Impostors and Frauds

UPDATE: I was totally wrong. Full retrction posted. NC Renegade is NOT a plagiarist. I had NOT clicked on the continue reading part, which linked directly to my blog. So, I apologise fully. I make mistakes too. You may record this in your diaries!

Just so you know NC Renegade is a fake site with zero original content who steals posts from people like me and pretends it was written by a non-existent Roth Harbard.

I know most will not cate at all, but plagiarism as blatant as this has always pissed me off. Ever since some Indian kid a few years younger than me copied my essay for the yearbook that I graduated on, verbatim, because it had won first prize and passed it off as his own, winning that year’s prize too because teachers had changed and a few years down the line no one knew.

It is the act of a subhuman gutter rat that has no actual human imagination at all. Worse than beasts of the field, because they steal, shit in the street and spread disease.

And no, it is not about the “fame” or “glory”, though sure, it can irk a little when Graham Hancock plagiarises some parts of The Face on Mars and still gets it wrong but makes a crap load of money from it.

But the main reason I am saying exactly what I think about plagiarists here is simply because innocuous though their crime may seem, it is, in fact, a very good measure of the overall intellect and integrity of a person.

The most prominent sensation plagiarists elicit in me is a complete and total dismissal of them as even remotely worthwhile creatures. They instantly pass from potential human to merely a faint, bad smell —like a stale and partially dissipated small fart in a vast space— forever.

And so far not a single one of them has ever crossed that barrier in the other direction. They are, eternally, mere ghost-farts in human form.

8 Responses to “Impostors and Frauds”

  1. Charles Turbyfill says:

    It is the laziness and envy of the worthy that drives these nothings. I started out with no gifts but my intellect and drive. With work I became famous in several rather obscure sciences. Be honest, take the effort, and, in time, glory may shine on thee.
    Steal from your betters and you are ever nothing but a thief.

    • G says:

      It appears I was mistaken. The attribution could have been a little better posted, but nevertheless, he is not a plagiarist.

  2. Tigg says:

    NC Renegade links to a lot of posts from other authors. The persons name at the top is not necessarily the author of the post. They usually provide an excerpt from the post and provide a link to the website. The link they provided brought me here.

  3. I am missing your point. Bob (Roth) posted an excerpt from one of your posts and linked it to your site. I thought that would be helping get traffic to your site. Why do you consider it plagiarism?

    I would like for you to clarify what a fake site on the Internet is. I do not make any money from the site or solicit donations for the past 14 years. Anyone can look at the archives and see original content by many different authors.

    I will make sure that no author will ever repost one of your articles in the future based on your post. Let me know if you want me to take down Bob’s post directing traffic. to your site.

  4. Doctor Samizdat says:

    I know NCR personally and have never known him to post without appropriate attribution. Now, I don’t read every single one of his posts but I do know him to be an honorable fellow who makes little to nothing from his blog. He just cares about the country. I enjoy your posts as well and am sorry you feel this way. I hope it all works out for the best.

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