

And, you know, generally speaking, pedophiles, narcissists, egomaniacs, power-hungry, greedy, molluscs of the types that actively want to be politicians are not in the habit of just handing over the reigns of power and quietly going to the dungeon they belong in, or in many cases, the hangman’s noose. So what will eventually happen is that either, they manage to get everyone to climb aboard the cattle carts and go to the concentration camps hoping that they are not too bad, on the basis of a tiny minority telling them they have no option and having another tiny group of enforcers do their bidding, OR, eventually normies will get pissed off enough to pick up pitchforks and torches and will literally drag the politicians out of their ivory towers and make them into wet piñatas.

Before it come to that however, a LOT of hardship will be tolerated by the vast majority, in fact they may well end up all going to the camps (or whatever the metaphorical alternative will be). Because the majority is ALWAYS sheep. But in such times, random leaders can from time to time pop up and change the course of history in very unexpected ways. And if they get any actual traction, they will also have massive popular followings.

The issue with the traction is that social media and so on is absolutely controlled so not a real avenue. Hence why such people will do better in face-to-face community building. 100 men in real life with one purpose are worth much more than one million men online changing their profile picture.

So that’s how I see it.

Hence, The Kurganate.

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