Behold, ladies and gentlemen, yet another volunteer, sacrificing himself on the altar of the gods of retards, at the pious hands of your dutiful servant, my humble self.
Let us begin the mental flaying of this latest of LARPing retards.
First off, Moron of Simba, I don’t actually read Z blog. I have read it perhaps a handful of times in 10 years and certainly not in the last several months for sure, so I am not sure what made you think that. But then, as some famous Romans probably said before crushing some now extinct species of troglodytes: There is no accounting for retards.
That’s a literary joke for those who know some latin. Never mind, just hear the WOOSH sound and move on Moron.
Secondly, I have zero narcissistic personality traits. If you could actually read and if you did, you would have discovered that long ago, since I have explained my specific type of neurology in some detail. In any case, everyone that knows me personally can also attest that I have zero narcissistic personality traits. You, of course, being the usual retard, couldn’t tell the difference between a chicken and a donkey anyway, so it’s pointless to try to explain anything to you, nor, provide you with factual evidence. We know this without shadow of a doubt because you claim to be a someone who worships a “god” who sucks semen out of other men’s penises, including those of dead men. I didn’t claim this, you have:
Now, we know for a fact, that no one, literally no one, including retards like you, would get martyred in the name of the mythical cocksucker Odin. So, yes, you are a LARPer. To every single effect.
You are stupid, ignorant, obviously have massive latent homosexual tendencies or might be a raging homo yourself, given who you worship —or pretend to worship to be more accurate— and without doubt you are also a liar. We know this because you say you “don’t mind” about any of the false things you accuse me of doing, and yet, you felt the need to write this comment to show me how much you don’t mind.
Moving on…
You also conflate confidence with narcissism, once again, demonstrating your sub-par IQ and poor language as well as reasoning skills all-round. And ascribe my confidence to my success with women. Another tragic error. While learning about women, being a skill like anything else, certainly made my confidence in being able to attract women I was interested in grow —again, as with any other skill, if you practice it you get better at it— my personal generic level of confidence did not arise from this, but was there long before that and was developed in pretty early childhood; insofar as it can be developed beyond being an innate quality that is probably genetic on some level.
And the cherry on the top being your accusation that Catholicism is a) MY brand of anything, which is clearly absurd unless you think I am Jesus, in which case, your mental problems are even more severe than even I can imagine, b) “random”, given it’s literally the very root, beginning, middle and eventually end (at least insofar as the End Times are the “end” of anything) of Christianity. Catholicism IS Christianity. Now, if I were a Protestant, you might be able to accuse me of having rolled dice (lots of them!) or, more realistically using a large random number generator to pick a brand of fake Christianity, but you’re really shit out of luck on this one. Especially if you could read. At all.
So, yes, overall, you have succeeded in demonstrating (as usual) that:
“Pagans” are fake, gay retards
Actual “viking type” Pagans have gone the way of the dodo, except about a thousand years ago. Know why, retard? Because they ALL converted to Catholicism and then went on to become Crusaders, you stupid, stupid, ignorant, illiterate, ahistorical LARPer.
You can’t read. And never have picked up a book beyond probably Harry Potter, who you thought was ok but only a Wicca, not a real Shaman.
My detractors are by and large idiots like yourself who need to wear sandals because shoelaces prove impossible for them to figure out.
Thanks for playing. Buh-bye now.
*Shoves drooling idiot into mass grave of spammed morons*
Kurgan Woodchipper Time!
Behold, ladies and gentlemen, yet another volunteer, sacrificing himself on the altar of the gods of retards, at the pious hands of your dutiful servant, my humble self.
Let us begin the mental flaying of this latest of LARPing retards.
First off, Moron of Simba, I don’t actually read Z blog. I have read it perhaps a handful of times in 10 years and certainly not in the last several months for sure, so I am not sure what made you think that. But then, as some famous Romans probably said before crushing some now extinct species of troglodytes: There is no accounting for retards.
That’s a literary joke for those who know some latin. Never mind, just hear the WOOSH sound and move on Moron.
Secondly, I have zero narcissistic personality traits. If you could actually read and if you did, you would have discovered that long ago, since I have explained my specific type of neurology in some detail. In any case, everyone that knows me personally can also attest that I have zero narcissistic personality traits. You, of course, being the usual retard, couldn’t tell the difference between a chicken and a donkey anyway, so it’s pointless to try to explain anything to you, nor, provide you with factual evidence. We know this without shadow of a doubt because you claim to be a someone who worships a “god” who sucks semen out of other men’s penises, including those of dead men. I didn’t claim this, you have:
Now, we know for a fact, that no one, literally no one, including retards like you, would get martyred in the name of the mythical cocksucker Odin. So, yes, you are a LARPer. To every single effect.
You are stupid, ignorant, obviously have massive latent homosexual tendencies or might be a raging homo yourself, given who you worship —or pretend to worship to be more accurate— and without doubt you are also a liar. We know this because you say you “don’t mind” about any of the false things you accuse me of doing, and yet, you felt the need to write this comment to show me how much you don’t mind.
Moving on…
You also conflate confidence with narcissism, once again, demonstrating your sub-par IQ and poor language as well as reasoning skills all-round. And ascribe my confidence to my success with women. Another tragic error. While learning about women, being a skill like anything else, certainly made my confidence in being able to attract women I was interested in grow —again, as with any other skill, if you practice it you get better at it— my personal generic level of confidence did not arise from this, but was there long before that and was developed in pretty early childhood; insofar as it can be developed beyond being an innate quality that is probably genetic on some level.
And the cherry on the top being your accusation that Catholicism is a) MY brand of anything, which is clearly absurd unless you think I am Jesus, in which case, your mental problems are even more severe than even I can imagine, b) “random”, given it’s literally the very root, beginning, middle and eventually end (at least insofar as the End Times are the “end” of anything) of Christianity. Catholicism IS Christianity. Now, if I were a Protestant, you might be able to accuse me of having rolled dice (lots of them!) or, more realistically using a large random number generator to pick a brand of fake Christianity, but you’re really shit out of luck on this one. Especially if you could read. At all.
So, yes, overall, you have succeeded in demonstrating (as usual) that:
Thanks for playing. Buh-bye now.
*Shoves drooling idiot into mass grave of spammed morons*
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