Is the Kurganate a Democracy?

Short Answer: No.

Long Answer: Still no. I conceived of the idea of creating a Sedvacantist community in rural Italy mostly as a result of wanting to be close to people who were genuine Catholics and who had the same take we had on the whole scamdemic and the various powers that would love nothing better than to kill us off or enslave us ever more in the dystopian future they are trying to create for humanity.

As a result, if you wish to benefit from the communal approach to things we have here, the basic logical premise is as follows:

I have never wanted to be the “leader” of anything. Despite this, a few times in life such a position became the “de facto” situation because no one else was going to step up and do what needed doing. In such instances, since I essentially am being forced to be the “leader” by situations mostly outside of my control, and since no one else stepped up, my approach is borderline tyrannical/authoritarian. And that is pretty much the way I see it here too. nevertheless, it is important to understand a few things.

  • Your becoming part of the Kurganate is strictly voluntary. No one will force you to be a Catholic, or follow my “orders” or do anything you do not wish to do.
  • That said, if you do want to be a part of it, then Catholicism is not optional, particularly if you come from outside Italy, and secondly, if you wish to provide any land you acquire to help the community we are forming, and/or gain from the benefits of my own land use as well as the efforts of the others in it, then you will also accept that as and when the community grows and certain communal decisions will have to be taken, my decisions will ultimately be the one followed.

It has nothing to do with my ego, wanting to be the leader, or my sense of self-importance. I am pretty much like Russian Cosmonauts with regard to practicalities. Which means if a different person is better skilled than me at something, then I will happily put them in charge of that thing. I would not presume to teach a farmer how to farm or a mechanic how to fix a car, and so on. At the same time, I am pretty much not going to take advice from anyone concerning how to best prepare for the future, since I have been ahead in that game since I was a teenager. You may not agree with all my views and decisions and priorities, in fact, few will, and if that is a problem for you, then simply go do your own thing elsewhere. And by all means prove to everyone how you are producing better results. It’s a big world and I don’t need the friction.

Are there wealthier people with more land, more tools, and more of just about everything? Sure. I know of a guy that worked as a trader for more than 15 years, made millions, then dropped it all and bought a giant property, made it all work with off-grid power and was busy trying to look for another hundred hectares of woodland to do something else with. More power to him. And if you think you will be able to join his community and tell him how to do things, good luck to you. Now, if THAT guy said, you know what, I like your plan, this is how I think we can make it better, I’d listen. And the minute he ejects Sedevacantism from it I’d stop listening and thank him to be on his way. As a matter of fact, that guy and I clarified that point right away and he will certainly not be joining my community or I his. I respect him and wish him all the best, but whatever he is building or will try to build, has nothing to do with what I am doing.

The intent here is to eventually produce a literally city-state of hardcore Sedes who all have a bunch of children and who learn how to remove themselves from the controlling levers of state powered FIAT money, the state controlled power-grid and state controlled clean water and food production.

Does it mean we want to become like the Amish? No. Not at all. It simply means we will find ways to produce our own energy and clean water, and do without the FIAT money system and instead introduce an alternative system that will likely be based on Catholic principles and outright ban usury. Such a system will take time and will need to be something that can be protected, because every person or people who tried to get out of under that particular system of control was literally killed. And while Russia has currently managed to get out from under the worst part of it, and this given others some opportunity to learn to become independent of the people who run the USA and have since its “independence” it is far from where it needs to be in order for humanity to truly benefit.

I may not see the functional end result I hope for of a City State in my own lifetime, but I absolutely plan to put the wheels in motion for that to become a reality.

To return to the main point then, it is certainly not the intent to produce a cult of personality. I have avoided that multiple times in my life, from when I wrote The Face on Mars to the production of the next non-fiction book, on Systema. And I will avoid it here too, but the point is that it will be the way I decide to progress things that will be the guiding principle of how we get from here to a properly Catholic City State. And while I will obviously take on board thoughts and ideas from others, ultimately, the unchanging experience I have had in life is that nothing gets done by committee, while everything can get done when there is one absolute leader and one direction provided and everyone, happy about it or less so, nevertheless commits to implementing it.

Catholicism, like heaven, is founded on, and understands the importance of hierarchy, which has very little to do with the individual human value of a person from a Godly or spiritual perspective, but is required for many reasons, mostly Earthly ones, but spiritual ones too, and while I claim no special ability in matters spiritual, and while there are many with better practical skills too, it just so happens I have the combination that has brought me to the creation of this concept and the realities it involves, and as such, it makes logical sense, I continue to do so. If you wish to be a part of it, by all means, familiarise yourself with me first, and with the ideas I have and espouse, but ultimately, if you join, remember that it is not a democracy.

One thing I do state however, is that I would never ask anyone to place themselves into any level of risk, of whatever nature, that I either have not already experienced myself, or that I would not be willing to place myself in first.

All content of this web-site is copyrighted by G. Filotto 2009 to present day.
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