Although I was briefly married to one, and we remain good friends to this day, in fact we celebrated our divorce with a bottle of champagne, I have always tended to steer away from Italian females.
Well, you know, aside the occasional, inevitable “tripping accident”. Mostly because they tend to whine, whinge, and complain as well as be interested in talking (a lot) about completely retarded minutiae of daily life. Or at least they were, some 15-20 years ago, things may have changed. Part of the reason I had married my first ex wife is precisely because she wasn’t really of this type.
Aside that however, Italian women fall into one of two categories with a lot more frequency that I think any other country on Earth I visited with the possible exception of Kazakhstan. They are either some hobgoblin of nature or stunningly beautiful. Even most women with an ordinary face tend to have good bodies, and with my wife, when we go to the beach, or the aquapark my eldest daughter wanted to visit, she comments as much or more than I do on the solidly perfect butts that are literally everywhere on model-like bodies.
The men are more of a mixed bag, but still a lot of six and even eight pac abdomens. Seeing obese beached whales in Italy is still a generally rare occurrence and when you do they are mostly foreigners.
Italy had banned GMO foods and although they are now trying to change this, there is a huge pushback by Giuseppe Normale (Joe Normal for you monolinguals). And our food is still for the most part actual food. Something you can’t find in America unless you have your own jet to import it from places like Italy.
So, the bureaucracy here is insane and chaotic (don’t ask. No seriously, don’t), the rules are partially arbitrary, and so on…
But… there are some serious butts here, where if I were a single guy with a job that allows you to earn independent of location, as many IT professionals do, it certainly would be a place I would consider on that alone. And if I could get an ancestry citizenship (I think if one of your grandparents was an Italian you can apply, but don’t quote me) that would also take care of any gun licenses you might want to get. Only citizens without a criminal record can own guns here.
And I think that the whiny aspect of Italian women may also have been a mostly localised issue relevant to the Piedmont region. It doesn’t seem to be an issue in other regions, though I would avoid Lombardy too.
Italian regions are like mini-countries and the culture can be quite different one from the other, with dialects being almost a different language in each.
So… my golf clap applause to Italian women.
OK, just flew into Milan this week and noticed the scenery; especially on the rail was exceptional.
I was blaming it on living in a city that is only 30% white.
I guess I will have to spend more time out confirming these observations.