John Carter of Barsoom Post

John wrote a very kind post about our interaction, especially considering that he thinks I want to burn him at the stake, which is not precisely correct. Yet.

John tends to write long-form posts that are certainly interesting with some occasional gems in them to make you ponder things quite deeply. I have no complaints about his writing or posts in general, despite their obvious heresy in many instances and his clearly heretical/pagan/generic deism belief system (if I can even try to label it as such).

So from my perspective, and because I am Catholic, so am able to hold various perspectives in mind at once, unlike the Protestants who are basically on/off machines who only see things in 8-bit greyscale at best, the way I see it is this:

  • In an ideal Catholic world, I would permit John to continue spouting his heresy in the written format as long as his writings could in each instance be commented on by a decent Catholic who has a mind similar to my own or better and who is well studied in Catholicism in some depth. That is, his heresy would be permitted to be aired but not without an immediate counter to each missive he sent out. I simply do not have the time to do it, otherwise I might. This may sound “dictatorial” but his having to wait for Catholic commentary on his blasphemous heresies is certainly a far better solution that he would likely have got 500 years ago. I sort of see John as a potential Giordano Bruno. Maybe he has some good ideas and we should not discount everything he says de facto without analysis, and as long as he allows the analysis to happen, all well and good. IF on the other hand, he went full Giordano Bruno and kept producing his heretic writings without waiting for commentary on them (which should be relatively quick, in my ideal world there would be an office of the Inquisition dedicated to responding to these type of people) and insisting his ideas and heresies were right, well… there would be warnings and punishments, but in time, if he persisted, well… it would be himself applying the torch to the stack of wood under his feet ultimately.
  • Just because he is a heretic, lost soul, quasi/Pagan sort, is no reason in and of itself to burn anyone at the stake. That is reserved for certain capital crimes AND for insisting heretics trying to pervert the Church, its doctrine, or its dogmas. You can even continue to hold whatever Satanic nonsense you want in your head. But the minute you try and convince others that say, trans-kids is a thing that should exist, in my world, you get a couple of increasingly stiff warnings (the latter of which are definitely things you will feel with your nerve endings) and then, if there is no correction, it is indeed the stake and cleansing fire for you. I do not expect that there would be that many burnings at the stake in the city square after the first or second year of the Pax Catholic that I would bring to the world if I become planet emperor tomorrow.
  • Even a heretic might come up with some decent idea or concept or technology that is benign and useful. Furthermore, it is against Catholic dogma to force ANYONE to become Catholic. The choice must be freely made without pressure, coercion, force or blackmail of any kind. People are perfectly free to believe whatever nonsense they want, they are just not permitted to try and pervert others with it. Put it this way, assume you understand math and you know how it works. If some moron wants to believe 2 and 2 is purple, so what? Let the poor fool suffer the consequences of his foolishness. But the minute he tries to become a schoolteacher and tries to make his mental illness the norm, well, it’s off to the mental asylum with him. And if his “teachings” were actually threatening the salvation of souls, then he should cease and desist right away. Or else. In increasing levels of seriousness.

So I hope that clears up that little misunderstanding John. Don’t believe all the lies that the propaganda film Highlander said about me. Besides, beheading whiny, pathetic Frenchmen who treat fake Novus Ordo churches as if they were Catholic, is really a sort of public service!

I suggest you all subscribe to his substack, he certainly has interesting topics that he presents. Many of them wander off into rather rarefied aspects of what I would call intellectual theorising, but one should allow the mind to wander far and wide, as long as you have a solid anchoring to reel you back in. This is how exploration works after all.

2 Responses to “John Carter of Barsoom Post”

  1. Nara9174 says:

    “one should allow the mind to wander far and wide, as long as you have a solid anchoring to reel you back in.” Two thumbs up!

  2. […] Bisone asked me to review this post of his after I took my approach to John of Barsoom’s Pagan nonsensical writings about Jesus really being Julius Ceasar and the Gospels being weird “stories” mutated […]

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