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In other news…

The stupids continue to walk the Earth unabated

Tourist expresses regret for damaging Colosseum, admitting ‘he had no idea it was so ancient’

The incident was exposed last month when another tourist in Rome recorded a man etching “Ivan + Hayley 23/6/23” into a brick of the Colosseum. The video quickly spread, attracting widespread criticism for “Ivan,” whose identity was initially unknown. Despite being rebuked – with an expletive – by the person filming, Dimitrov continued.

The defaced brick was part of a wall constructed during a mid-19th century restoration of the monument, inaugurated in the first century AD. Nonetheless, the Colosseum authorities maintained that it did not excuse the vandalism.

Dimitrov was eventually identified by Italian military police officers who cross-checked the two lovers’ names with registered guests in Rome and found they had stayed in an Airbnb rental in the Cinecittà neighbourhood. Roberto Martina, the police commander who oversaw the operation, said they tracked Dimitrov to England, where he and his girlfriend reside. The girlfriend is not under investigation.

“It should be said that when foreign tourists come to Italy, from anywhere, not any particular nationality, there’s this idea that they’ve come to a country where everything is allowed, where they turn a blind eye, where it’s, ‘That’s how it goes,’” stated Alexandro Maria Tirelli, Dimitrov’s lawyer. However, his client may be caught up in the crackdown, facing between two and five years in prison and a fine up to 15,000 euros (about $24,470). 

Italian media were critical on Wednesday. Il Messaggero criticized the letter of apology as having “defaced common sense.” Dagospia, a well-known online outlet, indicated the letter might have exacerbated the situation (Did he think the Colosseum was a fast-food restaurant? it queried).

20 lashes in the public square along with the €15,000 fine and/or a few year of hard labour scrubbing walls clean with a toothbrush eight hours a day followed by four hours of classical education would see to it that the absolute disgusting practice of graffiti on ancient or beautiful buildings and monuments would disappear overnight.

It would be a much better nation if I became Emperor and head Inquisitor, I tell you. Neater and cleaner than Japan, safer and freer than Singapore, and the citizens richer than the Swiss.

And a culture of beauty, ethics, justice, and martial action in defence of them all.

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