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Internal States

The details of this point could cover an entire volume, and I don’t mean with any woo woo, new age, crystals nonsense, but on the aspects related to neurology, physics and reality.

Be that as it may, the succinct point of it is that you should have by now realised the obvious:

The ENTIRETY of the mass media machine, irrespective of brand or who owns it or whether they are on “our” side or not, is fully geared to —-by design and by nature—- causing you to be in a constant state of anxiety.

Mild but constant panic mode. Rush mode. Do this by this time or else. Short breaths as if in fear, because you are. No time for yourself to read a book for fun, or play with your kids, or hear them say their thoughts, or teach them something, or learn what nonsense they are being told at school. And on, and on, and on, and on.

The only place where I saw relaxation being forced on you was Systema classes. And it is good. If you can learn to be calm internally when another guy is trying to hit you with a whip, or a stick, or a punch, or a training knife, it certainly develops you as a human being.

However, the low-level constant drip-drip of anxiety inducing information is far more subtle and insidious. You need to ward it off by a conscious act of rebellion.

They are gonna nuke my city!

Breathe deep. Relax. The bomb is not here now. Now I am here and I will breathe and watch the leaves on that tree for a few minutes as I let my mind rest.

Fuck! I don’t have money! I am not sure how I will buy groceries for my children this week!

Breathe. Sit down. Watch the river flow or the clouds move slowly. Or an ant in the grass. Let it all go. 5 or 10 minutes of calm and peace will not make things worse. Then, after, take a step, and another, find some work. Any work. After, find a way. And work it. The same way you fight a war. Calmly. Consciously. Control the chaos inside you. Hold the line. Everyone dies. No one gets out alive eventually, so walk. Stand. And walk on, towards what comes.

These attitudes that no one has taught you. These ways that used to be the mainstay of Catholic education for any man of faith, be he peasant or even more so warring knight or justiceering crusader or just curious explorer.

These ways, that the martyrs of the Catholic Church had above all men, walking calmly in joy to their death by lions at the circus in Rome, because they knew it would increase the spread of the gospels. Or tortured to death for becoming a Catholic there and then, like the Saint whose name I took at Baptism. Or walking on without food or water, their horses dying, to take Antioch under impossible conditions.

These ways are the ways of men.

These ways are the ways, of all kinds of men, from the noble savage to the eternally wrong atheist that doesn’t recognise his sense of honour as a divine spark, but especially, historically, overwhelmingly, they are the way of Catholic men. And as far as I can tell from all the Sedevacantists I have met, whether militant like me, or milder in nature, in either case, they do not lack the rhythm of an army marching without fear towards the places to be conquered.

Catholicism, despite being slandered, lied about and fooling millions by the Satanists currently usurping the Vatican, is a faith for adults.

And it is not a passive or defensive faith. There is a reason Catholicism is called the Church Militant. (No relation to the fake, gay, freemason filled “Church” of “ex” gay Gary Voris who also usurps the name).

Sedevacantist congregations continue to grow and they increase with young people, young couples who bear numerous children. Their places of worship are often overflowing and standing room only.

Oh but you’re few.

We don’t care. And watch. And wait.

Oh but you don’t have a Pope.

We don’t care. Eventually there will be one or it will be end times. Either one is fine with us.

Oh but you don’t have any valid priests or bishops.

Lie. We do. And will continue to do so.

Oh but what can you do, anyway.

Save our souls. And those of others we show the truth to and see. And obey God.

Oh but…

We don’t care. You can’t stop us. You can’t turn us. We will continue on and outbreed you, out reason you, and we have no need for fear or doubt, or even hope, because we know. We know.

You go ahead and complain, or criticise, or laugh, or persecute us, it makes no difference to us.

And above all, you know what we have inside?





And nothing of the clown world out there gets us down. All the depressed and depressing and hopeless people? We just see that as a target rich environment for our message, the gospels. Our faith. The truth.

We are not surrounded by despair, we are lighting fires of faith everywhere around us.

That is our inner state.

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