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Kamala Supporters in Reality

Aside from the hack attempt and now redesign of the blog and updating etc, you may have noticed my complete disinterest in the US elections. Mostly because I genuinely don’t care. Either Trump will win and there will be massive screeching, or Kamala will win and there will be massive screeching. I don’t think either will result in civil war, because Americans are nowhere near uncomfortable enough for that yet, and maybe never will be. Will it be bad times, sure. Either way, and of course I think if the Kamala puppet is put in place it will be worse, but then, I am simply preparing for the worst since 2020 so… no change for me.

This little video however is absolutely brilliant and exposes the DIEhard virtue signallers for what they truly are and have always been. And it is funny. Enjoy.

This post was originally published on my Substack. Link here

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