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It’s almost all complete nonsense.

It is increasingly difficult to:

A) Care even remotely at all about pretty much ALL the news. Certainly anything related to politics and politicians, be it their agendas, the supposed actions or inactions of this or that party or politician or their voter’s idiotic belief that anything they do concerning their vote will in any way affect anything. And of course the other news, os even more inane. I retain a mild interest in the war by the (((deep state))) USA against Russia, and even milder interest in the slow-cooking one between the same (((neocon dual citizens))) and the Chinese takeover of Taiwan. Mostly I’m looking to the horizon and absent mushroom clouds I return to my olive trees and gasifier experiments.

B) Explain to normies why A.

The average person is simply light-years away from understanding that pretty much 90% at a MINIMUM of what they think matters in their day-to-day lives is completely irrelevant, meaningless and fake. The things that matter are really few and simple:

  • Can you feed your family and provide adequately for them.
  • Are you prepared as best you can be, so that in the case of drastic events you remain able to provide for them and protect them.
  • Have you got reliable people nearby that you can rely on to pull together with you in the case of said drastic events taking place.
  • Chemtrails. Can you find a way to stop them, who controls them and apply pressure to end them.
  • Food security. Related to all of the above but also to whatever inane laws or legislation might currently make your food sources less secure, safe and healthy. Eg. Cricket dust is not food and neither is American cheese that you can literally light on fire because it is essentially a plastic derivative.

The last two points on that short list are really the only ones for which one may want to get involved in politics. However, given the current completely corrupt state of Western governments (and it’s not much better anywhere else) achieving actual changes in those departments is probably likely to require armed revolution, so, probably not quite the kind of politics most are willing to sign up for.

There are other things on the list depending on your situation. If you’re young you may be wondering if having a family is even worth it.

Yes. Yes it is. And don’t wait. If I had advice to give my younger self it would be to make children when still in my twenties. Would it have been harder? Maybe back then, sure, you’re younger, more impatient maybe, you may feel hemmed in from your “dreams” but let me tell you, no dream compares to having children.

If you’re single you may be worrying about finding the right person. Don’t. It’s easier now in a way. All the idiots announced themselves.

If you’re a pureblood stick to purebloods and you’ve already filtered out the vast majority of unsuitable partners right off the bat.

If you’re now a mutant look for a mutant at your level (1 shot, 2 shot, more…) and that has comparable health to your own.

You may want to try and pick the perfect country to live in… but… no one knows where that is. Some idyllic paradise islands in the Pacific were turned into radioactive nightmares by the atomic bombs the Americans blew up on the most beautiful places on Earth. Africa was relatively free and lawless when I was a child and now it’s less free and in some ways more lawless and not in a good way. South America can be relatively free and lawless in a good way if you end up in the right spot, but no one knows where that is, and it can become a hellhole of criminality overnight. America is a police state run by Satanic gay pedophiles, but you might find a godforsaken hill somewhere in redneck country where you’ll be fine. Until they Ruby Ridge you. Rural Russia might be ideal, if you speak Russian and can get settled there, but the draft or war might kill you down the line. About the only thing you can be sure of is that the middle-east continues to suck; and always will.

So the point is change your perspective. Keep in mind what matters and what is just illusion and fluff. Have physical books. Find God. Pray and work and train and build and grow and learn and study and rest and contemplate the clouds.

Life is not what they tell you on the retard drool-box you have in your home.

If your heart isn’t pumping and you’re not laughing in the face of adversity, or cursing it as you fight against it, you’re not living, you’re just waiting to die.


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