Just a few memes to make you think

Busy finishing off Overlords of Mars 3, and it looks like I will achieve my self-imposed deadline of having it out before Christmas, so save up, because it’s going to come out as an omnibus of the whole trilogy first.

As a result writing time is limited for the blog so I’m just going to post some interesting and/or funny memes. Enjoy.

4 Responses to “Just a few memes to make you think”

  1. John says:

    Dear Dr/Mr Filotto,
    I discovered your website about 2 weeks ago after following a link from Vox Day… and I love your blog, which I am checking every morning.
    I have already read quite a number of your previous posts (many more to go), and find myself in agreement with most (90-100%) of what you say. When I make more time, I will continue with this, as I enjoy your articulation of your viewpoint(s).
    I understand that you are now busy finishing the Trilogy before Christmas, so thank you VERY MUCH for the memes!! and I will pass on your website address to others.
    Warm regards to you and your family,
    PS Screw the NWO and the WEF!

    • G says:

      Thank you kind sir! Your support is much appreciated. And it is indeed a rare man who agrees with me on so much! Perhaps you too were dropped off on this planet at birth, to rob you of your just birthright as a Martian warlord?

  2. John says:

    A Martian?
    Perhaps, 🙂 it certainly feels that way after watching the world devolving, and the news for so long…
    But no, I am just one of those terrible Australian criminals you talk about, lol!

    • G says:

      Good god! They really dropped you in the ass end of this planet, you must have been a minor emperor in the Galactic order!

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