It was brought to my attention that the Hire Me Page for the various types of Hypnosis I do had a broken link, so that’s now fixed. I wasn’t aware it was broken because most people just emailed me with requests directly and we took it from there.
And that works fine too, but the Hypnotic Services link on the right does help to answer pretty much all questions you may have.
Since I have also now been doing Hypnosis via Skype for over two years, I have put my prices back up to 75% of where they where when I used to do it face-to-face (over 3 years ago, and really I still have prices from 2014 or so).
I have not seen any appreciable difference in doing the sessions with Skype instead of live, and since most people resolve their issues permanently with a session or two, and in the last 3 years none went over 6 sessions (over a period of months) and that was for an issue that I can honestly say most humans would never even tackle, never mind resolve, it means I should probably eventually put my prices back up to the same level as face-to-face costs.
For the present though, They are still mostly under £100 an hour.
So, if you are curious, go take a look at the relevant sections, and enjoy even reading about some of the Experiments I did.
I’m interested in this. I may need a few weeks to get funds.