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Kid must have had some Italian blood

Along with the general dimension of the lie about relationships, on which I have blogged at some length and written a whole book on that is doing quite well even if it’s only available in digital format direct from my E-store, due to its politically incorrect nature, another giant dimension of reality that we have all been lied about is the beneficence of government.

This phenomenon is not one that the average Italian (of my age at least) generally has a real issue with, because from a. young age, certainly back in the 70s, everyone knew that whatever officialdom wanted from you would invariably be a pain in the ass. And it has indeed played out that way for everyone around the world, but in a rather brutal way in Italy.

The level of bureaucracy in Italy is painful, and often idiotic. Not that it is any different anywhere else, but the levels of it are of a different order here. We are like a 19th century mentality trying to pretend to be a 21st level technology. The technology exists, but no one wants it and we all try our best to reject it even if by fits and starts it encroaches on all our lives.

The constitution of this country prior to the Second World War was really quite a cool document of balanced reason, logic and fairness. After the war America made Italy (along with many other countries, if not all) become essentially a subsidiary company of the USA. The so-called Universal Commercial Code and the still to this day secret accords that the USA has over the legalities of Italy, essentially made Italy a vassal state of the USA, and of course, that is obvious from all that is going on today and does not apply only to Italy but rather to the whole of Western Europe. Most people are unaware that Italy is no longer a sovereign nation and neither are any of the EU members. No “country” that is a member of the EU can make any laws or disagree with any laws made by the unelected EU bureaucrats. Hungary, currently refusing to take on millions of illegal aliens is being fined some ridiculous sum (200 million I think? I forget, it’s so fake and gay I can’t be bothered to care) plus a million a day for every day it does not comply. At which point, I ask myself, other than the clear and real danger of assassination, why on Earth, would Victor Orban simply not put all the cards on the table and ask for a referendum. A little couple of easy question like:

Do you want to take in millions of illegal refugees from a completely different culture that have been shown to increase the level of violent crimes in the host country by huge margins, and pay a penalty of 200 billion plus a million a day (or whatever it is) if we refuse? Y/N


Should we get out of the EU and make our own laws and use our own currency and trade with who we want without having our laws, who we sanction or not, and whose military bases we choose to have on our territory if any, beside our own? Y/N

I guarantee you that is that referendum was placed across the board in Western Europe, I doubt a single country would remain in the EU and I doubt a single American military base would remain in our respective countries. And there really is no better time to do this than now. If, by some miracle, and let’s speak hypothetically, the entire Italian political class got struck by lightening tomorrow and suddenly decided to place such a referendum before the Italian people (perhaps after a few weeks of honesty about Ukraine and Russia, just to try and undo some of the brainwashing of the last 70 years, never mind the last 4) and let’s say the average zombified co-nationals of mine all pretty much voted to get out of the EU and to tell the Americans to take their military, and their bases, (some 150 of them apparently) and piss right off, what, exactly, could America do about it?

Nothing, is the short answer. Which is not to say they wouldn’t try. I am sure they would push colour revolutions, Soros or someone else acting for the deep state (whoever replaced Victoria Neuland) would try to finance “spontaneous” events like they did in the Maidan in Ukraine in 2014. But the average Italian is a responsibility dodging, authority avoidant, individual, so the “revolt” would probably mostly be foreigners living in Italy, which, if you asked the average Italian what we should do with them… well… here is a poll I referred to before that I think shows lower numbers than what is the real sentiment.

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