In the Shadow of Monte Bianco, is now available from the E-store in various digital formats.
And should be available soon on Amazon, if you prefer the paper version. The link they sent me should be working already but may take a couple of days to propagate fully.
This series is very easy to write, and apparently it translates well for readers because I have yet to receive any negative comments on it.
The blend of adventure, fantasy, handwavium SF, dark humour, sometimes gritty realism, and guns apparently resonates with the people who read the first book in the series.
Two of the readers for the first book, In the Shadow of Monte Castello, (Amazon paperback or Digital E-book) sent me the following reviews:
Addictive. The characters and plot are both entertaining yet believable. There is a very interesting mixture of gritty realism, humor, and stark horror here. I have never before encountered such a perfectly tuned blend of these elements.
Some of the dialogue and situations are laugh out loud funny, and other scenes would make it an instant classic as a film due to the humanity of the characters in it. Any GenXer who used pen and paper RPGs will also find some delightful references. I suspect Mr. Filotto had a lot of fun writing this. I can’t wait for the sequels.
One Dread Ilk reader told me that they thought this was a more immediate, brutal and realistic version of the Larry Correia Monster Hunter International type of books, which is very high praise for me, because I know Larry sells a lot of books, although I can’t comment on the accuracy of the compliment as I have not actually read any of his MHI books, just his fishing’s of various people that irritate him at his blog.
Besides, before I was banned from twitter the interactions I had with Larry were always good. I think he is a genuinely decent person.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these two novels and if you do I am toying with the idea of creating a module for an adventure in it using the QORG RPG I created. This would be a pre-set adventure (you would still need to have the RPG game to play it) with a few pre-generated characters but also the chance to create your own characters for the module, with a referee controlling the game. I doubt there is enough appeal for it, so it’s a doubtful proposition, nevertheless, I’d be happy to be surprised.
So please vote in this Poll.