How You Know You’re Over the Target

When the FBI, protectors of Chinese deals, and heroin addicted pedophiles within the Biden crime family, says you’re a “threat” you know that you’re upsetting the Prince of Lies and his minions.

The FBI believes ‘white supremacy’ found in the home of Catholics who prefer Latin Mass, according to an internal memo:

The FBI’s Richmond Division would like to protect Virginians from the threat of “white supremacy,” which it believes has found a home within Catholics who prefer the Latin Mass. An intelligence analyst within the Richmond Field Office of the FBI released in a new finished intelligence product dated January 23, 2023, on Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVE) and their interests in “Radical-Traditionalist Catholics” or RTCs. The document assesses with “high confidence” the FBI can mitigate the threat of Radical-Traditionalist Catholics by recruiting sources within the Catholic Church.

The acronym, new to many in the Domestic Counterterrorism field, comes with a footnote by the writer explaining RTCs are “typically characterized by the rejection of the Second Vatican Council.” The writer makes an unsubstantiated leap that a preference for the Catholic Mass in Latin instead of the vernacular and a number of more traditional views on other world religions can amount to an “adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.” This writer draws the important distinction between “traditional Catholics,” who simply prefer the Traditional Latin Mass and pre-Vatican II teachings, and RTCs, who espouse “more extremist ideological beliefs and violent rhetoric.”

A discerning reader may wonder why the writer believes such divisions exist and if there is evidence of the extremist and violent rhetoric within the Catholic church. The analyst’s note doesn’t provide specifics. 

Well. What do you know, I guess the armed persecution of actual Catholics is not far off.

Notice that the real hatred is aimed primarily at Sedevacantists, that is, those who reject the demonic heresies of Vatican II.

Now, are any of you non-believers in the One, True, Holy and Apostolic Catholic Church starting to see a pattern yet? Churchianity is everywhere… except in Sedevacantist Churches.

I like how they make the accusation of “white supremacy” repeatedly, when at all the masses I have been to there are Catholics of every shade.

No Sedevacantist I have met cares about skin colour, nationality, or ethnicity. They ALL care about Catholic faith and beliefs and whether the people they go to Church with are on the same page as they are on those things. Even then, any debate is very logical, civilised, and actually a pleasure to have.

As Catholics, of course, we respect not only the individual, but also the various cultures around the world, and because reason and logic are a thing, we also believe in the old adage that good fences make good neighbours. Let the Latvians be Latvians in Latvia, the Nigerians in Nigeria, the Germans in Germany, the Americans, please God, especially the Americans, be Americans in America, and the Jews, every one of them, be a Jew in Israel. Let each nation look after its own people and leave everyone else alone if they want to be left alone. The Mass is the Mass and is the same no matter in which nation it is done. Always in Latin, and in the correct form, not the abomination of the Novus Orco heresies.

Sedevacantists are absolutely not “supremacists” of any kind other than religiously: we absolutely know that Catholicism is the one, true, holy religion, and all the rest are errors. But we certainly don’t force our beliefs on anyone. In fact it is against Catholic dogma to try and force a conversion. And if one is converted that way, the conversion is deemed null and void; invalid.

At most Sedevacantist are nationalists, and there is nothing wrong with that. We think the diversity of people and nations and ethnicities and cultures should be preserved. And the best way to do that is to have strong nations with strong borders. If you believe otherwise you must be some obviously evil globalist hellbent on wiping out diversity all over the world. A disgusting attitude to have.

Nor am I aware of groups of armed Catholics roaming the land to take back the Vatican and defend enclaves of the faithful from the depredations of homoglobo world. Perhaps I’m just not hanging out at the right Churches?

Anyway, you don’t see this kind of demonisation of the Eastern “Orthodox”, or any of the 40,000 denominations of Churchianity known as Protestantism. Or even, of the big pedophile tent, and Satanic refuge for all manner of perverts that is the Novus Ordo “Church”, which wears the dead skin of Catholicism to fool the ignorant and the lazy.

Nope. The singling out is reserved for the “dangerous” fanatics that believe in objective reality, truth, justice, beauty and the Grace of God. And who have all their rules written sown for anyone to read.

But I get it. After all, we gather in Churches to pray together and take the host during communion, in reverence, kneeling, and professing Jesus is our Lord and the King of Kings.

No wonder the demons tremble at our absolute absence of fear and unshakeable faith. And so they should. Because we are without fear and without hope. We fear nothing because we belong to God, and as such, are not given to the Enemy (a spirit of fear). And hope is not necessary when you are with God.

Nec spe, nec metu.

And always:

Deus Vult.

6 Responses to “How You Know You’re Over the Target”

  1. ManHugeO says:

    Rumor is that Bergoglio will go nuclear on the Tridentine Mass this spring. Will be interesting to see the fallout. Should be the great unveiling of all the “catholic” gatekeepers and hopefully wake millions to the evil and heresy that exists in the Vatican and personified in “Pope” Francis.

    If millions of Catholics wake up, then stand up and fight for the True faith, then it could be possible for a great Catholic restoration in a few generations.

    As for the coming persecution of “radical” Catholics here in the US, martyrdom is the most expedient way this sinner can get to heaven. There is no place left to hide, so time to turn the other cheek and stand your ground when they come.

    • G says:

      He’s already banned it. Not that it matters, because the Tridentine “Mass” done by Satanists is not valid. And when they link the name of the head Satanist to it it is also blasphemy of mortal nature.
      As for turning the other cheek… well, they can kiss my ass on both sides.

  2. Trotsky's Pick Axe says:

    Bolsheviks always go after religion and anything that dilutes loyalty to their god the state.

  3. […] The FBI has recently admitted they consider Sedvacantists “White Supremacists” which is, of course utterly nonsensical, but since when has the truth ever got in the way of the alphabet Soup present in America (and with its tentacles very far up the backside of the entire West)? […]

  4. […] The FBI has recently admitted they consider Sedvacantists “White Supremacists” which is, of course utterly nonsensical, but since when has the truth ever got in the way of the alphabet Soup present in America (and with its tentacles very far up the backside of the entire West)? […]

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