So the IMBC location where Don Ricossa of the Istituto Mater Boni Consili offers Holy Mass, needs a bunch of repairs, including the entire roof and a damp problem they had for a number of years.
They are receiving quite a lot of help from actual Catholics that have relevant skills. In Italy any construction issue needs an approved project design by a registered professional, which needs to be accepted by the council, etc. and these have costs, which thanks to a gentleman that has the relevant professional registration who attends Mass there have been avoided, however the oratory still needs about €13,000.00
Even if you do not live in Italy, as these are some of the last actual Catholics left, and they travel extensively theoughout Europe and even internationally to ensure the Mass and sacraments can be delivered to as many people as possible, if you can spare anything at all, please help.
In order to avoid gofund me type fees, you can deposit any amount directly into their account for this:
Banca Popolare di Milano
Associazione Mater Boni Consilii
IBAN ; IT09I0503444440000000009930
Thank you to any of you that can help at all.
I will personally offer my prayers to all who donate.
Donation sent!
They do also have a PayPal button on their site if IBANs are not acceptable to non-SEPA banks, but, yeah, typical fees apply.
Thank You!
If someone has a non-SEPA bank and still wants to make a wire, you may be required to enter the account holder’s address. I used this address – Località Carbignano, 36, 10020 Verrua Savoia TO, Italy.
Thank you.