Hypnosis Show

Having a great big party and want to make all your friends join your personal cult, remove all their clothing and dance naked? You are in luck! The Amazing Doctor Zarkov is here to help!

General Requirements: Make an appointment by contacting me and informing me of how many guests you are expecting, the venue and what kind of show duration you would have available. Please also read the section entitled Hire Me paying attention to the part referring to hiring me for Entertainment purposes, towards the bottom of the page.

Description: Generally a group hypnotic show requires certain fundamental points:

  • A captive audience of large enough size — Essentially, the bigger the better. For practical purposes a hypnosis show works best with a minimum of at least 20 to 30 people and there really isn’t an upper limit. Something like 150 to 500 people begins to be a good size for a better quality show, as the number of people is relevant for the type of show that will be done, it is quite important to have at least a good overall idea of numbers.
  • The audience needs to be free of other distractions — It’s no good trying to do a hypnosis show next to a live band or other distracting goings on.
  • The audience needs to be willing and able to participate — Sadly, due to philistines, incompetents and charlatans of various persuasions, many of them employed in the spreading of superstitious nonsense professionally (can you guess if I am talking about stage hypnotists or religious fanatics? Hard to say isn’t it?) not everyone necessarily wants to take part in a hypnosis show, and some do not even want to be present for it even if not taking part. Your venue should allow for such persons to have an alternative place for them to go to for the duration of the show so that their particular (and fragile) belief systems are not impacted on, nor inflicted upon the rest of the willing group. Similarly, if your guests are impaired as a result of drinking or the consumption of even less salubrious substances, then I would rather not proceed. A drink which has not yet made one even tipsy is not going to be a problem, on the other hand, if you have reached the point where you think you know best and/or are being obnoxious or thinking you are invisible then hypnosis shows are not for you at such times. As a result if you are having a party it is generally best to have the show directly after dinner or in the earlier to middle part of the evening rather than middle to end part of it.
  • At least 5 days notice after all relevant information has been provided is required to set up a hypnosis show.

Cost: £1,000 per show if for a private, non-commercial situation. For commercial enterprises usually my fee would be a percentage of the sale of the tickets, but in no case less than the cost of a private performance fee, (£1,000). In either case this fee (whether in full for a private non-commercial situation or as an initial deposit for a commercial situation) is non refundable and paid in advance and covers only my fee. Additional cost for travel to the location, accommodation, setting up of a stage, lighting etc. will be for your account. Depending on the venue etc. this can have a wide range of costs, from almost zero if you have suitable included equipment or facilities at the venue in question, to considerably more than my fees for larger, more professional set-ups. Filming of the show is not included in the costs and details of such a variant would have to be clarified (would it be filmed for commercial purposes or not for example).

Time: Usually about 1 hour to 2 hours, some element of improvisation may vary this considerably in order to make for a better show, though generally some minimum-maximum parameters can be kept to depending on your requirements for this.

For a Testimonial on this type of service click Here

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